Sunday, December 25, 2016


Joy to the world...peace and goodwill toward men. Yes. That is what God meant to accomplish ultimately when He sent the Incarnation of Himself to a fallen world.

But can you honestly say all is well in your household? Be real now. No false masks, no matter how well-meaning. Surely you are not all "Stepford wives" with "Stepford children"? Some of you might be too young to remember the movie...but some of us do.

                                         "STEPFORD WIVES"   Nicole Kidman/Bette Midler

Christmas fifty years ago used to be a hectic time. The hustle and bustle was at least semi-enjoyable, because life moved at a much slower pace. Frenzied people now inhabit a crazed world spinning faster and faster, so much so that everything seems out of control as though the world might become unhinged from its axis at any moment.

Now the season consists of over-maxed credit card limits, spurred by a manic mindset of buying. Overworked and distraught women, holding down one or two jobs, cleaning, and cooking an obligatory holiday meal. They frantically force themselves to keep going...Christmas will soon be over, they keep telling themselves.

Frenetic children, driven by a mindset of I want...I want...raise grasping hands to reach for a mountain of presents. Yet they are unsatisfied because their spiritual and emotional needs have not been met. Or, on the other hand, some children know nothing of Christmas at all. They don't even understand what it is about, or why it takes place. How sad.

Then we get to the crowded dining rooms full of family members, already stressed by the seasonal rush, antsy children candied up and pouting because they can't have any more sugar...demanding they get their own way. Parents shout over the yammering of the over-indulged children, glassy-eyed from playing too many unhealthy video games, conditioning their minds toward violence.

So when they grow up and get out in the real world as adults, they will simply take what they want by violence assuming they are owed even more. Like in the now classic movie, "Clockwork Orange".

"Clockwork Orange" by Stanley Kubrick

Families who live far away from each other for a reason, who only gather for seasonal occasions often bicker, realizing they can only endure each other for a limited time. Then the rivalries and unforgotten hurts set in.

Wayward children at the Christmas dinner table, though we love to have them with us, can turn Christmas dinner into pure they show their rebellion against God and their brokenness by their actions and words.

The drunks in bars with many scars sit on lonely stools. Addicts on streets still beat the homeless just because they can.

Spirits of hatred, distrust and greed are not always erased by the Spirit of Christmas. You yourself must not allow them to grow in your heart.

And the idols. So many idols worshipped at Christmas time. Especially the children. Parents and grandparents joyously bring a bevy of sacrificial gifts to the ones who fill their lives with joy or grief, as the case may be.

Anything can be turned into an idol if "it" is in charge of your life. If you are obedient to it, rather than it obeying you - it has become an idol...that will eventually turn on you.

Hopeless people amidst their loneliness find conflict with the season around them because of lost loved ones. Memories become vivid at Christmas. Yet guilt sets in as the rest of the world tells them they must have peace, love and joy. Now. Today.

There was conflict even at the time of Christ's birth. Caesar sent out a decree to kill all the babies two years and under. He heard that a rival king had been born. Not taking any chances one might threaten his throne, he just had his soldiers kill all the infants. But who even cares in a society that destroys millions of its unborn offspring and allows their remains to be used for their body parts?

Terrorists wield weapons around the world no matter what day of the year it is. They cause chaos and heartache on this day because to them it is no different than any other. The demonic spirits within their fetid, almost-extinguished minds, work only to wreak bloodshed upon the innocent.

That same spirit motivated the ruler who wanted to kill the Messiah of the world before he even grew to adulthood. It still exists today. Spirits who inhabit another dimension next to ours work havoc upon our own parallel universe. They enter gates and portals in the heavens and in men's hearts as well. No wonder we have no peace and are in great conflict!

That spirit that wanted to extinguish the Light of The World so long ago wants to steal your peace  and that of your families. It would love to steal your joy. Don't let it! Refuse to listen to the voice of the Enemy! Nothing would please the devil more than to see his minions overcoming the Holy Spirit by stealing your family's peace, or for that matter - your own!


If your family is not following Jesus Christ this Christmas, then they are deluding themselves...the holiday can have no true meaning without the world's Messiah. That was the whole purpose of Christmas...God sent Himself to Earth, cloaked in human flesh to bring mankind to Himself.

                          "Jesus sayeth unto them, 'Have I been so long time with you , and yet has thou not known me, Philip? HE THAT HATH SEEN ME HATH SEEN THE FATHER; and how sayest thee thou, Show us the Father?"

           "Who being the brightness of His glory, AND THE EXPRESS IMAGE OF HIS PERSON, and upholding all things by the WORD of His Power, when He Himself purged our sins, sat down on THE RIGHT HAND OF THE FATHER."


If you want TRUE PEACE this Christmas, ask the Holy Spirit to overshadow you, as He overshadowed the virgin Mary. You won't necessarily have a child engendered into your body, rather A BEING BEYOND UNDERSTANDING, THE HOLY SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD, WILL COME AND DWELL WITHIN YOU, MAKING HIS HOME INSIDE YOU. As Mary was overcome and overwhelmed by the power of the Living God, so you, upon humbling yourself and confessing that you are not perfect. And why should God Himself inhabit you? Do you realize He wants to come and dwell within you? Why? Because He loves you. He longs to overwhelm you with His love, His joy, His peace

        The spirit that prevails in our world is not the Spirit of Christmas. For the most part, the prevailing spirit of our world today is against Jesus Christ. But it does not have to remain that way.

