Sunday, June 12, 2016



the return of Jesus for fifty years or more...and who know the prophecies regarding Christ's Return... recognize that the Anti-Christ arises immediately before Jesus comes back again.

"while we look forward with hope to that wonderful day when the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, will be REVEALED."  TITUS 2:13    NLT 

"...For that day will not come until two things happen: first, there will be a time of great rebellion against God, and then the man of rebellion will come - the son of Hell. 4 He will defy every god there is, and tear down every object of adoration and worship. He will go in and sit in the temple of God, claiming that he himself is God. 5 Don't you remember that I told you this when I was with you? 6 And you know what is keeping him from being there already; for he can come only when his time is ready. 7 As for the work this man of rebellion and hell will do when he comes, it is already going on, but he himself will not come until the one who is holding him back steps out of the way," II Thessalonians 2:3-7 TLB

                     NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT - IT'S AN ARCHANGEL  

[ An archangel WHO NOW RESTRAINS.  
JUST AS in Daniel 10:11-21, AN EVIL WARRIOR ANGEL BATTLED MICHAEL and an archangel who came to Daniel, that broke through the line of warring evil angels SO THAT HE COULD SCARCELY GET TO PROPHET DANIEL- SO OTHER GOOD ARCHANGELS ARE ASSIGNED TO HOLD BACK CERTAIN THINGS IN THE HEAVENLY REALM. So this is not about the removal of the Holy Spirit from the Earth. For without the Holy Spirit, no man could be "saved" not the supposed "remnant" or even the 144,000.]

" Then this wicked one will appear, whom the Lord will burn up with the breath of his mouth and destroy by his presence when He returns. 9 This man of sin will come as Satan's tool, full of Satanic power, and will trick everyone with strange demonstrations, and will do great miracles. 10 He will completely fool those who are on their way to Hell because they have said "No" to the truth; they have refused to believe it and love it, and let it save them." II Thessalonians 2:8-10  TLB

The "Great Falling Away" has occurred and is still happening. Do you realize how many Christian churches are jumping on the "One-World-Religion" and "Chrislam" band wagon?

A major church leader was involved in the creation and signing of the Yale Covenant between Islam and Christianity! These churches are preaching a "pre-globalization message of uniting together at any cost by laying down our differences." *

Just two years ago some of the leading U.S. televangelists met in a global conclave with the new Socialist Pope, to resolve differences in religious viewpoints by yielding doctrinal issues in an attempt to pacify One-World promoters.





Millions of people who call themselves Christians are falling into the "Spirit of this world". What is that spirit? The Spirit of this world is the spirit of Anti-Christ!

Many Christians, lost in the soft couch cushions of American life, watching their sports, reality shows, and constant distraction of techie toys, have left their first love. They allow themselves to be mind-controlled by the images deluding them 24/7. That's why it's called "PROGRAMMING". We are told what to think! You are being distracted from the TRUE REALITY that Jesus Christ is coming back soon!

But - before He comes the Word of God says the Anti-Christ will be revealed. II Thess. 2:3.

In Daniel's dream of the Biblical book of Daniel 8:23-25 the Word of God says:

" Toward the end of their kingdoms, when they have become morally rotten, an angry king shall rise to power with great shrewdness and intelligence. 24 His power shall be mighty, but it will be Satanic strength and not his own. Prospering wherever he turns, he will destroy all who oppose him, though their armies be mighty, and he will devastate God's people. 25 He will be a master of deception, defeating many by catching them off guard bask in false security. Without warning he will destroy them. So great will he fancy himself to be that he will even take on the Prince of Princes [JESUS] in battle; but in so doing he will seal his own doom, for he shall be broken by the hand of God, though no human means could overpower him."  The Living Bible (TLB)

According to Daniel 11:32-39:

