Sunday, December 17, 2017


COPYRIGHT - LPM 12/17/17


I heard a choir of angels coming back to Florida on the airplane after my dad's funeral. I heard his tenor voice singing a solo in that choir. Of course I was the only one on the plane who could hear this personal audio-vision. I believe God gave it to me to give me comfort about my father's death.

Tonight I heard another choir of angels on YouTube. It's called "A CHOIR OF ANGELS (SLOWED 800%)


I have never heard a CD like this, although I have heard cd's that were synthesized to sound like angels singing. The video I heard tonight sounded supernatural in nature. It beckoned me like the ancient sirens of the seas, to the great expanse of the heavens.

It was somewhat reminiscent of the heavenly choirs heard on the beaches at dawn and dusk in the movie "City of Angels" so it could have been faked. But the audio vision I had coming home from my father's funeral made me open to the possibility that such music might be heard by humans, under certain circumstances.

I know a pastor and his wife who swear that the area above the piano in their living room is a portal to heaven...that angels ascend and descend as they worship the Lord with other Christians in their living room.

If indeed this was truly recorded in a spiritual or natural setting without the aid of synthesizers, and truly was slowed down 800% as reputed, then what did it sound like at natural speed?

Some of the videos I have been listening to of mysterious trumpet sounds from around the world for the past seven years, were very similar to the sound of this angelic choir. Indeed, if the videos sounds were slowed down, even the ones sounding different than choirs or trumpets might be more recognizable to the human ear.

                            Trumpets 2017 Common Use - Educational Purposes

        WHAT'S CAUSING MYSTERY TRUMPET BLASTS IN SKY?        (Click link for more info.)

                            Strange Sounds & Loud Booms Worldwide-Common Use

Some people might find it eerie. But I am absolutely convinced that these are signs of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

In Leviticus 25:9 trumpets were connected with the Day of Atonement. Christian Bible scholars who study the Jewish feast days and their correlation with end time prophecy, believe that the Lord's Return will occur on a future Day of Atonement, or the Feast of Trumpets.


Trumpets are also connected with announcements in the Old Testament. Trumpets can signal warnings:

Ezekiel 33:6    Hosea 8:1     and   Joel 2:1.

Trumpets are also mentioned often in the book of Revelation.

According to Revelation 1:10 KJV  voices can sound like trumpets.  Revelation 8:13 depicts angel voices SOUNDING LIKE trumpets.

Doesn't the Bible say that choirs of angels sang over Bethlehem skies above the heads of the shepherds when Jesus was born?

Luke 2:8-15  and Luke 2:15 "a multitude of heavenly host praising God" KJV.

Therefore shouldn't the trumpets of angels and their voices herald His Second Coming as well? Perhaps these unexplained trumpet sounds coming from the skies are angel trumpets trying to signal His soon coming.



In the Biblical book of Ezekiel 23:1-44, there are two sisters. The eldest is named Ohola. The youngest is Oholibah. They are both "party girls", or as they used to say in the old days, tarts or tramps.

Ezekiel describes them as going after the handsome uniformed soldiers like hunting dogs chasing wild boar. In the ancient spirit of Diana the Huntress, the two sisters symbolized by the prophet as depicting Samaria and Jerusalem, chased men for their own lurid pleasure, seducing them into their perfumed beds.

When I was 20 the Lord showed me that there was also a more modern symbolism. Sometimes there can be different layers of prophetic meanings at different times in history.

I saw the older sister as akin to Israel, who at times went whoring after gods other than the True and Living God.

Yahweh called them abominations. Throughout history He withdrew His blessings from Israel when they pursued false gods.

The younger sister, called Judah or "Praise", was like America, once a godly nation, but now deserving a fate worse than Sodom and Gomorrah, as the once God-fearing, God-purposed nation turned their back completely on their Creator and God-ordained destiny.

The spirit of prostitution, and killing of their offspring has turned the nation into a magnet for God's impending judgement.

Famous evangelist Billy Graham once said, "If God doesn't judge America, He will have to apologize to Sodom and

God showed me the two nations are "joined at the hip" by a common spiritual give light to the nations, and with that Light the Freedom that comes with it.

I don't know for sure if the revelation that God gave me in 1979, about America being the "Whore" of mystery Babylon, could possibly be true.

Revelation 17:1    Revelation 19:2  

The so called "Whore" of  "Mystery Babylon" is the one who "rides" or basically controls (by reins) the Beast.

During a recent Super Bowl game a famous female pop musician portrayed herself as the woman riding the beast. When a totally secular (not clued in) music performer portrays this symbolism in one of our highest profile, widely-viewed annual traditions, a message is being displayed.

