You know the card says "Peace on Earth". But we are right now closer to nuclear war than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis. You would realize that if you are paying attention to the REAL NEWS on the internet and not the stolen U.S. television media.
Everywhere I went yesterday I heard people arguing and fighting. Those "in the know" realize that the spirits of discord and lawlessness have been unleashed everywhere.
The Globalists want to bring every nation together, serving one religion and one man, under a false semblance of peace.
But we know that Jesus Christ/Yeshua Ha Meshiach, will bring the only true peace on Earth when He comes - THE SECOND TIME - His SECOND ADVENT.
Back when the angels sang and rejoiced in the skies above the shepherds, saying "Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men", they must have been referring to His Second Coming.
For we know as a babe-in-the-manger, He only brought peace to the hearts of some - those who would welcome Him as Savior and Healer.
If you've ever seen the documentary "Star of Bethlehem" you will know that the particular planetary and constellational alignments that occurred December 25th, 2 B.C. have profound evidence for being that so-called "star".
Click Link to Youtube
However, this past September 23rd, 2017, that same planetary alignment occurred again, in a most remarkable way, for the 1st time in 2000 years.
Jesus said, in Matthew 16: 2-3:
"He answered them and said, 'When it is evening you say, it will be fair weather for the sky is red, and in the morning you say 'It will be foul weather today for the sky is red and lowing'. Oh you hypocrites, you can discern the face of the sky but can you not discern the signs of the times?"
If, as the majority of End Time Bible scholars believe, that Israel is God's "time-clock", and that "summer is nigh", when the "fig tree" puts forth her leaves, as she did in 1948...Some say 1967. Matthew 24:22 and Luke 21:30
But I believe 1948 has more significance to the rebirth of Israel as a nation...The Bible says that this generation which saw 1948 shall not pass (in Jesus' own words), before the Son of Man Returns.
This is reiterated in:
Matthew 24:31, Mark 13:30, and Luke 2:32
That means we are far closer to His SECOND COMING than to His first! I'm not referring to any STEALTH ARRIVAL.
I am talking about when Jesus arrives in the clouds, at the apex of mankind's history, where "every eye shall see Him". (Revelation 1:7):
"Behold He cometh with clouds; and EVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM, and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him." KJV
I have been waiting for this event ever since I was a toddler. My father read me Bible stories - especially from the Old Testament. He would tell me as he tucked me in at night, "JESUS IS COMING SOON!"
Even President Trump is playing a role causing end time events to fall into place as he recently declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel.
Seeing how the Lord's return is so very near that we can almost reach out and touch Him, I'm starting a NEW CHRISTMAS TRADITION THIS YEAR.
I am celebrating Christ's SECOND ADVENT with faith that He will bring TRUE PEACE ON EARTH WITH HIS RETURN.
Meanwhile I will think of Anna and Simeon, who sensing the nearness of Messiah, waited in the Temple until they saw Him with their very own eyes!
Luke 2:26 and 34 and Luke 2:38
And, as people exchange gifts, its no longer the wise men I'll be thinking about. Rather, it's the TWO WITNESSES OF REVELATION
whose deaths will cause the entire world to exchange gifts with joy - just like at Christmas!
Revelation 11:8:
"And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth."
Believers in Messiah won't be exchanging gifts but the unredeemed will be so relieved at the so-called "torment" the two witnesses dished out that the whole earth will rejoice at their demise.
The really sad thing is that most Christians imagine they will be whisked away because of the recently popularized doctrine of a quick escape before all these things come to pass.
If the martyrs of history had to patiently endure tribulation, why would we modern Christians be any more privileged to escape and not have the honor of laying down our lives for Him?
The Bible says we are not "appointed to wrath" which is absolutely true. I Thess. 6:9
But the "trying of our faith" worketh patience.
James 1:3
And the Bride must make herself ready for the Bridegroom's return.
Revelation 18:7-18
Have you made yourself ready? Is your gown purged white? Or are you simply living a routine of mediocre Christianity without the power and presence of the Living Messiah, the comfort and constant awareness of the Holy Spirit?
Don't you think that it is time, in faith, that we should NOW celebrate His Second Arrival? Seeing as how it is SO CLOSE! All the signs are there if you simply look.
May His peace and joy fill your lives and family this season.
In His Love,
"We Shall Behold Him" Sandy Patty Common Usage-Ed. Purposes Only