       (Believers in Christ Jesus), the Church, has not stood up and transformed our culture. Instead, we have allowed our culture to change us...into people who are a far cry from what the Early Church was! That was an energetic force which changed the world about them for millennia to come. Because they were supercharged by the power of the Holy Spirit, which they waited to receive as Christ instructed them before He bodily left the earth.

          "And being assembled together with them, commanded them they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for THE PROMISE OF THE FATHER, which sayeth He, ye have heard of me."  Acts 1:4

"Paul posed a question to the disciples in Ephesus: "Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?" The truth is every born-again believer has the Holy Spirit living in them but not every believer has received the Holy Spirit Baptism.

When the apostles, who were in Jerusalem, had heard the report of the Samaritans receiving the Gospel and being baptized in water, they specifically sent Peter and John to them. What was their mission? To pray for them to receive the Holy Spirit for He had not yet fallen upon them (Acts 8:14). Evidently there is more..."


As a believer, the Holy Spirit and His fullness is part of your inheritance (Ephesians 1:14). It is by faith that we claim or receive what Jesus has paid for. (Jesus asked the Father for us and the Holy Spirit was sent on that day! The only condition for being baptized in the Holy Spirit is being born again (John 3:3).


"RECEIVE" is the key word that is often found connected with the Holy Spirit Ba[tos, (Acts 2:38; 8:19& 10:47; Gal 3:2). Jesus said in Mark 11:24 "when you pray, believe that you RECEIVE and you shall have.". You don't have to beg God or try to convince Him to give you this "GIFT". (Acts 10:44-47).


Laying on of hands can be an aid to your faith.; in the book of Acts, three of the five times where people were filled, they received this way. (Acts 8, 9, and 19). A Spirit-filled friend can help you, but it is not necessary.


Speaking in tongues is the initial sign of having received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. On the day of Pentecost they were all filled and spoke with tongues. (See also Acts 10:44-46, Acts 19:6, and I Corinthians 14:14-15). As a believer Jesus has already given you this authority  by saying one of the signs of a believer is "In my Name they shall speak with new tongues" . (Mark 16:17.


The Holy Spirit descends (gently like a peaceful dove) but with power. He never forces! Once you have prayed in faith to receive, His Presence will begin to flow out of you like rivers of living water". (John 7:38). It is up to you to speak the words and syllables He gives. It will not be in your natural language but a heavenly one, out of your spirit." (Acts 2:4, I Corinthians 14:2, 14-15.)


If you are a child of God and have asked your Heavenly Father for the Gift and fullness of the Holy Spirit that is exactly what you will receive. Jesus said, "Ask and it shall be given you. Seek and you will find." His children who ask their Heavenly Father for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit do not receive a "scorpion or a snake."  (Luke 11:9-13).


Heavenly Father, I am your child and I have come to receive the Holy Spirit Baptism. I know this is a part of my inheritance that Jesus purchased for me. I thank you now that out of my inner being will flow rivers of living water and as a believer I will speak with tongues as the Spirit fills me. In Jesus' Name, amen.

After you have prayed this, continue to yield to the Spirit of God and pray, praise and worship in tongues every day. What a wonderful blessing this is. It will assist you every day in your walk with God." AND IT WILL GIVE YOU GREAT PEACE AS THE HOLY SPIRIT GUIDES YOU.
(Quoted from "Spirit of Life Church" pamphlet.)

No wonder both the world and the "worldly" church have no peace and are in great conflict. I'm not saying there aren't any dedicated servants of the Lord left. But let me ask you a question. On which do you spend more time?

       a. Facebook?
       b. Your cell phone?

       c.  Watching television/movie PROGRAMMING?

       d.  Reading the Bible?

        e. Sitting quietly with God and worshipping Him?

I guarantee you the vast majority did not answer "Sitting quietly with God and worshipping Him."  As Christians we must spend time with our Heavenly Father, Comforter.

No wonder you have conflict all around you! Would you rather have conflict or peace? You have to spend enough time getting to know Him so that you can recognize His Voice. Without His guidance you will walk in confusion and conflict.

But there is a path to PEACE. Accept Him as Savior and Lord. Then  receive the POWER SHOWER of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and you can learn to walk in peace...not only at Christmas but every moment. ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE!






Monday, December 19, 2016


Noisy apartment neighbors woke me up at 4:30 a.m. this morning. I lay in bed praying for about an hour.

I asked the Lord as many times before, about His Nature, the Being that He is, and his relationship to the physical vs spiritual universe, or universe(s), as the case may be.

I was asking about things like what would happen to the human spirit during the process of "teleportation" if man were to utilize the "Beam me up Scotty" technology. Would every nanoparticle of the physical body have to be disintegrated then reformulated? If so, what would happen to the spirit part of the person? Would it momentarily be held in a brief suspension? Or would it leave the body, since Paul said

"Absent from the body, present with the Lord?" 

