Thursday, December 4, 2014



WHAT time? You might ask. It is HIGH TIME. URGENT time. Time to make things right with God. It's PASTTIME.  We're on OVERTIME. We're on BORROWED time. It's only a MATTER of time.

America has chased God, the true and living God, our of our classrooms, courthouses, town squares, and even out of our homes.

 There are non-religious people who recognize that we are facing monumental times of great change. They don't even realize that we are living in THE END TIMES.

There are so-called professing "Christians" who refuse to acknowledge or who have never been taught, what the Bible has to say about the Last Days before the Return of Jesus Christ, the focal point of all human and Earth history, in addition to His birth, death and resurrection.

 But given the fact that Jesus came as a LAMB the last time, and that this time He's coming like a LION - with a roar - to change the face and even the geology of Planet Earth...this time precedes the most important event in our entire history.
     "For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now." 
             Romans 8:22

The Earth will be renewed and cleansed. Mankind will have a new beginning, with a just and Holy King. There will indeed be PEACE ON EARTH.

Jesus is coming in the Sky, the same way as He left.  Acts 1:11

 He will not be some charismatic, inspiring world leader whom the masses think will save them and set all wrongs to right. No official nor politician nor priest can and will do what the Son of the God who created the Universe/Universes, will do when He Returns in Great Glory, as every eye watches His Descent, and World Leaders try to fight Him off, lying to the people and saying perhaps that it is an Alien Attack, or some such nonsense.
      Revelation 1:7   "Behold He cometh with cloud; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him."

Perhaps that's why the Vatican has made such an intense effort to watch the skies from their observatories on Mt. Graham, in Arizona. Perhaps Tom Horn and Chris Putnam have it all wrong in their book, "Exo-Vaticana."
Exo-Vaticana -Part 1- Raiders News Update

Perhaps it's not just aliens the Jesuit priest/astronomers are watching for. With the scriptures clearly in front of their eyes, perhaps they fear the true fulfillment of the ancient prophecies, woven throughout the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible. That of Christ's SOON Return. Perhaps they are on the "wrong side of history", betting on the "Alien Brothers".

Our nation, as a whole, has replaced Christ with politically correct phrases and ideas, that in the END, will only bring sorrow to our nation and families.


 We are at the END Folks! Beware of the upcoming years of Great Deception, turmoil, and the attempts of our leaders, as well as other national leaders, to unite all people under the banner of a One-World-Government. The behind the scenes proponents of this New World Order now have everything in place, including the means and methods to incorporate, perhaps even place America, in the position of leadership for this New World Order.

Both presidents Bush spoke of it publicly.

State of the Union Address, Jan. 29, 1991
Commencement Address, Texas A&M University, May 12, 1989
Address before Joint Session of Congress on Persian Gulf Crisis and Federal Deficit, titled:
     "Toward A New World Order", September 11, 1990
Bush speech from The Oval Office, January 16, 1991
Remarks In Question and Answer Session at Meeting of The Economic Club, NYC, February 6, 1991

 Henry Kissinger, one of the "Movers and Shakers" behind the scenes not only mentions it repeatedly on numerous occasions such as:

Address Before The UN  General Assembly , October 1975
"An End of Hubris", The Economist, November 19, 2008
His Newest Book: "World Order"

But Kissinger, former Secretary of State while being interviewed on CBNBC hosts Mark Haines and Erin Burnett, in 2009 remarked that BO is in the unique position to facilitate the coordination of this NWO.

"Kissinger: Obama Primed To Create New World Order"
     "Kissinger: Obama Primed To Create New World Order"

 And BO himself has also spoken of it publicly.

 Keep your eyes and ears open for all the tell-tale signs that Jesus is coming back soon.

Yes, the Bible does state that we don't know the day or hour. But it also states that we need to be aware of the Times and Seasons, and to "Watch" for the Lord's Return.   Matthew 25:13

    "He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, it will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, it will be foul weather today: for the sky is red and lowering. Oh ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?" 
    Matthew 16:2-3   KJV

 Just like the loud thumping of the heart hidden under the floorboards in Edgar Allen Poe's short story, "The Tell Tale Heart", we hear the evident signals -  loud beating of the war drums we hear pounding around the world. Many major nations are threatening the U.S., as well as fighting among themselves.

