Monday, December 19, 2016


Noisy apartment neighbors woke me up at 4:30 a.m. this morning. I lay in bed praying for about an hour.

I asked the Lord as many times before, about His Nature, the Being that He is, and his relationship to the physical vs spiritual universe, or universe(s), as the case may be.

I was asking about things like what would happen to the human spirit during the process of "teleportation" if man were to utilize the "Beam me up Scotty" technology. Would every nanoparticle of the physical body have to be disintegrated then reformulated? If so, what would happen to the spirit part of the person? Would it momentarily be held in a brief suspension? Or would it leave the body, since Paul said

"Absent from the body, present with the Lord?" 

I continually ask the Lord about the possibilities of mankind traveling through time. How would that affect the course of the human race and our history?

You know - there is that paradox that when astronomers look at the night stars through various instruments, scientists are actually looking at a picture of how the universe WAS, billions of years ago, since it takes so long for astral light to reach Earth.

Following that same line of reasoning, if a faster-than-light space traveler launched out from Earth, into the depths of space, would that traveler be merely be flying away into the past, as Einstein speculates? For if his twin were to return to Earth, thousands of years could have passed.

As some thinkers have theorized:

A. Would mankind who traversed time, have changed into shrunken, gray, asexual creatures , with no mouth who communicate through telepathy?

B. Or are aliens VISITORS from other planets, of whom there are accounts of having been captured and studied by governments? (The Vatican certainly stands ready to welcome an Alien Messiah.)

      The head of RAND Corporation's own father, Ben Rich, designer of the F-17 Stealth fighter, who had headed up Lockheed's "Skunkworks" black ops projects which held captured aliens, their otherworldly technology, and even interviewed them, is said to have given a deathbed confession about his involvement.

And how would his son, Michael Rich, have attained such a lofty position as head of Rand Corporation, had it not been for his father's connections in the intelligence/black ops community?


                     C. Tom Horn, Cris Putnam, Steve Quayle, and other men of God currently prominent on the internet, vow that these aliens could only be demonic beings, returned after thousands of years. They are called "Nephilim" whose records litter history and archaeology around the globe.

    "The apocryphal books of Enoch, II Esdras, Genesis Apocryphon, and Jasher support the Genesis story, adding that the sin of the angels grew to include genetic modification of animals as well as humans." says Tom Horn.
Even secular UFO researchers like the late Jacques Valee' firmly agree that aliens are spiritual entities rather than alien beings who developed in other planetary system environments.

While laying sleepless in my bed, I also asked the Lord God Almighty about his tripartite nature: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

And whether the universe is holographic as many scientists and also some "men of the cloth" now consider a possibility.

IF THAT WERE SO, WOULDN'T THAT ACCOUNT FOR THE LIGHT OF THE STARS BEING PROJECTED AS THEY WERE FROM A DISTANT PAST, AS OPPOSED TO CURRENT TIME? Granted, quantum mechanics and the cosmology of the universe, as it revolves, lend themselves to physical laws we can see in operation. But knowing God, Creator of the Universe, supersedes all, leads me to speculate.

   "For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible. Whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers:  all things were created by Him, and for Him." Col. 1:16 KJV 

So I finally got up out of bed and went to out to the living room in route to the kitchen, to get a cup of tea. THE LITTLE TEA LIGHT CANDLE UNDERNEATH AN ANGEL CANDLESTICK, SITTING ON A GOLDEN MIRROR'S SHELF, WAS LIT AGAIN, BUT NOT BY MY DOING!

The battery operated candle comes on periodically every few weeks, during the night while I am sleeping alone. It is one of those little switch on/switch off lights which have to be literally turned on by hand in order to operate.  Is not even easy, but rather difficult to switch on.

I pondered this previously, trying to view it from a scientific point of view. Although perhaps one train passes on near-by railroad tracks during the night, the duration of vibration from the train does not seem sufficient to produce a moving of the switch on its own. My door is locked. No one else is present. I do not sleepwalk. I would not even be able to see in the darkened living room enough to locate the position of the wall shelf and battery operated tea candle, even if I had sleep-walked.

But I finally got it! Plain as the nose on my face! Why did it take me so long? A lit candle in the dark is the logo for Light Point Ministries. The Lord is telling me: It is time for Light Point Ministries to take off! He will open the Doors. An angel simply lit the candle to tell me so.
This is about the fourth time, in as many months that the event has occurred.

I am not frightened by it, though. Strangely enough I am comforted, having finally uncovered the reason why the candle comes on about once a month in the middle of the night! The Lord has been giving me a is time for me to "Rise and Shine..."  Isaiah 60:1

   "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee".
That is what the Holy Spirit always says to me when He is getting ready to launch me into a new phase of ministry! He simply had to send the angel four times to light the candle before I awoke!

So what is happening at my secular job during the week right now is a process the Lord is taking me through to possibly launch me into full-time ministry. After all, people in ten different countries are reading this blog. That is international!

A prophecy was given to me in 1987 at a Full Gospel Businessman's lunch meeting that a world-wide ministry would arise in my life. That many people would be drawn to a light???

You know. I am asking the BIG QUESTIONS, not many other Christians dare to ask.

Like - how does God interact with our universe?

Is Edwin Abbott's 1884 two-dimensional depiction of how stick people react when a three dimensional entity pokes its finger into their Flatland universe, akin to Christ's theophanies, appearances and projections into our time-space continuum?

Because it is only a week until Christmas, my thoughts are particularly focused on Mary this year.


How was that divine seed planted into her uterus? The way God introduced His DNA and connected it to her human ovum is just amazing.

I've looked up the science behind virgin births in nature. There are certain creatures that can reproduce asexually. Some frogs, bees, wasps, and now even sharks have virgin births! It is called parthenogenesis.

But it is so ironic that it is the one singular event of Almighty God uniting His genetics with humankind.  If Tom Horn and Steve Quayle are correct, alien entities or demonic beings have been attempting to imitate this feat for centuries.

Yet I can't help but wonder about Mary's state of mind. How God's Spirit must have enveloped and overshadowed her. If angels and God can influence physical objects in this realm, which we have a historical, Biblical record of happening on numerous occasions, then surely Yaweh could plant His seed into Mary's womb to unite with her egg cell.

The song "Breath of Heaven" refuses to leave my mind. I see the appearance of the angel to Mary. Her belief and acceptance, even thrill - to understand she will be the mother of Israel's Messiah. And then, the Ruach Ha Kodesh's presence surrounds and encases her as a dense fog as His Kodesh overwhelms Mary's entire being - body, soul and spirit...enraptured in His Love, like an ecstasy.




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