I continually ask the Lord about the possibilities of mankind traveling through time. How would that affect the course of the human race and our history?

You know - there is that paradox that when astronomers look at the night stars through various instruments, scientists are actually looking at a picture of how the universe WAS, billions of years ago, since it takes so long for astral light to reach Earth.

Following that same line of reasoning, if a faster-than-light space traveler launched out from Earth, into the depths of space, would that traveler be merely be flying away into the past, as Einstein speculates? For if his twin were to return to Earth, thousands of years could have passed.

As some thinkers have theorized:

A. Would mankind who traversed time, have changed into shrunken, gray, asexual creatures , with no mouth who communicate through telepathy?

B. Or are aliens VISITORS from other planets, of whom there are accounts of having been captured and studied by governments? (The Vatican certainly stands ready to welcome an Alien Messiah.)

      The head of RAND Corporation's own father, Ben Rich, designer of the F-17 Stealth fighter, who had headed up Lockheed's "Skunkworks" black ops projects which held captured aliens, their otherworldly technology, and even interviewed them, is said to have given a deathbed confession about his involvement.

And how would his son, Michael Rich, have attained such a lofty position as head of Rand Corporation, had it not been for his father's connections in the intelligence/black ops community?


                     C. Tom Horn, Cris Putnam, Steve Quayle, and other men of God currently prominent on the internet, vow that these aliens could only be demonic beings, returned after thousands of years. They are called "Nephilim" whose records litter history and archaeology around the globe.

    "The apocryphal books of Enoch, II Esdras, Genesis Apocryphon, and Jasher support the Genesis story, adding that the sin of the angels grew to include genetic modification of animals as well as humans." says Tom Horn.
Even secular UFO researchers like the late Jacques Valee' firmly agree that aliens are spiritual entities rather than alien beings who developed in other planetary system environments.

While laying sleepless in my bed, I also asked the Lord God Almighty about his tripartite nature: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

And whether the universe is holographic as many scientists and also some "men of the cloth" now consider a possibility.

IF THAT WERE SO, WOULDN'T THAT ACCOUNT FOR THE LIGHT OF THE STARS BEING PROJECTED AS THEY WERE FROM A DISTANT PAST, AS OPPOSED TO CURRENT TIME? Granted, quantum mechanics and the cosmology of the universe, as it revolves, lend themselves to physical laws we can see in operation. But knowing God, Creator of the Universe, supersedes all, leads me to speculate.

   "For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible. Whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers:  all things were created by Him, and for Him." Col. 1:16 KJV 

So I finally got up out of bed and went to out to the living room in route to the kitchen, to get a cup of tea. THE LITTLE TEA LIGHT CANDLE UNDERNEATH AN ANGEL CANDLESTICK, SITTING ON A GOLDEN MIRROR'S SHELF, WAS LIT AGAIN, BUT NOT BY MY DOING!

The battery operated candle comes on periodically every few weeks, during the night while I am sleeping alone. It is one of those little switch on/switch off lights which have to be literally turned on by hand in order to operate.  Is not even easy, but rather difficult to switch on.

I pondered this previously, trying to view it from a scientific point of view. Although perhaps one train passes on near-by railroad tracks during the night, the duration of vibration from the train does not seem sufficient to produce a moving of the switch on its own. My door is locked. No one else is present. I do not sleepwalk. I would not even be able to see in the darkened living room enough to locate the position of the wall shelf and battery operated tea candle, even if I had sleep-walked.

But I finally got it! Plain as the nose on my face! Why did it take me so long? A lit candle in the dark is the logo for Light Point Ministries. The Lord is telling me: It is time for Light Point Ministries to take off! He will open the Doors. An angel simply lit the candle to tell me so.
This is about the fourth time, in as many months that the event has occurred.

I am not frightened by it, though. Strangely enough I am comforted, having finally uncovered the reason why the candle comes on about once a month in the middle of the night! The Lord has been giving me a is time for me to "Rise and Shine..."  Isaiah 60:1

   "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee".
That is what the Holy Spirit always says to me when He is getting ready to launch me into a new phase of ministry! He simply had to send the angel four times to light the candle before I awoke!

So what is happening at my secular job during the week right now is a process the Lord is taking me through to possibly launch me into full-time ministry. After all, people in ten different countries are reading this blog. That is international!

A prophecy was given to me in 1987 at a Full Gospel Businessman's lunch meeting that a world-wide ministry would arise in my life. That many people would be drawn to a light???

You know. I am asking the BIG QUESTIONS, not many other Christians dare to ask.

Like - how does God interact with our universe?

Is Edwin Abbott's 1884 two-dimensional depiction of how stick people react when a three dimensional entity pokes its finger into their Flatland universe, akin to Christ's theophanies, appearances and projections into our time-space continuum?

Because it is only a week until Christmas, my thoughts are particularly focused on Mary this year.


