Tuesday, March 3, 2015



From the time I was very young, the supernatural interested me. My father would read Old Testament Bible stories about Moses parting the Red Sea, Daniel closing the mouth of lions, and heavenly bread falling on the Israelites when they were in the desert with no food.

It seemed to me like the God of Israel, Yahweh, could do anything. I still believe it to this day.

How many Christians realize that His actions are supernatural deeds of a SUPERNATURAL God?

Disney started coming out with supernatural movies in the 1960’s like “Bedknobs and Broomsticks”. My mother often watched “Twilight Zone”, and in school we would hear ghost stories at Halloween.

 Jeanne Dixon, psychic to the presidents and the stars, was prominent in the news. The supernatural was prevalent in the American culture, but not nearly to the extent as it is today.
Instead of Jeanne Dixon, today, we have TV mediums that supposedly act as channels between the dead and the living, like Jon Edwards, who’s show “Crossing Over” was highly popular during its height. Many people mistakenly believe that they are actually communicating with their loved ones through this man, who is most likely actually communicating with demons posing as dead loved ones. Then there’s the Long Island Psychic, Theresa Caputo, who also claims to do the same thing.

There is a precedent in the Bible for a ‘medium’ commandeered by King Saul to communicate with the dead prophet Samuel, in I Samuel, chapter 28.

       “Then Saul said unto his servants, ‘Seek me a woman that hath a FAMILIAR SPIRIT, that I may go to her, and enquire of her. And his servants said to him, ‘Behold, there is a woman that hath a familiar spirit at Endor.” I Samuel 28:7   KJV         

  (This occurred after Samuel had rid his kingdom of all such demon-possessed people. He treaded on doubly dangerous ground! And the Lord held him to account - telling Saul he would die the very next day!)

The Hebrew word, “owb”, Strong’s H178, translates as both “familiar spirit”, and also translates as “necromancer”, as someone who evokes or brings up the dead, in order to communicate with them. But my current understanding of the supernatural elements of this – is that “familiar spirits” are lying spirits, that cling to individuals who invite them into their hearts and minds. And because supernatural evil spirits have access to information they can imitate dead relatives, giving the living information and answers that deceive the families into believing they have heard from their lost family members.

The Lord strictly forbids trucking with necromancers and wizards.

In Leviticus 19:31 God says, “Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God.

In this passage, the Lord’s instructions imply that to seek after evil spirits, and wizards, is the same thing as worshipping other gods. Because He says, “I am the Lord your God.”

Also, in Leviticus 20:6 our Holy God says, “And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off, from among his people.”

In this verse God is basically saying that seeking people indwelt by familiar spirits, and both male and female “wizards” which would also be called “witches” is equated in God’s eyes with not only disobedience but actively worshipping or following other gods. To go “awhoring” means to prostitute oneself for something far less than God, by means of unfaithfulness to believing God to be sufficient to answer your questions about what is beyond. 

Many people seek witchcraft in order to gain what they perceive to be supernatural power, and control.

What these people do not realize is that witchcraft is a bottomless well that is worse than a spider web that ensnares their soul and spirits. They become bound and enchained to Satan just as the demonic spirits are, which are doomed and obligated to serve him.

The Harry Potter books which have become so famous in America and around the world, have imprisoned millions upon millions of children in a nightmare world of witchcraft. Many have gone beyond the original concepts, and have gone on to study deeper occult books.

In fact, while attending Calvary Chapel megachurch in Ft. Lauderdale, between 2000 and 2005, I heard a sermon which knocked my socks off. The pastor talked about Scholastic publishing, which had been a publisher of school materials since I was a child many years ago. As part of the marketing of “ Potter”, the company  prepared curricular materials to discuss Harry Potter in classes across the United States, which included discussion round tables on how children could become more involved in witchcraft. So witchcraft is actually being promoted and taught in elementary, middle and high schools across the nation, while the Harry Potter series of books become increasingly popular. 

