Sunday, August 27, 2017



If you sign your name to something, what does it leave behind? Your signature of course! We saw God’s signature this past week, but few even know it.

Across the United States people traveled hundreds of miles to great viewing locations where the 70-mile wide path of the solar eclipse would make its swathe clear across America, from one end to the other. The solar event affected almost every state in the Union.

Twelve states received the shadow of almost near-total darkness. Indeed.

America has a serious condition. That condition is lack of awareness about what is happening in our culture and in the world at large. We are “IN THE DARK”.

I can’t live carefree and happily as I did when a child, being taught to look forward to the Return of Jesus Christ. So many pictures filled my mind with joy when I thought about Him coming on the clouds, arms stretched wide, with the sunlight of His glory streaming all around Him.

At that age I had no clue about the enormity and intensity of the events that have to occur before the Lord’s One and Only Return.

But even reading my Bible as a young girl I noticed that events described in church with regard to Christ’s Return did not always line up with the Biblical account. Absorbing the prophecies with a child’s mind I was able to pare away the man-made determinations from the pure truth of what the Bible said.

Do you believe in signs? You should! All the prophesied events appearing around us bear the SIGNature of God. The enormous number of earthquakes and volcanoes, often simultaneously exploding around the planet give huge evidence of massive Earth changes.

Romans   8:22  says, “All creation groans” in anticipation of His coming. He is the Creator and King of the Universe. Would it not make sense that His nearing arrival -  this shift of energies - influence the heavenly and earthly bodies? If one considers the inherent power accompanying the One who created everything from nothing, and thinks that power doesn’t somehow precede or surround Him or influence anything He touches – then they are very wrong.

Creation longs for its original pristine state…the one in which God looked happily upon His work, thinking that it was very good. Man has come a long way in defiling this planet, not just its ecology and environment, but spiritually as well. This planet’s ground has been soaked by the remnants of wars, greed and lust.

Many say the “signs” are speeding up. It certainly seems that way. Everything seems to be happening faster and faster as though it is building to a crescendo.

 Earth is suffering what the Lord says are “Birth pangs”, just as a woman in labor suffers increasing pain and tremors, knowing something is about to be birthed. She hopes that as the quickening occurs, it will soon be over, and she will be able to see the magnificent result of the suffering she endured.

Jesus Himself spoke about the signs of His Return in Matthew 24 and Mark 21. I won’t go over them all, but He mentioned earthquakes which have always captured my interest.

The increase in the number, frequency and intensity of these events has become profound. As a child I remember remarking when our TV announced an earthquake in some far off part of the world. It didn’t happen very often.

Granted, our scientific community didn’t always have the seismic measuring instruments then that we do now. We also didn’t have the instantaneous methods of communication which we do now with the Internet. However, I was careful to watch for these events as a child, being interested in science, and also knowing the prophecies. So inwardly I watched as over the years the number of earthquakes has increased such an amount as to note radical changes in tectonic plate movement.

Dutch Sinse has an amazing earthquake watch site, where he shows in three dimensions the number, location and depth of all earthquakes around the globe on a daily basis. Based on years of watching the patterns, he can often predict these events and where they will occur, based on his knowledge of the tectonic plates, and how pressure under them reacts.

Checking his site on August 18th, three days before the eclipse, I heard him say that those next three days would be rife with large earthquake activity. The quakes would include a swarm of long dormant volcanic action, along with Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Rainier showing pressure from the West coast, along the California coast, as well as some quakes on the New Madrid fault line.

The New Madrid fault line over Middle America is not mentioned as often as the Cascadia region which starts around Oregon and precedes down along California, nor the San Andreas line which follows the Cali coast. But the New Madrid fault zone may play a greater role in America’s future than we can possible know at this moment.

 This large, solar eclipse we witnessed on Monday, was the first of two complete solar eclipses which will occur within seven years of each other. Seven years from now, on April 8, 2024, there will be another total solar eclipse, again reaching across the entire U.S. but this time, it will make a path that resembles an X mark over America. X marks a spot right over the New Madrid Fault zone, right where the southern tip of Illinois meets Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, Missouri and Indiana.

This is where the Missouri and Ohio rivers join. If a huge earthquake would happen to occur there, it could easily divide America into three sections, causing enormous flood devastation. That possible event could even shape our coastlines far differently than we see them now.

This last eclipse, which was the first in ninety-nine years to cover the United States, happened on the Jewish holiday, the 1st of Elul, which is 40 days from Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.