How was that divine seed planted into her uterus? The way God introduced His DNA and connected it to her human ovum is just amazing.

I've looked up the science behind virgin births in nature. There are certain creatures that can reproduce asexually. Some frogs, bees, wasps, and now even sharks have virgin births! It is called parthenogenesis.

But it is so ironic that it is the one singular event of Almighty God uniting His genetics with humankind.  If Tom Horn and Steve Quayle are correct, alien entities or demonic beings have been attempting to imitate this feat for centuries.

Yet I can't help but wonder about Mary's state of mind. How God's Spirit must have enveloped and overshadowed her. If angels and God can influence physical objects in this realm, which we have a historical, Biblical record of happening on numerous occasions, then surely Yaweh could plant His seed into Mary's womb to unite with her egg cell.

The song "Breath of Heaven" refuses to leave my mind. I see the appearance of the angel to Mary. Her belief and acceptance, even thrill - to understand she will be the mother of Israel's Messiah. And then, the Ruach Ha Kodesh's presence surrounds and encases her as a dense fog as His Kodesh overwhelms Mary's entire being - body, soul and spirit...enraptured in His Love, like an ecstasy.




Sunday, December 11, 2016



We all go through personal crises. Many countries are also going through national crises right now - this December 2016. Face it, we all need help. Sometimes only God can help us. Thank heavens I serve a Living God who rose from the Dead and who has the power to RESCUE me!

I am in the midst of a personal crisis. Many of you are too. So today, I am taking time to fast and pray all day, since I don't have to go to work at my regular daytime job today. When sheer prayer does not seem to be working, sometimes we have to get "the big guns" out. When I say that I don't mean actual seen and felt "guns". I am talking about something called "spiritual warfare".

For spiritual warfare we don't use weapons we can see and hear...except perhaps the sound of quiet worship music, the sound of our praying, our crying out to God, or our sincere and heartfelt cries as tears pour down from our eyes...and then, finally perhaps shouts of praise to the Holy One of Israel, our Comforter, our Counsellor, our Mighty God.

        "For the weapons of our warfare are NOT CARNAL but are MIGHTY to the pulling down of strongholds." NKJV  II Corinthians 10:4

The Living Bible puts it like this:

    "We use God's mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments."  NLT II Cor. 10:4

Also, as Jesus once told His disciples, His Word, the scripture tells us in Matthew 17:21, that sometimes it takes some extra spiritual power that occurs during the process of fasting, to cut through seemingly impossible situations, whether it is demonic possession, the salvation of hard-hearted loved ones, healing from incurable diseases, or what we consider "the necessity for God to move mountains" in our lives.

              "However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting."
Now Jesus is talking about a case of demonic possession. But evil spirits also influence many other tough situations. Sometimes their demonic grip cannot be loosened from a situation except by fasting combined by prayer.

Whether the enemy of our souls, Satan, has a grip on loved ones' lives, their health, our health, finances, seemingly impossible situations...there are times when the situation calls for going without food, to tune into our spiritual senses.

We can loosen the tight pull of Earth's worries and hold upon us when we focus on that which is not sensual. Because most of us normally concentrate on things such as food, and other appetites we constantly fulfill around us. Fasting can quiet the mind and spirit, as we focus upon the Lord.

Our country too, as many other nations are also experiencing, is in the grip of demonic forces that don't want to lose their hold upon our freedoms and the future of our children and grandchildren.

We need the help of Almighty God, our Savior, Jesus Christ, who came once about two thousand years ago as a Baby, and is coming again soon as a Conquering King as many watch His approach.

That little baby, born in Bethlehem, so long ago was predicted and prophesied throughout centuries of prophecy by the ancient seers. The book of Micah even pinpoints His exact entry point into our Time-Space continuum.

                     "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among
                          the thousands of Judah, yet out of you will come forth
                                  to Me the One to be Ruler in Israel, whose goings forth
                                  are from of old, from Everlasting."   Micah 5:2

                 "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government
                         shall be upon His shoulder, and His Name shall be

                        called, 'Wonderful, Counselor ,  Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of      Peace."  Isaiah 9:6 NKJV

  Yes, I am talking about who we refer to as the "three wise men".

I gave a little talk to the residents of the nursing home where I work. The Holy Spirit led me to speak about the Wise men who brought the Christ Child gifts.

Over the years, I discovered a number of myths about that scenario that just were not true.

1)  There might not have been three "wise men". Most people assume that because there were three gifts given to the young savior, that there were only three gift-givers. Not necessarily true.

2)  They didn't come to the manger when He was first born. He was probably a toddler under the age of two when they arrived at a "house" where he and Joseph and Mary were living.

3) They weren't necessarily "kings" as in the song "We Three Kings of Orient Are". They were a highly-privileged and respected intellectual elite... from the area of Persia...magicians, astronomers/astrologers, adept in the "sciences" as they were known in those primitive times.

4)  They didn't wander haphazardly into Judea loosely following just a "star" which guided them across the landscape...across countries. They were guided by astronomical knowledge commonly known to many during that historical period. There was indeed a particular star. But they would not have known had not the prophet Daniel left his writings behind in "Babylon" for them to read centuries later. And these men were "WISE" because they had the courage to believe Daniel's writings as they set off in search of Messiah.