"He will flatter those who hate the things of God, and win them over to his side. BUT THE PEOPLE WHO KNOW THEIR GOD SHALL BE STRONG AND DO GREAT THINGS.   33 Those with spiritual understanding will have a wide ministry of teaching in those days. But they will be in constant danger, many of them dying by fire and sword, or being jailed and robbed. 34 Eventually these pressures will subside, and some ungodly men will come, pretending to offer a helping hand, only to take advantage of them. 35 And some who are most gifted in the things of God will stumble in those days and fall, but this will only refine and cleanse them and make them pure until the final end of all their trials, at God's appointed time. 36 The King will do exactly as he pleases, claiming to be greater than every god there is, even blaspheming the God of gods, and prospering until his time is up. For God's plans are unshakeable. 37 He will have no regard for the gods of his fathers, nor for the god beloved of women, nor any other god, for he will boast that he is greater than them all. 38 Instead of these  he will worship THE FORTRESS GOD - a god his fathers never knew - and lavish on him costly gifts! 39 Claiming his help he will have great successes against the strongest fortresses. He will honor those who submit to him, appointing them to positions of authority and dividing the land to them as their reward."  (The Living Bible TLB) 

You can fool yourself with a misguiding doctrine that says you will be whisked out of our current world turmoil like a privileged class while the rest of the world screams out in throes of agony and dies. That may even make you feel good...self-satisfied. But you have been sold a lie that you willingly embrace to:

a.     Put off the Lord's Coming
b.     Enjoy your hedonistic pleasures
c.     Continue in sin whereas you know the Lord is calling you to "die to self" and follow him
d.     Think yourself immune to history, unlike all the martyrs in past millennia
e.      Avoid studying scripture for yourself and fall prey to the false teachings of men


"For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit."  Romans 8:5    KJV 

Apparently 9/11 was not enough.  People opened their eyes to God's possible judgement for just  a few seconds. Then they closed their eyes and went back into their hypnotic stupor...playing their video games...following their American Idols...never giving their Creator another thought.

II Thessalonians says:

"And then shall that wicked be revealed, who the Lord shall consume [WITH WHAT?] THE BRIGHTNESS OF HIS COMING."

WAIT!...WHAT DID THAT SAY? That the Lord's COMING will be BRIGHT! That's the opposite of hidden and invisible.

II Thessalonians 1:7 says:

"And to you who are troubled, rest with us [don't worry]. The Lord shall be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels. 8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

If you think the nuclear war which is coming to the largest cities of America is bad, it will be trivial in comparison to the FIRE which the Lord is bringing with Him when He returns! God promised Noah He would never again destroy the Earth with water. But many of the references about His Return speak of FIRE. Look them up for yourself!

Don't you wonder why we're having such strange weather patterns around the world?

Granted, mankind is experimenting with controlling Earth's weather via the skies overhead. But what about the high incidences of earthquakes? Large earthquakes continuously rumble around the globe, seeming to increase in strength. What about the 36 volcanoes exploding simultaneously around the planet? They spout their live lava around the Earth's atmosphere, also changing weather patterns.

And again, what about the strange sink holes opening up in Siberia, and even in America? Remember the Corvette museum in  Bowling Green, Kentucky, February 12, 2016 that was swallowed up by the earth's depths, causing many Corvette-lovers to gasp in horror?

What causes the strange trumpet sounds now loudly resounding the alarm in many parts of the world with no explainable cause? TRUMPETS, you ask? Aren't TRUMPETS synonymous with The Lord's Return? YES. Huge geological events are signs of the Lord's approach to Earth.



See Mark 13:8

"For Nation shall rise against nation,  and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles; these are the beginnings of sorrows."      

The Bible says:  All creation groans in anticipation of His Return.  Romans 8:2

Can you clearly see we are living in the times immediately preceding the Lord's return? HIS ONE AND ONLY RETURN...not some ant-climactic invisible ghost return to snatch Believers away in a fairy-tale-like rescue. DON'T BE DECEIVED! The Bible says: (Revelation 1:7)

"Behold He cometh with clouds, and EVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM, and they also which pierced Him; and ALL KINDREDS OF THE EARTH SHALL WAIL BECAUSE OF HIM."
Does that sound like only the faithful Christians will see Him? Absolutely NOT!

