Sunday, October 15, 2017



So many of the recent astronomical events in the last few years and months have chirped across the Internet that I've been thinking about God's universe and His Creations- the stars.

Watching the Netflix show "Dark Matter" with its instantaneous "Blink Drive" which zooms someone to one point of space-time to another, has me asking many more questions about the universe. I can't help but ask the Living God about the Space -Time continuum, aliens, nephilim, and the transcendent bodies we are promised at the Resurrection, vs Transhumanism as touted in science fiction tales galore.

"In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump, for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed". I Cor. 15:52

  A Great show for Science Fiction Fans, but beware - much violence. "DARK MATTER"

For months I have been wanting to go back and read the Book of Job where the constellations are mentioned. Having heard a reminder the other day that Job is believed to possibly be the oldest book in the Bible re-aroused my curiosity of how could Job have possibly known about distinctly named constellations?

When Job was rightfully bemoaning his losses and pain, God questioned Job's faith in Him by asking:

"Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades, or loose the cords of Orion? Can you lead forth a constellation in its season, and guide the Bear with its satellites?" Job 30:31-32 NAS

There are also similar references in Amos 9 and Job 9:9, which also mention Arcturus, Orion and Pleiades, and "chambers of the south."

         Pleiades - For Instructional Purposes Only

I read an article online "Is The Astronomy In the Book of Job Scientifically Consistent?"

The writer of the article J. Warner Wallace was not looking for advanced scientific details (though I am), but rather he expects God's Word to be consistent in a scientific sense.

I figure if rumors are true and Einstein DID rely on the Hebrew alphabet Gematria, possibly Bible codes, as well as the translation of the Word "Light" for his study that erupted in the brainstorm creating E-MC squared - then perhaps I could uncover something more by re-examining Job 30.

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                                                      EINSTEIN'S BIBLE CODE DISCOVERY

Of course Job was unable to reply to what had been largely a rhetorical question in the first place. According to Warner Wallace's article "...Pleiades (also known as the Seven Sisters) is an open star cluster in the constellation of Taurus."

He continues to explain that it was "classified as an open cluster because it is a group of hundreds of stars formed from the same cosmic cloud, approximately the same age with the same chemical composition...bound together by mutual gravitational attraction."

Wallace quotes Isabel Lewis of US Naval Observatory fame as saying,
"Astronomers have identified 250 stars as actual members of this group, all sharing in a common motion and drifting through space in the same direction".

But Wallace further enlightens us by mentioning Dr. Robert J. Trumpler's comment from the book, "Wonder Worlds", wherein he says:

"Over 25,000 measures of the Pleiades stars are now available, and their study led to the important discovery that the whole cluster is moving in a southeasterly direction. The Pleiades stars may be thus compared to a swarm of birds, flying together to a distant goal...leaves no doubt that the Pleiades are not a temporary or accidental conglomeration of stars, but system in which the stars are bound together by close kinship."

                 "Wonder Worlds" on

The Lord emphasizes His point even more deeply when He again challenges Job asking him if he can "loosen the cords of Orion".

J. Warner Wallace, on his website COLD CASE CHRISTIANITY.COM goes on to mention that God was referencing Orion's belt, which can be easily seen in a clear night's sky.

"The three stars forming the linear 'band' at Orion's waist...God appeared to be challenging Job in the opposite way he had in the first portion of the verse...Orion's belt is formed by two stars (Alnilam and Mintaka) and one more star cluster (Alnitak). Alnitak is actually a triple star system at the Eastern edge of Orion's belt. These stars (along with all the other stars forming Orion) are not gravitationally bound like those in Pleiades. ...the stars of Orion's Belt are heading in different directions."

Wallace also discusses the fact that Orion is long lasting, "not because its stars are physically connected", but because they expand a greater distance. But because eventually over the millennia Alnita will no longer be perceptible, having shifted too far away, Orion's belt will be unbuckled, just as the Lord inquired of Job. This also gives Job's writing a prophetic slant, if the suffering saint himself actually authored the book.

But more importantly, it proves that God Himself created/controls His Universe, and His foreknowledge and power pushes forward the movements of the macrocosm, far beyond man's ability to comprehend. This hints at the irony that we should never challenge God's ability or His purposes, let alone His faithfulness.

Before I go to sleep at night I have been reading several pages of a book called "The Universe - 365 Days". It puts beautiful pictures in my mind as I dream of the Horsehead Nebula, and other amazing sweeps of the expanse far beyond our little sphere.