5)  They didn't come in December. They actually arrived at another time of year. And Yeshua Ha Maschiach wasn't born in December, ether. He was most likely born in September of the year 3 B.C.

                    WHAT TIME/DATE WAS JESUS REALLY BORN?  [Click link.]

That was the one thing one of my nursing home listeners objected to vociferously. I dared to knock over her bastion of false belief with knowledge. She swore Jesus had to be born on December 25th because that is what she was taught in "catechism" classes. She couldn't let go of her sacred misinformation. (Just like many Americans can't let go of their "normalcy bias" and recognize what is truly happening in our nation at this very present time.)

As a matter of fact, after researching the time of Christ's birth further today, I discovered He very well may have been born on September 11th, 3 B.C. See the link above for a complete analysis. This makes the actual date of His birth quite consequential in terms of modern history.

Since the United States was attacked so fiercely on September 11th, 2001 our country has undergone an amazing series of events.

We have lost many of our freedoms, especially since the declaration of the mis-named "Patriot Act", having been passed in 2002. Our right to privacy has been suborned by national leaders terrified of its own people.

Oh, they're not focused on those newcomers who are bringing so-called other  "religions", that are a falsely- disguised, conquering force determined to take over a long-established Western culture.

Rather, the "powers that be",  are focused instead on spying on long-established, everyday Americans, who's families have been here for decades if not centuries, from a variety of backgrounds.

But these Americans cherish the freedoms we have long-enjoyed in this spacious land, and are not willing to let them go to the will of an elite group determined to erase our national borders and turn us into a nation of compliant slaves.

It is so ironic that 9/11 was the beginning of a profound change in America. It brought with it terror, trembling, a brief bout of people returning to churches and their religious roots. But later, with the return of what appeared to be "normalcy", people forgot the danger, and went back to their ordinary lives. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, men and women behind closed doors planned the over throw of this once-proud and privileged land.
My nation, the United States of America, is going through great turmoil. So many people do not realize that we are on the verge of complete economic collapse, despite how the mainstream media tries to mislead us.

The bribed and brainwashed once "news professionals" are fully on board with the "globalist agenda". Do your homework. You will find out. The rest of the world's economies are also on the verge of global collapse.

Although we have hope that a good man, not so influenced by global power-brokers, may lead our nation into a time of prosperity, it does not change our own personal situations right this very moment. Nor does it absolutely promise with certainty that all will be well in the future.

                   TRUMP IS GOD'S CHOICE FOR PRESIDENT          

It is so ironic, that as Americans cried out to God for safety and help during the weeks following September 1st, 2001, I discover that Christ Himself may have been born on September 11, 3BC. This must be more than coincidence. Nothing is ever "coincidence" in the spiritual realm.

And more than just one nation, we have an entire world crying out for salvation from war, hunger, internal turmoil, hopelessness, perversion, and the decimation of once-proud nation-states. With a world poised on the eve of destruction through widespread war, and hunger due to a global economic collapse... We can only say,  "Come quickly Lord, our Messiah! Now more than ever before, our world needs rescuing. Help! Help is our heart's cry!

I need you. We all need you. Our nation needs you. The world needs you. It is a 911 emergency.

I am fasting and praying Lord, hoping the message reaches you loud and clear. Dialing Your 911!


         P.O. BOX 212
         MINDEN, NE 68959

If you would like to have the ministry leader come to your church and sing the above song to your congregation personally, and minister to them through prayer and the "laying on of hands", please contact us at the address above.

Thank you in advance. Have a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones and friends!



Friday, November 25, 2016



I am grateful to God that Trump won the election. There were moments I had my doubts despite vociferous praying and fasting.

I sigh of relief escaped my lips when I woke up Wednesday, November 9th to see and verify that  he had won.

So now the Constitutionalists, patriots, tried and true Americans who love the land we grew up in, the one that has changed dramatically over the last fifteen years...hold the Trump Card.

What is the definition of a "Trump Card"?  "In general, something capable of making a decisive difference when used at the right moment. In certain card games, Trump is the suite designated as having precedence over the others..."

                                    DICTIONARY.COM DEFINITION OF "TRUMP"

Watching Donald Trump make his staff selections does not discourage me. That is despite the fact that some of them do not seem to line up with true conservative purposes, such as his selection of Betsy Devos,  a Common Core supporter, as Education Secretary.


Donald is the ultimate game-player, a skill hard-won through multitudes of business deals. My hope is that his family does not direct him wrongly due to lack of knowledge of the "players". VET THEM WELL!

But listen folks! We are at the beginning of an uphill battle. The shadow government behind the scenes is going to try to force their one-world-government upon us no matter what! They hate Trump because he is not aligned with their despicable cause. Don't let your guard down for one second.

If you truly love your children...and you care about where this country is headed, do not lose sight of the battle ahead.

The now well-documented, and not quite so well-hidden Globalists have been planning to take away America's sovereignty for over sixty years, from the very first Bilderberg meeting in 1954.