One such Internet link reads:

Discover The Magic of Harry Potter Books And Demonstrate Your WIZARDING SKILLS! (SCHOLASTIC)

 Many teachers reported that the children went on to carry to school many other, more adult witchcraft manuals, and seriously engaged in the practice of witchcraft. Many of those once-young children, over the past decade or so, have become adults practicing witchcraft. Let’s not even dwell on the popular movies which brought vividly to life the often-thought harmless characters, which actually mock parents and those who do not embrace witchcraft or occult practices.

The National Educational Association also makes flagrant use of Harry Potter lesson plans, as well:



Not to mention that these same children are punished or expelled for bringing a Christian Bible to class, even to read in their free time! 

Teacher Tells Student He Can't Read Bible In Class

That is bad enough. But our culture went from the mild “Twilight Zone” of the 1960’s, to the movie, “Twilight” in most recent years. The Twilight series of movies romantically glorifies vampirism, which is totally antithetical to Christ. One takes blood from many and Christ gave His blood for many, that they would be set free from such demonic bondage.

Vampirism and werewolf cultural heroes are now the norm, just as is twisted sexuality, and its ensuing violence, engendered by such shows as “Bates Motel”, and movies like “Fifty Shades of Gray” which glorifies sadomasochism.
Our children are being demonized because they are so hungry for the supernatural. If they don’t get it inside the Church – they will find it elsewhere!

Cris Putnam in his book, “The Supernatural Worldview”, on pages 110 and 111 says, “We are facing a serious problem. At the same time that the culture is embracing the paranormal, the church is largely uninformed and incredulous. The answers we provide concerning phenomena like ghosts and ESP are often circular and unsatisfactory.”

Mr. Putnam goes on to explain, “The large-scale defections from historic orthodoxy [IN THE CHURCH] bore fruit in nineteenth-century, theological liberalism’s social gospel. The focus became ‘this worldly’ in order to foster social justice rather than heavenly treasure by making disciples. Into the twentieth century, this progressively polarized conservative Christians, and they withdrew from the academy and culture at large. As the Bible believers left the discussion, unbelievers had full rein in academia and the majority influence on the next generation. This was a fatal error and a failure to heed the Lord’s command to ‘occupy till I come’ in Luke 19:3, KJV)”

     Steve Quayle and Cris Putnam on Hagmann – Biblical Supernatural View vs the Humanistic View   

Being incessantly curious as a child, interested in the spiritual, supernatural and psychology, I read many books on parapsychology and extrasensory phenomena in order to gain an understanding of the spiritual realm. Children today are just as curious, but so many are being handed Harry Potter books, or even worse read to them aloud, by their deceived parents, thinking they are encouraging their children to read. Then the parents ignorantly purchase Harry Potter wands and other toy to increase the child’s interest in a blatantly controlling spirit.

Adults in America are just as curious as the children. But not realizing that God is the original source of anything supernatural, they turn to countless other sources, rather than Him in the search for understanding. But do not be fooled. God is not mocked. In Leviticus 20:6 He promised to kill those individuals who practiced such horrible things.

As the years went on, my interest in the supernatural grew. I read everything I could get my hands on that piqued my interest. If I had just been following my earthly father’s instructions all that time instead, to read my Bible every day, I would have even more understanding now than I currently have. But over the years, I made the Bible my go-to book for information, and now base everything I know and understand, see and hear on its “plumb line”. Because I believe that the Bible is the integral, indestructible and inerrant Word of God.

As a child, I knew that the God of the Bible was amazing. I saw that He did almost unbelievable things for His people in His Holy Book. I often wondered why I didn’t see the same miracles today as were written in His Word.