(The 1918 solar eclipse was followed by a “huge flu pandemic that killed 50-100 million people worldwide”, according to Steve Ciccolanti.)

The first day of Elul ends the Jewish year of 5777, the year of “completion”.

Jewish historians always associated lunar eclipses with God’s judgements toward Israel. But they have always associated solar eclipses with God’s judgement upon other nations. The fact that the eclipse occurred on a Jewish holiday, and involved the entire United States, points to the idea that God was saying something to America, in particular.

Mark Biltz, on his Youtube video “The Coming Signs And The 40 Days” says he feels this forty day time period is of extreme importance. He mentions that “WW I started with a solar eclipse over both Eastern Europe and the Ottoman Empire.”

          Mark Biltz – Blood Moons and Past Recent Eclipses

He also states that when the U.S. lost their greatest war casualties was after a solar eclipse crossed the U.S. in roughly the same path as last Monday’s event.

There is also a verse in scripture where Jesus says,
A wicked and adulterous generation seeks a sign but no sign will be given to it but the sign of the prophet Jonah”. (Matthew 16:4).

Long ago I always equated that verse with Jesus being in the earth three days before the Resurrection, just as Jonah was in the whale’s gullet for three days. However, during the research I did for this article, one of the websites I visited mentioned that it was 40 days from the time Jonah announced to Nineveh until the time that the city turned around and repented to God for their wickedness. Basically they had 40 days to decide.

        ASSYRIAN ECLIPSE OF BUR SAGALE        Jonah 1-4


History also records a solar eclipse accompanied Jonah’s dire announcement  across Nineveh, (now called Mosul), on June 15th, 763 BC. Called the Bur-Sagale eclipse, Steve Ciccolanti describes it as one of the most famous events of ancient history.

                 Steve Ciccolanti with brief Intro

                              IS THE USA IN THE BIBLE? - STEVE CICCOLANTI

So from the date of the solar eclipse (1st of Elul), until Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement, when the Hebrew people historically acknowledge their sins and repent, is a period of forty days.



Michael Snyder on his Economic Collapse blog says, “A day of reckoning coming for America is fast approaching, and those that are wise will recognize the SIGNS OF THE TIMES.”    

Funny how this solar eclipse brings us to September 23rd and another critical, monumental sign in the heavenlies, one that only happens about every 2,000 years. And this time will be the first time in human history that this constellational alignment will occur exactly as described.

In Revelation chapter 12 it states:

And there appeared a great wonder in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars”.

The verses go on to describe the woman giving birth to a “manchild”, who is caught up to heaven, and the woman being chased by a dragon into the desert, but a hole opening up in the desert, swallows and protects her.

Traditionally, Bible scholars had taken this symbolism to mean Mary the mother of Jesus, giving birth to Him, who was caught up into heaven at the ascension. But the rest of the verses remain a mystery.

However, in intervening years, astronomers and sky-sign watchers have discovered that an almost identical constellation alignment occurred immediately before the birth of Christ.

Some also speculate that this peculiar astral alignment gave the “Star of Bethlehem” its brilliance. It could be what the shepherds saw and also what the “wise men” from the East followed.

Immediately before the birth of Christ, the constellation of Virgo, “the virgin” was right below the star pattern of “Leo”, the Lion. The planetary body Jupiter moved into alignment into the constellation’s so-called “womb”, and stayed there, over the same period of time equivalent to a human gestational period.
         Biblical Mysteries (The Star of Bethlehem)

This is happening again on September 23, 2017, with a small difference.

According to rumors activated in 2014 that the eclipse between the blood moon tetrad of 2014/2015 would kick off the start of the Great Tribulation. According to that author, the 1st eclipse occurred 1,260 days before Sept. 23, 2017. (1,260 days in the books of Revelation and Daniel refer to the 3 ½ year equivalent of half of the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble”, or “Tribulation”…the latter half being the worst time to endure.)

Some scholars surmised that perhaps Sept. 23rd, 2017 was the halfway point suggesting it would fully occur from April 2014 to April 2021. But according to “” that wouldn’t line up correctly with the Jewish feast days.

The seventh trumpet, (considered the very end of the Tribulation) occurs right before Revelation chapter 12.

In addition to the woman clothed with stars symbolizing Mary, who birthed Messiah in Bethlehem, the female figure can also be interpreted as Israel. The twelve stars could portray Israel’s tribes. The child still represents Messiah Yeshua, born of the tribe of Judah, from Jesse (the Root), and  of the House of David.

As mentioned previously, the astral line-up which occurred in approximately 3 B.C. is slightly different than the astral alignment of Sept. 23rd, 2017.