 Even before that, during Woodrow Wilson's presidency, Colonel House influenced President Wilson toward aligning with the internationalists through the formation of the League of Nations. That was the prelude to the United Nations, an organization largely directed by countries that do not share common interests with American ideals.

                   COLONEL HOUSE

We recently found out - only if you were paying attention - how perverted and vile those who fancy themselves elites - really are.

With the revelation of the contents of 650,000 emails, (including the alleged 33,000 missing missives), we found out how close we came to being ruled by the personification of Queen Jezebel.



But unlike aborting infants and disposing of them in clay pots near her ancient ivory palace, the modern day Jezebel allowed children to grow just long enough to transform them into unblemished sexual puppets. Her "royal" grandmasters of child-sexual selection, two brothers who own a lobbying firm, (one of whom has worked for the sex-addicted JezAhab couple for years), even allegedly engaged in cannibalism rituals, along with her and others. See the following links for further information.




The Pretender-to-the-throne couldn't even keep her hands off of her 15-year long female advisor. In addition, the Saul Alinsky-Luciferarian flew to an isolated island at least six times, where underage children suffered as they provided sexual favors for incoming politicians, scientists, Hollywood stars, and European royalty. That is NOT "Fake" news. Some reputable organizations have recorded this.



(Page for this link may be blocked as there is a crackdown on truth tellers)




This is why Jezebel's camp is screaming "Fake News"! Because they are trying to discredit alternate media who are the only ones brave enough to tell the real truth that the sniveling mainstream media wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole!

It's a moot point now. We hold the trump - the high card. If we all do our part and keep praying the Wicked witch of the West can dry up and blow away or melt in a pool of her own hideous stinking juices, like the evil witch on Wizard of Oz.


Oh thank God Donald Trump won the race! He might not be a full-fledged saint, but compared to Jezebel - he looks like one!

As a former young woman hoping to embark on a journalism career, I never expected that mainstream journalists would become government propagandists, as the Russian state media always was. I also thank God I didn't waste college funds on a journalist's degree at Columbia University. Even in the late 1970's young people there were being brainwashed by the Socialist agenda.

But Christians beware. Just because Trump will be our next president does not mean that the aggressive, Globalist planners won't fight back with everything they've got.

The puppet masters may manipulate an economic crisis...which America as well as the world have been on the brink of for some time.


The George Soros's of this planet are still determined to get their way even if it means starting World War III. They will try any conceivable way they can to foment a crisis to foil President Elect Trump's attempts to put America on a better path.

Soros is currently upping the ante by pouring hundreds of millions of dollars to promote race wars here in America. He is also behind the battle against American policeman. DON'T STOP PRAYING!

"In a 2007 email from the John Podesta release by WikiLeaks, we find discussion of financing groups for Hillary's campaign and anti-Trump rallies such as Move-On, a Soros-funded organization, as well as Women Vote, and the Sierra Club.  Following Tuesday's election results, Move-On called for demonstrations across the country to protest misogyny, racism, Islamophobia and xenophobia."


 Find out for yourself how many once strictly American and also newly named opposite-intentioned organizations have been funded and/or formed to create the usurpation of the United States.


Even as I write these words I'm interspersing my thoughts with prayers this Thanksgiving day.


James Wesley Rawls at says we should do the following:

a.  "Fully Engage":  This means keep up with what is happening. Keep yourself informed with the truth, not the mix of fermented mush-meal lies that spouting from your mainstream media news channels. Find alternate media on-line and also listen to radio talk show hosts who are telling the truth, like Michael Savage, Hannity, Hagmann and Hagmann. They might not always sound like Christians but you will find most of them are.

b.  "Speak out":  Expose the truth, such as Democratic death-threats against the people casting electoral votes December 19th. Pray for their safety and that they won't be frightened into changing their votes. Tell others - your friends, family and neighbors. Be persuasive. Don't give up until you've broken through their cognitive dissonance. Write! Blog! Express your opinions! Get engaged with local government. Attend and speak at town and state meetings. Write congressmen and senators.

c.   "Support the Trump administration" :   Publicly defend Trump with family, friends and neighbors, while exposing the other candidate's criminal ties. Find ways to support Donald Trump. PRAYER WORKS. SO DOES ACTION.

d.   "Have a contingency plan":   Those who prepare in advance for Globalists extreme actions against  Trump and the American people, Mr. Rawls says, will be the only ones prepared to prevail in extreme circumstances. If the Globalists fail in their desperate attempts to thwart Trump's election victory, unprepared people will be too busy trying to find food, water, and medical care to help in rebuilding efforts. So keep up your guard. Don't slow down your "prepping" efforts, even when President Elect Trump takes office.

But here is my strategy for this Thanksgiving Day. Since my family is out of town I'm observing the day alone. Here is what I plan to do.  I am going to spend the day:

1)   Thanking God for every good thing I can think of, either large or small.
2)   Spend time in the Bible, especially Psalms where there are so many songs of praise.
3)   Put on powerfully anointed Christian worship music, which invites the Spirit of God into my home.
4)  Bask in the warm Presence of His Holy Spirit.  (Psalm 91:1)
5)  Earnestly seek after Him, listening for His Voice.
6)  Aggressively pray and intercede for this nation and the American people, praying that all of our liberties will be restored, and that America gets back on the path of Constitutional government again.