1. God provided “manna” to the Israelites                                                                                 Exodus 16:4
2.  God in person appeared to Abraham to inform him                                                            Genesis 18:17-33
3.  God also told Abram that Sarah would have a baby                                                             Genesis 18:1-15
4.  There were many appearances of angels                                (Too many references to list here. Another lesson.)
5.  Angels brought provisions to Elijah while sleeping                                                               I Kings 19:6
6. God fed Elijah via birds at the Cherith Brook                                                                          I Kings 17:6
7.  Elijah and Enoch were taken into the sky without dying                                         II Kings 2:11 & Gen. 5:24

8.  Widow’s jars overflow with oil and flour continually during famine                                I Kings 17:12-14

9.  Elijah was able to see beyond the earthly realm                                                                  II Kings 6:17

10. Elijah was able to see Gehazi his servant from afar                                                            II Kings 5:23

11. God instructed Moses to strike the rock to get water                                           Exodus 17:8; Numbers 20

12.  Twice apostles were freed miraculously from jail                                                  Acts 5:19-22; Acts 16:26

13.  Lazarus came back to life, as did the little girl, and boy            John 11:5; 12:9/I Kings 17:20/Luke 8:52

14. Young men taunting, possibly attacking Elijah, were attacked by a bear after Elisha cursed them.   II Kings 2:23-24  

15. Elisha’s bones were so filled with God’s power they raise others                        II Kings 13:2

16. Jesus and Peter walked on water                                                                               Matthew 14:29

17. Jonah lived 3 days in a whale then was spat up alive                                              Jonah 1:17 & 2:10

18. The Lord advised Joseph in dreams                                                                           Matthew 1:20 & 2:13 & 19

19. Daniel subdued lions while in their den                                                                    Daniel 6:16-24

20. Three young men withstood a fiery furnace                                                             Daniel 3:6-26

The Baptist church we attended said, “Oh such miracles are not for today. They were only for the days of old, before Jesus Christ came, died on the cross and rose.” They always taught that miracles ended then. But some of those pastors skipped over certain KEY passages in their Bibles. Or perhaps because they weren’t experiencing God’s dynamic power in their ministries, perhaps because they didn’t know how to access it, they conveniently rationalized that they could not, or would not even try.

But my childlike mind reasoned, “Why would God stop?”

And my Bible must have read differently than theirs. Because my Bible said in Hebrews 13:8:
               “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever.”

So according to my childish logic, I reasoned that if God was the same yesterday, today and forever, than He must still act in miraculous ways. And if Jesus Himself, said:

And these signs shall follow them that believe; in MY NAME shall they cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues, …they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”

And in Mark  16:20, “And they went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the Word with signs following. Amen.”

Again, my Bible must have been published for me only, or perhaps the words disappeared when they tried to read them in their Bibles, because mine said:

“Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.”  
In Matthew 10:8, and again in Luke 9:2 and 10:9.

But my child-like mind reasoned, if the Church is teaching us to “become disciples”, and Jesus told us to do these things, why would God stop, and therefore make it impossible for us to do what He had commanded us to do? It didn’t make sense at all.

In another location, my Bible read, AND STILL DOES TODAY, “I changeth not”. (Malachi 3:6.) 

According to my childish logic, if He had not changed, then intuitively His power and ability had not changed either. So what was stopping Him from producing the same miracles now as He had done in the past? But the church could not give me the answers I searched for. So I looked in other directions.  It took me on a long journey through the years, where the Lord and I had both highs and lows in our relationship. But thank God His will and power prevailed in my life, and I can truly say that I understand much more today than I did as a child. God has answered my prayers for understanding.

But what of the many people sitting in churches who have been told by their elders that God does not or cannot do the same miracles today? The leaders have sent their church members off on a wild goose chase, trying to satisfy their hunger for the supernatural and for God, through the occult, and all the mysterious occultic offerings the world has today. These same pastors will be held accountable for falsely teaching the followers of Christ that their Bible was not true.