But the Lord encourages us by promising that He will never leave us nor forsake us. (               )
And Revelation 6:6 clearly indicates that during a time of famine the ANGELS of recompense are clearly instructed not to touch God's people who are filled with the Holy Spirit - representative of OIL (Wise Virgins Matthew 25:1-7), and the New Wine (Mark 2:22 and Luke 5:38 & 39.    "SEE THOU HURT NOT THE OIL AND THE WINE".

Did you know that in 2009 the government put on their "Possible Terrorist Watch List" "End Time Prophecy" Believers? The accidentally released paperwork showed the watching public that something really weird has been going on lately in America.

The document, the MIAC Report,  was released to a special police watch-dog group, a Fusion Center, of which multiples have sprung up all over America to keep eyes on all the unaware citizens. This MIAC report can be found by simply googling it. But be careful, Google now has orders to deeply bury links to anything the government does not want us to see. By now, it may be hard to locate. Try another browser if necessary - like

Since then this concept has been reinforced by other more recent documents, and a general policy of the current administration toward Christians in general, but especially those who are aware of the close return of Jesus Christ.  Now why would any government feel threatened by Christians - whose basic philosophy is LOVE?  BECAUSE WE A-R-E LIVING IN THE END TIMES AND THE ANTI-CHRIST IS AMONG US!

If you would only see End Time Prophecy through the simple eyes of a child as I did back in the 1960's, growing up in the Baptist church. During our "Last Days Prophecies" lessons in church, I recognized many inconsistencies, and started even back then to deeply study the Word of God. I began to understand that many seeming contradictions resulted from man-made doctrines, not from what the Word of God ACTUALLY SAYS.

Being primed as a child to watch for the Lord's Return, over the last half-century I have followed as a number of things developed. They herald the rise of the Anti-Christ, as well as the Return of our Savior. Because before the Lord returns - the Anti-Christ will be revealed.

1.   I have watched the development of the world's banking system, soon to go "cashless" in the very near future, requiring everyone to have a "mark" on their hand or forehead.

2.   I've followed the development of technologies allowing for a) implementation of a radio frequency identification micro-chip to be inserted in one's hand or b) an electronic tattoo id that can be pasted onto the skin.

3.   I've seen the rapid rise of a well-hidden political elite, steering us behind the scenes, into a one-world economic system and government, which is necessary for the Anti-Christ to take his place as World-Ruler.

This cannot be called "conspiracy theory" any longer by any intelligent, rational person. The truth has become obvious, even blatant. Since the group has accomplished most of its objectives it no longer feels the absolute necessity to hide and has been openly touting its aims for a number of years, counting on the fact that the majority of people are too busy or apathetic to notice.

The spirit of Anti-Christ and deception are now well embedded into our current culture.

With a vast majority of Americans willing to vote for a Socialist presidential candidate, Capitalism in America is almost over.

"Progressive" as related to politics is a misnomer. It is actually the exact opposite. The policies put forth by so-called "Progressives" are actually "Regressive", however as usual we have the 1984 "Double-speak" we have to constantly put up with.

In truth, "Progressivism" is Socialism, or "Communism Lite" so the alternate candidate to Sanders is just not as outspoken about her aims. But her college thesis was dedicated to Satanic
1960's radical, Saul Alinsky.  He even offered her a job after she wrote him an adoring letter. Check the facts out for yourselves - people!

The spirit of Anti-Christ pervades our schools, churches, and places of business throughout America. Work-compression, a business technique for saving a company money by forcing the least amount of people to do the work of many, has reached ridiculous intensity. Those lucky enough to have a job -  are being worked to death! They are expected to do what ten or more people accomplished 20-30 years ago.