But let's not "rest on our laurels". We, like the sons of Issachar, should know the times we are living in. Donald Trump's victory does not change the fact that we are living in the last days before the return of Jesus Christ.   (1 Chronicles 12:32.)

God may use Trump as a tool of mercy and temporary reprieve from absolutely assured judgement.

We have already gone down from DEFCON level three (highest), to level five, since the election. DEFCON five is the lowest the scale there has been since  9/11/2011. Before Trump's victory, we were absolutely on the cusp of war with Russia. Do your homework. You will find out!



"The Donald" is said to have been approached by the newly-formed Sanhedrin, lobbying for Trump to build Israel's Third Temple.


If Trump does move Israel's capital to Jerusalem, as he has suggested, he will simply be a constructive instrument in God's Hand to fulfill Biblical End Time prophecy.


There has to be a Third Temple in order for the traditional sacrificial offerings to be reinstated. That is so that the prophecies will be fulfilled about a Tribulation Period, a seven-year treaty with Israel, and the forceful stoppage of the daily sacrifices by the AntiChrist at the three and a half year mark.

                     READ DANIEL 9:27

Many things have been prepped and readied for the American people. For example, many government contracts were already signed by Tommy Thompson, head of Health and Human Services during Bush Junior's presidency, to fulfill the prophecy of everyone having to take a "mark" or in the Greek, an "incision" in the hand. That is where they inject the rice-grained size RFID chip which will carry everyone's financial and health information. Except mine. Hopefully not yours.

                                  WILL MICROCHIPS IN HUMANS BECOME MANDATORY?

We must pray that President Elect Trump does not carry out the evil agenda already well-planned to force the population to take this dangerous "mark".

So - please pray! Remember, we hold the TRUMP CARD!


Monday, October 3, 2016


I awakened way too early for a work-day. Only barely able to breathe, I had chills running down my arms and back. Just able to barely gasp for breath, I got up, took a cold pill, had hot tea, reset my alarm clock...then climbed back into bed.

I lay there praying, partly in English, partly in my usual prayer language, which often seems to be a combination of French and Spanish...maybe Portuguese? In my prayer language, the Holy Spirit seemed to be praying through me, as the scriptures describe:

"In the same way the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us..."  NIV  Romans 8:26

I have always taken that to mean that when intercessors/prayer warriors pray in their languages they have not learned, yet speak through the Holy Spirit, that it is the Holy Spirit who is leading the prayer and actually praying through us, by-passing our intellects.

                                          Reverend Sonja Teaches About Speaking In "Tongues"

                                THEY SPEAK WITH OTHER TONGUES BY JOHN SHERRILL

Because when I prayed for the "Gift" of "Speaking in Tongues" I also prayed for the gift of "Translation" that many people have, sometimes I am able to "translate" what I am praying about.

I love languages, so this is of particular interest to me. Usually, in a formal church setting the "Gift" of "Translation" is to for a church member to "translate" what someone else has either prayed or prophesied. But as you mature in these gifts over a period of years, you will see the Lord use them in a number of astounding ways.

One of my teachers in Bible College, at Christ For the Nations, named Larry Garlock had a father who was a missionary to West Africa, in an area called "The White Man's Grave". He was preaching to a tribe of cannibals there. The tribal chief told Henry that he had better heal the tribal chieftan's sick son, or he would kill my teacher's father and eat him. I heard this account straight from Henry's son, Larry.

This favorite teacher of mine explained to the class how his father suddenly started speaking in "tongues" and was able to communicate with the chief and the tribe, and explain the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them in their own language. The son was healed, and the story had a happy ending.

My wonderful teacher has since passed away, but his wife Ruth wrote a book about the adventures of Henry Garlock including this account. It is called "Before We Kill And Eat You". See link below.

                              BEFORE WE KILL AND EAT YOU by Ruth Garlock

Therefore I have prayed for that "Gift" of translation many times. So far, it hasn't enabled me to speak to others whose language is different than mine, but it does help me be able to sometimes translate what the Lord is having me pray for, which is comforting, especially when I recognize the names of countries in my prayers, like Russia, only in a slightly different form. I frequently hear a word very close to "Russia" when I am praying "in the Spirit". I often wonder if I am praying that Russia and America do not enter into war since tensions between the two nations seem to be high.

I do often pray about world events, nations, groups of people like our military, policeman, doctors, truck drivers, etc. Because our country needs the light of God so desperately right now.

But at this particular moment, while lying sick in bed, I heard myself praying, "Es Dios Sante'?"  Immediately I thought that I was praying "Is God Holy?"  I remember praying this question more than once. I always have answered in English, "Yes Lord. You are Holy." So I assumed that Sante' meant "holy" in Spanish or Portuguese.

