Monday, June 20, 2016



Regarded as the founder of France as a nation, he united the Frankish tribes under just one rulerHe took Gaul (now called France) from pluralistic rule of a group of chieftains, to rule by one unified king - Clovis himself.

But if, like in America, the schools have been "dumbed down", as simple brain-washing temples of the far-left leaning socialists, what those French children and adults might not know is that Clovis was a REAL Christian.

What is a REAL Christian? A REAL Christian is one who takes the Living God seriously. Clovis had made a vow, that if God would help him win a battle against the Alamans at Tobiac, he would become a Christian. God did. Clovis kept his word.

A REAL Christian is one who takes his "orders" from the Living God. Which God is that? The God who sent His Only Son to die on Calvary and rose from the dead to bring eternal life to all who believe in Him.  John 3:16

Lo and behold - the first true king of France was so dedicated to God that even his army followed his example. They were all baptized, just as he was and became Christians.


Sometimes, just when a nation forms, God in His mercy and grace, leads or installs a ruler who will carry out His purposes for that nation. Even in the midst of trials, God will sometimes send a "Savior" for the people, just as He sent Moses to the Israelites during Egypt's Pharoanic rule.

These leaders, inspired by God, whether knowingly or not, carry out His plans for blessing or cursing. Much depends on the heart of the people...whether they are seeking God. Many times, nations in turmoil will cry out in one united voice to the Creator of Heaven to rescue them.

In Gaul of 486, the people of the region were suffering under the rule of barbarians. Barbarians are not known for their mercy. In fact, they are instead characterized by raping and pillaging the countryside and its people, including women and children. Perhaps the Galllic people were crying out to the Living God and He heard their plea.

By the same token, when kings and leaders of nations don't listen...when they take the opposite tack, and bring down the culture, leading the people away from their once vibrant religion, God has to sometimes send in a prophet just like He sent Joan of Arc.

Joan of Arc was a "seer". This is a type of prophet who sees in the distance of time or to see beyond the present, see over the horizon to what lies ahead. Sometimes God gives them dreams and visions.

Perhaps the stubbornness of France's Charles VII laid the groundwork for God to send in a last-minute his stead. France became the beneficiary of a virgin female soldier who led France's troops to necessary victory in battle, when no Frenchman could or would.

Like Deborah, in the Bible book of Judges, (verses 4:9 and 5:7), in the year 1431, the Maid of Orleans stepped up to the plate, when no man had the courage to do so. Because she was a visionary, who truly loved the Lord God with all her heart, she was able to hear the voice of God. Secondly, she was able and willing to follow his instructions so that her nation could be saved from destruction.

In 1424 Jeanne started having visions. St. Margaret, St. Catherine, and St. Michael told Joan that she needed to support King Charles to throw off the British attackers.

Michael is an archangel acknowledged in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, sometimes referred to as St. Michael. He appears in scripture several times. Daniel 10:13 speaks of Michael helping to fight alongside another archangel who appears to Daniel after a 21-day fast. Michael has been helping to fight in the celestial heavenlies against an evil angelic army assigned over specific geographic regions.

Most significantly, in Daniel 12:1 God instructs Daniel in a vision that during a time of GREAT TROUBLE, the worst since the beginning of all nations, that the prophet's people, in answer to his prayers, would be delivered from the horror that had come upon his nation, when Babylon took the Hebrews captive and carried away the choicest of its children.

So you see, there is a Biblical precedent for a human being hearing from an archangel like Michael just like Joan of Arc did!

But would Creator God instruct a nation to fight? Of course He would. He did! He does! All throughout the history of ancient Israel, He instructed His "chosen people". He gave them prophetic instruction and guidance through His many prophets, including the mighty woman warrior Deborah, a symbolic predecessor of Joan of Arc.

"And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of the people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book" Daniel 12:1
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom He has chosen for His inheritance."  Psalm 33:22
As they did to Christ who blessed Israel with amazing miracles and miraculous provision - the leaders killed the very unblemished virgin who had given them their supernatural victory!

Personally, I believe we are entering that "time of trouble" spoken about in Daniel 12:1.

Matthew 24:7 speaks of the last days before Christ's return:

"For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famine and pestilence in many places." It also speaks of earthquakes.
There have never been as many constant, steadily increasing earthquakes in recorded history as in our present time. This is one of the signs of Jesus' Return.

Listening over again last night and today to many You Tube videos of the "Trumpet" sounds being heard around the world and recorded since 2011, as I have many times, I speculated on the varied possible causes. Over a year ago, I spent a long time researching the possible various scientific causes for this phenomenon. Just sitting and listening to the sounds heard round the world, with no preconceived ideas, I looked for similarities in the sounds.

The same peculiar metallic scraping, thumping horn-like warning sound kept playing reveille over and over in my mind. Just as the ancient shofar of long-ago Israel sounded out the call to war...I visualized with my spiritual eyes the slow pounding of metal drumbeats, or the marching footsteps of mighty angelic armies. In some cases, inexplicable "trumpet" sounds emanated from the skies, so loudly as to cause the earth and homes to vibrate! I saw warrior angels slashing swords, gigantic, heavenly invisible shields overhead clanging metal upon metal, shrieking steel blades wielded by flashing flaming beings hidden in the clouds.




In Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:27 it says:

"It shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my SPIRIT upon all flesh: and your sons and daughters will prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and our old men shall dream dreams." KJV

That means that even if you are an ordinary person, but you are a Christian sealed and sanctified by Christ's finished work on Calvary's cross, the Lord can show you things to come.

He has allowed me to peer over the horizon to France's future. To my horror, I have seen a dreadful sight!

I saw the future of France if her people do not immediately turn back to the God her forbears knew. Within one generation I viewed France taken over by barbarians. I saw great cathedrals and works of art destroyed because they represent the Christian religion. In the vision I almost cried as I viewed great paintings charred, beautiful statues broken to pieces, because they represented Christian scenes or Bible saints.

Beautiful stained glass windows of monumental cathedrals were purposely shattered and broken out, destroyed forever across the French countryside. France's beautiful culture of art, history, literature, architecture all eradicated because a foreign entity came in and wiped away the remnants of a formerly great civilization. Beloved monumental castles became brutal fortresses of torture and murder.


France will be overcome by barbarians again and quickly, if the French people do not turn back again to the God of Clovis and Charlemagne. The beloved culture of France will be gone forever, unless the people of France humble themselves, seek God and pray.

I'm no Joan of Arc. But as dark days descend upon Earth in a prelude to Christ's Return, I yield my heart and mind to God and give you this important message!

FRANCE...IT IS TIME TO RETURN TO REVERENCE THE GOD OF YOUR FOREFATHERS...CLOVIS AND CHARLEMAGNE...not necessarily in the form of Roman Catholicism, but a sincere seeking after the Creator of the Universe, crying out for the deliverance rather than the destruction of your nation!

UPDATE:       6/22/2016

As I was laying in bed trying to go to sleep last night, praying for France, God gave me a vision.:

All across France I saw a forest of thick-branched briar trees. Instead of lush green forest, the branches of the dark, forbidding briar trees were thick, covered with visible, sharp prickly points. The dark, twisted tree trunks were close together, forming a forest so thick one would have great difficulty walking through this treacherous and forbidding barrier.

I knew it was a vision from God. It was symbolic of a poisonous vine that is overcoming France, eventually if not stopped, overtaking it, choking out the life of France's once glorious and inspiring culture, her history, and her people.

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