Cris Putman, in his scholarly book, “The Supernatural Worldview” writes on page 115:
       “…a large part of Western evangelism doesn’t believe the Holy Spirit is actively revealing Himself, as reported in the New Testament, through speaking in tongues, healing by the laying on of hands, and prophetic utterances. Although these gifts are described as ongoing, unbelief has been baptized as cessation theology – the threefold idea that (1) the Holy Spirit’s purpose for ‘sign gifts’ was finished in the first century; (2) the sign gifts were given exclusively to the original twelve apostles, so that the sign gifts and apostleship are inextricably linked; and (3) the gift of apostleship no longer exists. The most often-cited proof text is: ‘Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part”. (I Corinthians 13:8-9). According to cessationists, the ‘perfect’ to the New Testament implying that, upon the closing of the canon, the sign-gifts cease. However, this is a far-fetched twisting of Scripture, as ‘the perfect’ more likely denotes the return of Christ…"

In my attempts to educate myself regarding the supernatural, as a child, there was no material I could find on God or Christians outside of the Bible, which described Christians in modern days experiencing supernatural events. Of course that was the days before the internet.

There was one book though, that my aunt gave my mother when I was ten years old. It was called, “They Speak With Other Tongues”, by John Sherrill, Elizabeth Sherrill’s husband. She was the editor of Guideposts Magazine for many years. This book alone, was a key in my journey.

But I kept asking, “What was stopping God?” NOTHING CAN STOP GOD!

 Then the fault must lie with men. Wait a minute! Doesn’t the Bible say that Jesus didn’t do miracles in HIS OWN TOWN because there wasn’t enough faith there? So the faith levels in his hometown were very low, just as the faith levels in my hometown were also extremely low. So despite the fact that I cherish the memories of my faithful Sunday School teachers who gave me a solid foundation in Biblical teachings, I still wondered why no churches around were supernatural. Where were the miracles?

The Word of God says, Jesus didn’t do miracles in his home region because, “No prophet is accepted in his own ‘country’. (Luke 4:24 KJV). Because they had seen Jesus grown up as a child their lack of faith levels surrounding Jesus apparently limited what He was able or willing to do. He works in coordination with our FAITH.

In OUR OWN COUNTRY, the United States, in the embodiment of the majority of Christian Believers across the USA – He has been limited by their LACK OF FAITH. That’s why so many people are sitting in churches sick, burdened, mentally ill, demon possessed, marriages dissolving, people dying on drugs and alcohol.  And the dry, dull teachers of pastors, who are not themselves on fire for God, don’t have faith to believe for miracles. So they turn it around on the Lord because of their own lack of faith. They say, “Oh, God doesn’t do that anymore.” I SAY LET GOD BE GOD!


A.    Because they don’t know their God, whom they say they serve. If not, then WHO ARE THEY SERVING?

B.    Because they don’t know God’s Word, and what it says. They rely on leaders to “spoon-feed” them, and neglect learning and studying the Bible.

C.    They don’t want to commit themselves. They are afraid they might have to give up something. Belief in a supernatural God, whether you believe in God Almighty, (as a Christian), or you instead serve the devil as a witch, wizard, vampire wannabe, Goth, or any other supernatural entity –REQUIRES SOME KIND OF COMMITMENT!

D.    It also requires an acknowledgement of a world beyond this one. 

Quantum physicists with their realization that there are other dimensions beyond this one, most recently evidenced by string theory, which implies 10 or even 11 dimensions, existing side by side or "parallel" with each other, brings us back to the spiritual reality that what we see is not all of that which makes up reality. In fact many scientists also hold the viewpoint that we actually live in a holographic universe.) This would mean that we are simply a holographic projection of some greater reality. This then, also requires an acknowledgement of one’s MORTALITY.

E. They don’t want to change or be changed. Change is often scary to most people. 

And so many people often stick to their old tried and true ways even though those ways do not help them at all. The comfort of something familiar is all that they really have. But through the ages, the Lord sometimes varies His methods of reaching people. He is above all else creative. Over the decades Waves of His Holy Spirit have moved over the ocean of His people, stirring them in new eras in mighty outpourings that produced different outcomes.