I felt that the Lord wanted me to focus on His Holiness. I remembered a song that goes:

"He is high and lifted up and His train fills the temple, He is high and lifted up and His train fills the temple. The angels cry "Holy". The angels cry "Holy is the Lord".

Having felt pretty much abandoned by family and friends who never call, and being sick and alone all weekend, I had to keep reminding myself that at least God cared about me. That I wasn't truly alone, but the Lord was with me, even though He just reigns silently in the background.

But here He was trying to communicate with me - making a point about His Holiness. I know that He commands us to "Be ye holy, even as I am Holy," in I Peter 1:15 & 16, and also Leviticus 20:7.

But truthfully, there are many times I don't feel very "holy". In fact most of the time I don't feel holy. Honestly, I think my behavior at times in my past was more upright than it was now. For example, once in a while I let slip a word that I was taught never to say. It would seem a very mild word to most people, but I was raised never to use foul language, so to me, it makes me feel bad on the few occasions it does slip out of my mouth.

Also, I get angry at people far more than I ever did when I was younger. Guess I used to have the attitude "Live and let live". However, I am at the point in my life where I do take offense when someone wrongs me, though I know the Bible says we should not. But I never used to. I used to let others walk over me like a doormat. I believe I have gotten stronger now that I am more mature. In fact, I have experienced more anger in my life in the last five years than I did probably in most of my life. I only used to be able to defend other people, never myself. Finally I have gotten more courage.

I know that the Word of God says to overlook offenses. But I have a hard time doing that now. I guess we all have areas of personal, spiritual growth that we have to work on.

I reflect back on the time around 1990, when I went with some friends to a "School of Prophets" in Lambertville, New Jersey. We all received ministry there. While the prophetic students were standing around me praying, a man with a British accent said, "Do you believe you are holy?"

"You ARE holy, because God has made you holy. Don't let anyone tell you that you aren't good enough!"  I realized while standing there with the students around me that he was referring to I Corinthians 5:17.

"If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away.; all things are become new."  KJV

And also, I Colossians 1:30:

"But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption."

I knew those things, but guess I had to be reminded. Because "being holy" is a tall order.

Anyway, focusing on the Lord's holiness, and worshipping Him in my heart, as I lay in bed, thinking about Him being "high and lifted up" zoomed me right into the throne room. Or a vision thereof.

The throne room was enormous, a huge wrap around, biggest arena you can ever imagine. It stretched in all directions...kind of like the Galactic Senate scene in Star Wars, but with much more shining light, in case you have ever seen the movie and remember the scene. (Link below.)

                                 STAR WARS GALACTIC SENATE

The arena-like area stretched as far as the eye could see, and had raised tiers all the way up and down and around, in a very wide circle, except for the platform upon which God's throne sits.

There were beings, whether angels or the spirits of people who have died and gone to heaven, I don't know. But they were all worshipping Him. There was a huge bright light like the sun emanating from behind His throne that shone so bright I could not actually see Him. But I knew He was there.

A feeling of awe and hush fell over the place. The Sea of Glass in front of His throne was a glowing blue, so smooth. Then He spoke.

He said:  "Live!"

As He said this, His voice thundered and caused reverberations across several universes at once. I could feel the ripples of vibration going out from the throne room. The Sea of Glass became frothy, throwing up aqua ripples that hung, almost suspended in time.

After that, the vision was finished. I wondered why He had sent out the command "Live!" Was our world dying? Some would think so. Was I dying? Well slowly but surely we all do. However I was sick in bed. Feeling miserable. Yet God spoke the command to LIVE!

When I looked up "Sante' later on an international translator, I found that the word means "health" in French. I had forgotten that.

For the last month, I have been focusing on scriptures for healing because of some health issues I have been facing. I have also been reading a book called "Healing Through Spiritual Warfare", and writing and memorizing Bible verses on the topic of healing.

                         HEALING THROUGH SPIRITUAL WARFARE By Peggy Scarborough

Knowing that the Lord is my Healer, just as He says in His Word in Exodus 15:26, I acknowledged that perhaps I was praying, instead of "God is Holy", that "God is Health". I know that reading the Bible brings healing to my soul, and also it says that it brings healing to the marrow of our bones, which means physical healing, even to the depths of our bones.

"It will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones", speaking of the Word of God, in Proverbs 3:8.

So regardless of whether I was praying "Is God Holy?" or "Is God Health?" the answer to both questions is "Yes".  By focusing on God's Word and spending time alone thinking of Him, focusing on Him, we can not only become more "Holy" but we can also receive HEALING,  which many of us need desperately! 

We can enter His throne room through worship. Others have done it. There are accounts in the Bible of people having done so. Also in modern times I have heard many testimonies of brothers and sisters in Christ who either had visions of the throne room, or who felt that they had been "translated" out of their bodies, directly into the spiritual realm, in God's real throne room.

Keep worshipping Him, trusting Him...and most of all "LIVE!" with the Resurrection Power of Jesus Christ!

"The Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead, LIVES IN YOU. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead He will give LIFE to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you."   NLT  Romans 8:11.

                                            BECAUSE HE LIVES - MATT CROWTHER