Only 9/23/17 narrows the alignment to the fall equinox. Only in 2017 will the moon “under her feet”  occur a few days after a new moon.

Leo, around her head, comprises nine main “stars”, but on only this occurrence do Mercury, Mars and Venus provide the 10th, 11th and 12th reflective bodies to make up “12 stars”.

The most unique part of all is Jupiter. Although it lines up within the framework of Virgo every dozen years, in 2017 Jupiter enters “the virgin’s” womb. A woman’s travail and pain of childbirth are equated with “tribulation”. Will Jupiter leave Virgo just as the “Tribulation” begins?

The reasons above explain why only in Sept. 2017 do all the pieces fit.

The author of “” also suggests that Jupiter will be in the sign of Taurus on the 9th day of AV, 2024 (also a year of solar eclipse across the U.S.).

In Hebrew, Taurus equates to “Coming Judge”.

We must recall Matthew 24:

Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And there shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven, and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.”

“SIGNS” mean portents, warnings or foreshadowing of things to come.

Those who said in the past, “Oh people have talked about Jesus coming back for hundreds of years”, did not live in a time period when a synchronicity of signs occurred, as is happening now. The Bible warns those who foolishly mock.

Israel became an official nation again in 1948, fulfilling Bible prophecy. As the Jewish people have been drawn there in modern times again, from many other nations, Bible prophecy is fulfilled.

Isaiah 66:8 reads,

Who hath heard such a thing? Who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.”

When questioned by His disciples how they would recognize the timing of these events He responded, after a long passage of certain signs to watch for…Mark 13:28 and 30:

“Now learn a parable of the fig tree; when her branch is yet tender and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near.”

“Verily, I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.”

Many Bible scholars believe verses 28 and 30 go hand in hand, marking the rebirth of the nation of Israel. They also believe that the generation of those who live to see these events would not die before the Return of Messiah.

A biblical generation is seventy years. Israel became a nation again in 1948. Add 70 years and it brings us up to 2018. I am not setting dates. Just telling you what I have learned over the years. You can draw your own conclusions.

I can’t placate myself with mind-soothing imagery of being whisked out of "Oz" like the proverbial “Dorothy”, as a large majority of the Christian church does.

The proffered scriptural basis for the rapture theory is extremely flimsy. An entire dogma has sprung up on the basis of a only a handful of verses cobbled together and rationalized.

But that's so easily imagined by the soft, spoiled, American-pasteurized Christian, expecting fast food, fast fixes, comfort, ease, and luxury that neither the rest of the world nor millions of martyrs of the past could have ever conceived.

Neither Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Corrie Ten Boom, Nora Lam, nor millions of God's Chosen People of the Holocaust, would have considered themselves so "special", so privileged, that they could escape the ravages of the hurricanes of history that devoured them, and their loved ones in spite of fervent faith.

Yes, they hoped to live. But like the long list of heroes of faith mentioned in Hebrews 11:33-35, we must ponder the possibility that we too may be called to give our all for our faith in God...

"Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of aliens. Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection..."






Believing that one will be magically carried away before the horrors begin is escape-fantasy promoting apathy. It provides an excuse for not focusing on Christ’s soon Return or the actual events preceding it.

It allows people to put off repentance, allows them to hang onto their greed, self-focus, and put off living a life pleasing to Our Messiah, except for Sabbath Day, and even then maybe living the "saintly life" only for an hour or two.

I truly believe we are living in the final generation before the Return of Jesus/Yeshua.

The thought of going through all the huge events expected to occur does not thrill me. 

However, having an idea of what may come, allows me to strengthen myself psychologically, and increases my faith because it stirs me to greater depths of getting to know the Lord and His Word.

The thought doesn’t frighten me either. Always the curious sort, and an observer of history, I hope to be documenting all the details. Knowing that my Rock, the Lord, is protecting me, chases away fear.

What does make me happy is the thought of seeing my Messiah face-to-face, receiving a brand new body (which doesn’t grow old, fat, or get sick). And seeing the wheezing Earth cleansed and refreshed, (hadash) with even more gorgeous vistas, but with pure air and water to take in, as we soak in the Light of His Glorious Presence, where He rules from The New Jerusalem during His New Millennial reign on Earth. The New Golden Age of Earth.

That - and HE is the Light to hope for at the end of the dark tunnel of Tribulation.

                         "JerusalemDescending" Joel Chernoff -                                                                                                                    
                         Fair Use - Instructional Purposes Only

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