The Protestant Reformation is just one major example of how God turned a situation around in order for more of common humanity to understand and reach out to Him. Over centuries the Catholic Church leaders had consolidated information among themselves and spoon-fed it to the people, for profit. The common man didn’t even have access to the scriptures. The priests were the arbitrary guides to the Catholic person’s soul, unlike the order the Bible proclaims. God wanted the scriptures and Himself to be accessible to everyone. Hence the “Ninety-Five Theses” Martin Luther nailed to the All-Saints Church door, in Wittenberg, Germany 1517.

The Gutenburg press helped to put the Word of God into the hands of the common people, a miracle in itself!

Thus, although the Catholic Church remains a bastion of often-outdated traditions, another whole group of Christians – the Protestants – have sprung up, making God real to the people. Millions of denominations and churches have spawned from that one-act of a Holy Spirit inspired man.

Fast forward down through the centuries. We cannot forget the Azusa Street revival, the true beginning of the modern Pentecostal movement, in 1906, which came about through a group of young people praying fervently in California. Please click the link below to watch a dynamic video about William Seymour and the Azusa Street Revival.

     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPm980ATPa4   AN AMAZING DOCUMENTARY YOU WON”T WANT TO MISS!

Wikipedia says about the Azusa phenomena, “Today there are more than 500 million Pentecostal and Charismatic believers across the globe, and it is the fastest growing form of Christianity today. The Azusa Street Revival is commonly regarded as the beginning of the modern day Pentecostal movement.”


 God blessed His TRUTH-SEEKING people, from Azusa Street Pentecostalism to the modern Charismatic movement, which gained momentum in the late 1960’s. The many freedom-loving, hippie youth who had been “turned on” by drugs and free sex crashed into the reality of the dark side of those excesses. When many tired of those ancient reality-escapes, they realized that true freedom comes from Jesus Christ and following after him.

 Chuck Smith out on the West Coast started up the Calvary Chapel Churches. He played an important role in the evangelical movement in the past century. According to Ed Stetzer in a Christianity Today article, 
Simply put it is hard to overstate the significance of Calvary Chapel in re-mapping Protestantism, particularly evangelism.”

Ed Stetzer, citing Donald Miller’s scholarly book, “Reinventing American Protestanism”, “Calvary Chapel helped birth and shape a movement”.


F.   They are afraid to get into “DEEP WATERS” with God. They are afraid they might drown in Him. When really - He is their LIFE-SAVER.

G.  Afraid it would upset their “solid tradition”. Well this is the way grandpa and great grandma worshiped. Why should we ever accept anything different? Why? Because Grandma and Grandpa may have missed an awful lot!

H.  They think all supernatural is bad. They are afraid of the very WORD “supernatural”.

I.  They mistakenly think all supernatural events come from the “dark side”.

J. They limit God because they have limited imaginations and low expectations of Him.

K.  They are afraid of “signs and wonders”. Better get used to them Church/World!

L.  They think they’ll be labelled “odd” or ‘fanatics’.

M. They believe the mistaken notion that “Religion leads to insanity”.


If you try to take the supernatural out of God, then you no longer have THE GOD OF THE BIBLE. God HAS ALWAYS BEEN SUPERNATURAL.

Over thousands of years He has done supernatural acts, to, for and with His people. Some of His people, those very close to Him, have performed supernatural acts by HIS Power, in both the Old and New Testaments. Those who believe His Word continue to impart healing to others by way of Christ’s power.

If you take away the supernatural from the God depicted in the Torah (Old Testament), and the New Testament, you have basically castrated God. You have declared him impotent.

If you go to church every Sunday, sing the same old hymns, DO THE SAME OLD THINGS, hear the same sermons, or the same theme preached over and over again, UNLESS THAT THEME IS GOD’S LOVE, then you are imagining and worshipping a God you have contrived in your brain, or by your Church’s teachings – BECAUSE THAT GOD HAS NO REAL POWER.