The aims of the majority of businesses are solely about the "Bottom Line" = MONEY, even in the health care industry.

The spirit of Anti-Christ has flooded the streets and public squares of America, the One Nation who once represented an example for the rest of the world. No longer are remnants of Christian or even Judaic religion welcome in public, but rather Satanism and another world religion seem to be most heartily welcomed...even protected by new recent laws and ideology.

Our culture has become worse than the reign of Ahab and Jezebel in ancient Israel. Archaeologists found hundreds of clay urns filled with unwanted, sacrificed infants near their ivory palace, in the Ashtoreth Temple of their exact time period.

But our culture goes beyond that travesty. Our nation closes a blind eye to the dismemberment and mutilation of unborn babies, to sell their little body parts. Talk about "stinking to high heaven!" It literally does!

We are living in an unprecedented era, when scientists are determined to be gods, or are attempting to by:

1)   Uploading human memory for preservation beyond death

2)   Creating new trans-human species through cloning and genetic rearrangement such as CRISPR technology.



3)   Trying to find ways to indefinitely extend the human life span and create a type of synthetic immortality


4)   Unprecedented ways to revive the human body after death and keep not only the body but the mind functioning as well.

5)   Create a sentient personality in a disembodied form, i.e. a self-aware artificial intelligence in a computer interface.

6)  Make mankind gods

7)   Acknowledge as greater gods, any aliens that might arrive on Earth or contact mankind

Finally, we have reached the threshold where mankind is trying to replicate  in his own power what the Lord plans to do with those who love and follow after him.

Just like so many things the world attempts, it's just a faint, inferior copy of what Yahweh has in store for those who await His Return. The Bible says He will give us new bodies that will never grow old or get sick, and that will last forever!

"But if the Spirit of Him who raised up Jesus from the dead DWELL in YOU, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall QUICKEN your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you."    Hebrews 8:19-23  KJV

But mankind is frantically racing to do this without the Creator. They want to do it their own way so they don't have to acknowledge Him, or their own lack of perfection...trying to impose their own imperfect image upon their own creations. This can only result in tremendous sorrow for all of humanity.

Meanwhile the spirit of Anti-Christ can almost be felt palpably in schools, workplaces, halls of government. Truth is turned away, punished, even per
secuted. For no one wants to hear the truth any longer. Those who dare speak it are being shut up, harassed, prosecuted, and very soon will also be eliminated from our society that only wants to hear sweet-sounding lies.

Soon people following a Judeo-Christian philosophy will possibly even be hunted down, maybe even killed. For those who prefer lies feel compelled to desecrate and destroy the pillars of our society so it can fall to smoking ruins on the ash heap of history.

Our Internet, which has enjoyed freedom of speech for almost twenty years, is now closely monitored. Laws have been passed and measures taken to extinguish truth and freedom on this once vast boon to truth seekers who are left.

Major search engines' companies, are run by government operatives who deliberately hide the truth with their anonymous algorithms, and spy on the people with their anatomy-less artificial intelligences.  

The Bible, in Daniel 7:18-27 describes a monstrous world ruler, who will be given "power" over God's saints for 3 1/2 years.

The Anti-Christ IS BEING REVEALED to those who have ears to hear, and eyes to see. But if you aren't walking closely with the Lord in this critical hour - YOU MAY NEVER KNOW WHAT HIT YOU UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE!

So, the spirit of Anti-Christ is everywhere. Soon a world leader will emerge who will persecute and kill both Jews and Christians. Anyone out of line with his "1984" protocols will be photographed and accused by the cameras found everywhere. They will be monitored and possibly droned to death by the effusive, watchful eye now keeping track of all our moves and words.

Bet you didn't know Facebook was the perfect implement for monitoring all the foolish people - did you? Have you made sure to put every family member's photo on FB, including your children? Bully for you! Or rather b-u-l-l-y  y-o-u - when it comes time to take the "mark of the Beast"!


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