Joy to the world...peace and goodwill toward men. Yes. That is what God meant to accomplish ultimately when He sent the Incarnation of Himself to a fallen world.
But can you honestly say all is well in your household? Be real now. No false masks, no matter how well-meaning. Surely you are not all "Stepford wives" with "Stepford children"? Some of you might be too young to remember the movie...but some of us do.
"STEPFORD WIVES" Nicole Kidman/Bette Midler
Christmas fifty years ago used to be a hectic time. The hustle and bustle was at least semi-enjoyable, because life moved at a much slower pace. Frenzied people now inhabit a crazed world spinning faster and faster, so much so that everything seems out of control as though the world might become unhinged from its axis at any moment.
Now the season consists of over-maxed credit card limits, spurred by a manic mindset of buying. Overworked and distraught women, holding down one or two jobs, cleaning, and cooking an obligatory holiday meal. They frantically force themselves to keep going...Christmas will soon be over, they keep telling themselves.
Frenetic children, driven by a mindset of I want...I want...raise grasping hands to reach for a mountain of presents. Yet they are unsatisfied because their spiritual and emotional needs have not been met. Or, on the other hand, some children know nothing of Christmas at all. They don't even understand what it is about, or why it takes place. How sad.
Then we get to the crowded dining rooms full of family members, already stressed by the seasonal rush, antsy children candied up and pouting because they can't have any more sugar...demanding they get their own way. Parents shout over the yammering of the over-indulged children, glassy-eyed from playing too many unhealthy video games, conditioning their minds toward violence.
So when they grow up and get out in the real world as adults, they will simply take what they want by violence assuming they are owed even more. Like in the now classic movie, "Clockwork Orange".
"Clockwork Orange" by Stanley Kubrick
Families who live far away from each other for a reason, who only gather for seasonal occasions often bicker, realizing they can only endure each other for a limited time. Then the rivalries and unforgotten hurts set in.
Wayward children at the Christmas dinner table, though we love to have them with us, can turn Christmas dinner into pure they show their rebellion against God and their brokenness by their actions and words.
The drunks in bars with many scars sit on lonely stools. Addicts on streets still beat the homeless just because they can.
Spirits of hatred, distrust and greed are not always erased by the Spirit of Christmas. You yourself must not allow them to grow in your heart.
And the idols. So many idols worshipped at Christmas time. Especially the children. Parents and grandparents joyously bring a bevy of sacrificial gifts to the ones who fill their lives with joy or grief, as the case may be.
Anything can be turned into an idol if "it" is in charge of your life. If you are obedient to it, rather than it obeying you - it has become an idol...that will eventually turn on you.
Hopeless people amidst their loneliness find conflict with the season around them because of lost loved ones. Memories become vivid at Christmas. Yet guilt sets in as the rest of the world tells them they must have peace, love and joy. Now. Today.
There was conflict even at the time of Christ's birth. Caesar sent out a decree to kill all the babies two years and under. He heard that a rival king had been born. Not taking any chances one might threaten his throne, he just had his soldiers kill all the infants. But who even cares in a society that destroys millions of its unborn offspring and allows their remains to be used for their body parts?
Terrorists wield weapons around the world no matter what day of the year it is. They cause chaos and heartache on this day because to them it is no different than any other. The demonic spirits within their fetid, almost-extinguished minds, work only to wreak bloodshed upon the innocent.
That same spirit motivated the ruler who wanted to kill the Messiah of the world before he even grew to adulthood. It still exists today. Spirits who inhabit another dimension next to ours work havoc upon our own parallel universe. They enter gates and portals in the heavens and in men's hearts as well. No wonder we have no peace and are in great conflict!
That spirit that wanted to extinguish the Light of The World so long ago wants to steal your peace and that of your families. It would love to steal your joy. Don't let it! Refuse to listen to the voice of the Enemy! Nothing would please the devil more than to see his minions overcoming the Holy Spirit by stealing your family's peace, or for that matter - your own!
If your family is not following Jesus Christ this Christmas, then they are deluding themselves...the holiday can have no true meaning without the world's Messiah. That was the whole purpose of Christmas...God sent Himself to Earth, cloaked in human flesh to bring mankind to Himself.
"Jesus sayeth unto them, 'Have I been so long time with you , and yet has thou not known me, Philip? HE THAT HATH SEEN ME HATH SEEN THE FATHER; and how sayest thee thou, Show us the Father?"
"Who being the brightness of His glory, AND THE EXPRESS IMAGE OF HIS PERSON, and upholding all things by the WORD of His Power, when He Himself purged our sins, sat down on THE RIGHT HAND OF THE FATHER."