Consciously or unconsciously she intuits the direction of our nation. As many performers are puppets to spout the "One World" message, she may have been propagandizing our nation's current direction.


So back in 1979 when I thought I was hearing from God about it -  I prayed and asked the Lord if this were true to give me further proof. Because I have always loved my America and could barely think of the notion that she would be the "whore that sits upon many waters".

Then, that same year, a pastor out of California, named Chuck Smith, started preaching the very thing that I thought I had heard from God!

Now, quite a few Bible scholars are coming out with books pointing to the idea.


I prayed and asked the Lord about this. Douglas Krieger believes that the AntiChrist may rise out of America in some way. Joel Richardson believes the AntiChrist must be a follower of Mohammed.

There was recently an individual at the highest realms of our government who - though out of sight  - is doing incredible things to try to maintain the status quo of the ruins of America which he finalized for the Globalist cartel pushing for One World Government. That individual can be proven to be a practicing follower of those who would call him their "Mahdi".

You can almost hear him saying like Arnold Schwarzneggar, "I'll be back!"

Most of America is not following the true news. They are suckered into believing that what they are watching on major networks is the truth, when in fact it is carefully guided propaganda.

Those who are not following closely world events do not realize that we are on the precipice of World War III.

If trouble occurs with North Korea, both China and Russia have pledged not to stand idly by. They won't be our allies.

If war with North Korea starts up this will likely trigger a conflagration in the Middle East as well.

So while most Americans are shopping for Christmas presents and Christmas meal items, the rest of the world is ready to go up in flames.

                           Common usage only - Educational Purposes


Christmas is a time when most of us think about food. In fact, despite or perhaps because we live in a post-Christian culture, all many people think about is FOOD at the holiday.

We are well-plucked, blind turkeys ready to be slaughtered by our ignorance of what is really going on in the world...Ready to be taken down by surprise when a rogue nation detonates atomic weaponry over our skies. Ready to die happily as long as our stomachs are full because heaven forbid that our oversized appetites are not fulfilled.

Our decimated military can barely match the preparedness and weaponry of other, more prepared nuclear nations. It was the U.S. who disarmed after the SALT II treaty, not Russia.

The Pentagon isn't listening to the current president's attempts to rebuild the military. Just this week Green Beret commandants were accused of making the requirements for their special forces more lax and easier to pass.

Also, this week it was reported that Chicago is inviting in the United Nations to protect their city, rather than the police or National Guard. The Socialist mayor, friend of a recent president, wants to start the trend of bringing the U.N. into the U.S. to police it, getting America conditioned to the idea.

                        Common Usage - Educational Purposes Only
Forget about verifying anything on  They are a leftist, Soros-funded, amateurish outfit.      

The U.S. economy fools many by looking superficially healthy on the surface. Except of course for the failure of many large chain stores, and the closing of multitudes of malls. It is actually ready to tank at any moment.

Our national debt is irreconcilable, and even an astute businessman might not be able to salvage it. Eventually, cash will be as outdated as the horse and carriage.

We all will be required to take a "chip" or an identifying mark on our hands (or forehead), in order to be paid for work, pay rent, buy groceries, pay for utilities and vehicles.

The world is ready to change overnight. And all the people are hopelessly fantasizing about their Christmas cookies, and crumpets, as the case may be.

The majority of people are carrying on in a state of cognitive dissonance as though all is normal. Where normality may disappear overnight - with the shutdown of the electrical grid, the stoppage of truck shipping...a state of Martial Law could appear overnight. The entire American culture is on fire, not just the California coast.

                             Jason A. video - links to Cali. Fires

Hidden interlopers have insinuated themselves in our highest levels of government. They have controverted schools, universities, churches, local governments, and organizations that were once household names in our society.

But now, 1984 "Newspeak" allows them to call themselves the exact opposites of what they really are. "Progressive" really equals regressive and oppressive. Communism is masquerading as "Socialism Lite".

Twenty years ago it would be absolutely unthinkable to consider that a Socialist would campaign for the U.S. presidency and that young people would be so ill-informed as to actually support his poisonous doctrine.

                                        1984 Explained
                           Common Usage - Educational Purposes Only

So the young people have been tricked, the Baby Boomers lied to. The generation that is dying off are the only ones left who know what the REAL AMERICA once was. A nation under God, strong, united, with values that welded together every level of society. It made us hardworking, ingenious, vigorous, and an amazement to the rest of the world. But no longer.

We've now become the laughing stock of the world while all the strumpets eat Christmas crumpets. Be sure to listen for the sound of trumpets.

                            Common usage - Ed. purposes         


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