Even if your church preaches the “SALVATION” message, but NO ONE EVER CHANGES. And you hear the same old gossip Sunday after Sunday. Girls and women wear the same breast-baring outfits, and everyone and everything remains the same, to hang onto the same old status quo…you have been worshiping a God whom you have falsely assumed to be of very little power.

If you have a preacher saying “Miracles are not for today”, or “Healing is not for today”, that leader is not only robbing God, but he is also robbing you. He contradicts God’s Word, the Bible. And that same minister is effectively STEALING YOUR HEALING.

The Lord Himself says in Malachi 3:6, “For I am the Lord, I CHANGE NOT; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.”

He may work in different ways, in different “movements” down through the millennia. But if anything, these “moves” of God are intended to MOVE you closer to Him.

Joel 2:28-31 says, “And it shall come to pass afterwards, that I shall pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids. In those days I will pour out my Spirit. And I will show wonders in the heavens and the earth, blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.”

And again in the New Testament Acts 2:16 through 21 reiterates this same passage, indicating that the initial outpouring of Pentecost immediately began after Christ’s disappearing into heaven, with a promise of His Return. However, we are now in the time period when these signs in the heavens are about to occur. This means that the generation we now live in, are living in the last days immediately preceding THE RETURN of Jesus Christ.

In fact, a large majority of Bible scholars fix 1948 as the beginning of the generation on Earth who will live to see His Return. Whether that is 70 or one hundred years - it means the same thing. The time is CLOSE. 

This all revolves around God’s prophetic timetable and His dealing with Israel and the Jewish people as a re-birthed nation, at its reconstitution in 1948. Scholars agree that the passage in the New Testament which speaks of Israel as the fig tree branches bring forth fruit, or coming into its “season”, its own, so to speak, is the sign that we shall see the widely acknowledged Return of Christ in the sky, the same way as He left.

       “Now learn a parable of the fig tree; when his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is night”. Matthew 24”32 KJV

      “…which also said, ‘Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye staring up onto Heaven? This SAME Jesus which is taken up from you into Heaven shall SO COME IN LIKE MANNER as ye have seen HIM GO INTO HEAVEN”. Acts 1:11 KJV

If your church leaders are not preaching or teaching about the End of Times as declared throughout the Bible then they have totally missed the boat! They have been blinded by the deception rampant in this time period.

For we are in THE LAST DAYS BEFORE CHRIST’S RETURN, as described in many, many Bible prophecies. You need to know the truth about what is going to happen! And if you think the book series “LEFT BEHIND” has laid out the complete and true course of events then you are wrong. If you rely on fairy tales told by men and NOT on what the Word of God says about the Last Days, then you will be sorely disappointed. 

You will have to rely on the true, SUPERNATURAL GOD of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, in order to overcome the challenges ahead.

Our God, Jehovah, Yahweh, King of Kings, Prince of Peace, Mighty Counselor, Almighty God - is the one you will need to rely on, to protect and provide for you and your family in the coming days.   (Isaiah 9:6.)

So you HAVE to realize that we serve a SUPERNATURAL GOD, and His ways are higher than ours. But if you know the Bible, the Word of God, and not just THINK you know, but really search out the scriptures and get to know the Living God for yourself, then you will be on your way to encountering His supernatural power.

By all means, if you are already a Christian do yourself a HUGE favor and ask the Lord for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Yes, you received the "deposit" of His Spirit. But why not go all out and learn to walk filled with HIM?

Only HE has the power to cleanse men’ and women’s hearts and minds. Only He has the ability to move mountains, calm the seas, heal the sick, know men’s minds and thoughts, raise the dead. Yet if you are fully partnered with Him, and yielded to his Holy Spirit by His Power, you will be able to do these same things.Only because HIS POWER WILL BE FLOWING THROUGH YOU! 



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