If you want TRUE PEACE this Christmas, ask the Holy Spirit to overshadow you, as He overshadowed the virgin Mary. You won't necessarily have a child engendered into your body, rather A BEING BEYOND UNDERSTANDING, THE HOLY SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD, WILL COME AND DWELL WITHIN YOU, MAKING HIS HOME INSIDE YOU. As Mary was overcome and overwhelmed by the power of the Living God, so you, upon humbling yourself and confessing that you are not perfect. And why should God Himself inhabit you? Do you realize He wants to come and dwell within you? Why? Because He loves you. He longs to overwhelm you with His love, His joy, His peace.
The spirit that prevails in our world is not the Spirit of Christmas. For the most part, the prevailing spirit of our world today is against Jesus Christ. But it does not have to remain that way.
(Believers in Christ Jesus), the Church, has not stood up and transformed our culture. Instead, we have allowed our culture to change us...into people who are a far cry from what the Early Church was! That was an energetic force which changed the world about them for millennia to come. Because they were supercharged by the power of the Holy Spirit, which they waited to receive as Christ instructed them before He bodily left the earth.
"And being assembled together with them, commanded them they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for THE PROMISE OF THE FATHER, which sayeth He, ye have heard of me." Acts 1:4
"Paul posed a question to the disciples in Ephesus: "Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?" The truth is every born-again believer has the Holy Spirit living in them but not every believer has received the Holy Spirit Baptism.
When the apostles, who were in Jerusalem, had heard the report of the Samaritans receiving the Gospel and being baptized in water, they specifically sent Peter and John to them. What was their mission? To pray for them to receive the Holy Spirit for He had not yet fallen upon them (Acts 8:14). Evidently there is more..."
As a believer, the Holy Spirit and His fullness is part of your inheritance (Ephesians 1:14). It is by faith that we claim or receive what Jesus has paid for. (Jesus asked the Father for us and the Holy Spirit was sent on that day! The only condition for being baptized in the Holy Spirit is being born again (John 3:3).
"RECEIVE" is the key word that is often found connected with the Holy Spirit Ba[tos, (Acts 2:38; 8:19& 10:47; Gal 3:2). Jesus said in Mark 11:24 "when you pray, believe that you RECEIVE and you shall have.". You don't have to beg God or try to convince Him to give you this "GIFT". (Acts 10:44-47).
Laying on of hands can be an aid to your faith.; in the book of Acts, three of the five times where people were filled, they received this way. (Acts 8, 9, and 19). A Spirit-filled friend can help you, but it is not necessary.
Speaking in tongues is the initial sign of having received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. On the day of Pentecost they were all filled and spoke with tongues. (See also Acts 10:44-46, Acts 19:6, and I Corinthians 14:14-15). As a believer Jesus has already given you this authority by saying one of the signs of a believer is "In my Name they shall speak with new tongues" . (Mark 16:17.
The Holy Spirit descends (gently like a peaceful dove) but with power. He never forces! Once you have prayed in faith to receive, His Presence will begin to flow out of you like rivers of living water". (John 7:38). It is up to you to speak the words and syllables He gives. It will not be in your natural language but a heavenly one, out of your spirit." (Acts 2:4, I Corinthians 14:2, 14-15.)
If you are a child of God and have asked your Heavenly Father for the Gift and fullness of the Holy Spirit that is exactly what you will receive. Jesus said, "Ask and it shall be given you. Seek and you will find." His children who ask their Heavenly Father for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit do not receive a "scorpion or a snake." (Luke 11:9-13).
Heavenly Father, I am your child and I have come to receive the Holy Spirit Baptism. I know this is a part of my inheritance that Jesus purchased for me. I thank you now that out of my inner being will flow rivers of living water and as a believer I will speak with tongues as the Spirit fills me. In Jesus' Name, amen.
After you have prayed this, continue to yield to the Spirit of God and pray, praise and worship in tongues every day. What a wonderful blessing this is. It will assist you every day in your walk with God." AND IT WILL GIVE YOU GREAT PEACE AS THE HOLY SPIRIT GUIDES YOU.
(Quoted from "Spirit of Life Church" pamphlet.)
No wonder both the world and the "worldly" church have no peace and are in great conflict. I'm not saying there aren't any dedicated servants of the Lord left. But let me ask you a question. On which do you spend more time?
a. Facebook?
b. Your cell phone?
c. Watching television/movie PROGRAMMING?
d. Reading the Bible?
e. Sitting quietly with God and worshipping Him?
I guarantee you the vast majority did not answer "Sitting quietly with God and worshipping Him." As Christians we must spend time with our Heavenly Father, Comforter.
No wonder you have conflict all around you! Would you rather have conflict or peace? You have to spend enough time getting to know Him so that you can recognize His Voice. Without His guidance you will walk in confusion and conflict.
But there is a path to PEACE. Accept Him as Savior and Lord. Then receive the POWER SHOWER of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and you can learn to walk in peace...not only at Christmas but every moment. ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE!
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