There are loud booms in the sky and around the Earth. Even unexplained trumpet sounds. Earthquakes constantly increase in number and intensity. That was certainly one of the signs of His Return that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24.
Strange Trumpet Sounds - Bible Prophecy

When I was a child, the media announced maybe one major earthquake per year. Every decade the earthquakes have increased. At one point the number grew to about one per month. Years went by and the earthquakes occurred maybe one per week. Now the earthquakes often occur simultaneously, and even more than one per day. Several every few days are often announced on the internet.

Earthquakes On The Rise Scientists Warn

"The USGS estimates that [currently] several million earthquakes occur in the world each year."

 If you watch only television you are missing a large portion of the news.

There are only a handful of news companies. Large media conglomerates control all the news filtered to the public. There is so much YOU DON'T hear about, unless you dig deep to find out the true reality happening behind the scenes. As long ago as 1954, the head of the National Press Association stated publicly that we no longer have a "free press", but rather news organizations controlled by corporate/political entities.

These Six Corporations Control 90% of The Media In America

That is why you are not aware of the lateness of the hour. Much news is hidden from the American people. The press no longer maintains its role in protecting our freedoms as it once did, by ferreting out the truth.

America has passed its point of NO RETURN. We're not at the cliff that leads to the slippery slope. We are rapidly sliding down THAT SLOPE and are about to hit Rock Bottom!

Have you heard of "The Harbinger" by Jonathan Cahn? "The Blood Moons" by Mark Blitz?

Jonathan Cahn: The Harbinger -

The Blood Moons By Mark Blitz - You Tube

With all the amazingly frightening things that are predicted to happen you may soon feel like you are in the Twilight Zone. It's not even Half-Time. We are in the END ZONE!

But never fear, as long as you follow Jesus Christ you will be in THE GLORY ZONE.

Remember when the Israelites lived in a specially protected place in Egypt called "The Land of Goshen"?
                                    Genesis 47:27, Exodus 8:22, Exodus 9:26

 You can live in your own "Land of Goshen", with FAITH IN THE PROTECTION AND PROVISION of Jesus Christ. That is not to say that we will never experience hardship or trying times. But we Christians are not appointed to the Lord's Wrath. This does not mean we will be magically whisked out of all that is happening. It means we will be given the strength to endure this time of the DEVIL's WRATH against Mankind, knowing that his time is short. The True King is coming to Rule Planet Earth Very Soon.

Do you know the Bible? If you don't - you had better read it quickly! There may come a day when the "Powers That Be" try to take our Bibles away. But if you have God's Word hidden in your heart and mind, no one can take that away from you.

The Bible is a book of PRECEDENT. Ever hear of the concept of "Legal Precedent"?  All rulings/decisions are based on what has gone before. Have you never heard of the Old Covenant and the New Covenant? A covenant is a legal agreement. A Testament is a documented verification. Have you ever heard of the Old Testament and the New Testament?

Anything God Almighty has done for someone else in the past He can do right now for you in the present, and in the future, if you have enough faith to believe!

Did the red Sea part for Moses?  They can part for you, too, if you believe.

Did an angel bake Elijah a cake and bring him water when he was out in the wilderness?

Did Peter walk on water, after Jesus showed him the example? If you only believe.Ask Heidi Baker!

Did the widow of Zarepath's oil keep flowing, and her flour during the time of famine? She wasn't a prophet!

So can you and yours if you draw near to the Lord NOW and learn His miraculous ways of provision!  These miracles don't happen to just anyone. You must believe God's Word, the Bible and have faith!

Did the Angel of Death pass over the homes of the Israelites who had the LAMB's blood on the doorposts of their houses? Yes! Has the Blood of the Lamb of God, Messsiah Jesus/Yeshua, been painted on the doorposts of your heart? Have you accepted Him and His personal sacrifice on Calvary to wash all your sins away? Have you made Him Lord and Savior of your life, NOT IN WORD ONLY, BUT WITH A CHANGED HEART AND MIND?

          "Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things pass away; behold all things become new."   II Corinthians 5:17  KJV


      ROMANS 13:11

"For He saith, I have heard thee in a time ACCEPTED, and in the DAY OF SALVATION have I succoured thee: Behold, NOW IS THE DAY OF SALVATION!"  II Corinthians 6:2

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