It may seem weird, but I can't help but believe that the Lord is leading me in my studies. The other night, reading this gloriously illustrated book, I came across the constituents composing the Universe, as scientists currently understand them:

70% Dark Energy, 25% Dark Matter, and 5% Normal Matter.

I was astonished. But as I was researching on the Internet yesterday, about the possibility of so called "blink drives" fictionally supposed to be greater than Faster Than Light (FTL)drives... I came across two extremely interesting videos.

I had "googled" the search term "SPACE-TIME ENGINEERING", thinking it might be another way to phrase the terms "Time Control" or "Time Travel". (Time control is more encompassing.)

The search topic took me to David Anderson's Time Travel Institute site which I have mixed feelings about, regarding its veracity. However, because Anderson is borrowing the writings of experts in the field I can sometimes learn something new there.

The article covered the topic "Space-Time Engineering" and spoke of "bubbles" in the space-time structure, "basement universes", and discussed "negative energy". When I found out that some spaceship drives for FTL travel might require "negative energy" my mental "ears" perked up. One theoretical warp drive requires devising a way to manipulate "negative energy".

             SPACE TIME ENGINEERING - CETIN BAL - SEE Link Address  or go to

For some reason, the Holy Spirit, (who guides all my studies), led me back to the Perimeter Institute website. At first I kept getting "blocked" as frequently happens since the Internet has been handed over to international control, largely under the auspices of China.

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Finally I got to:

                   Erik Verlinde Lecture @ Perimeter Institue 10/4/2017

To be able to listen for free to videos of famous physicists really excited me. So I listened to the featured lecture (above):


Dr. Verlinde spoke about the "Information Universe" and "Dark Matter", as well as "Emergent" theory. I couldn't help but think that I had been hearing the concept "Emergent" in many articles I read but wasn't paying close attention because my focus had been on "closed time-like curves" and time itself.

I also remembered an article I had read about MIT Quantum Mechanics professor, Seth Lloyd, being interviewed, where he too mentions properties of an emergent type. My mind reviews this article frequently from memory.


But I love to go back and re-read it because Seth Lloyd discusses recently-deceased physicist George Ryazanov, who saw no conflict in believing in God, and no conflict between science and true spirituality. In fact, he practiced the art of "divine downloads", or one would also describe it "divine inspiration". He had a strong desire to unite physics with metaphysics. He realized what so many other scientists have not yet grasped. Physics has come full circle to spirituality.

During one such episode, of accessing God's Mind, while he was on vacation in an isolated place, he wanted to review Richard Feynman's Arrow of Time theory. So on paper, George actually completely reproduced the mathematical formulas from memory, but was inspired to add another touch of his own, called "the Two Arrows of Time".

         George Ryazanov - Interviewed In Israel - Educational Purposes    

He believed that time travels in both directions, and like astrophysicist/writer Gregory Benford, believes that information can be passed backward or forward in time.

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Yes. Benford wrote a fictional book applying his concepts to the real world. He even appends a scholarly, scientific defense of the use of tachyons, to message backwards in time.

But he has also written many scientific papers defending his positions.        


As always, I had been praying for insight from God on the discussion of whether the NEPHILIM of old really do comprise a significant factor in End Time Bible Prophecy, as some profess.

I had watched a "Grade B" sci-fi movie on TV a few weeks ago that was about an alien invasion in Jerusalem. I watched it mostly because being set in Jerusalem, I could see the local sights and the way people lived there. I won't mention the movie's name for a particular reason.

I pray about what I watch on TV because I don't want to put anything in my brain that the Lord forbids. Secondly, so many films and TV shows are now thinly veiled propaganda, if not out-right conscious mind-programming that I am careful about watching certain things.

Toward the end of the movie, the aliens became Nephilim. I asked the Lord about it and He responded that it was an abomination to Him. So I turned the movie off, but wondered if this was a reflection of pop-culture, or one of those oft-mentioned prophetic mentions of future events.

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Those Christian authors who have been bringing the Nephilim topic to the forefront, keep bringing up the verse:
           "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man." Luke 17:26

They like to use the verse to support their contention that the End Times will include a FALSE ALIEN DISCLOSURE.

One flimsy verse, along with a few others in Genesis chapters three and six, cobbled together to support their new doctrine do not make the basis for an entirely new dispensation. Even if there is supporting archaeological evidence for the previous existence of such beings in other times, it does not necessarily make a strong basis for their return.

Many of these authors support the notion that governments, including our own, will FINALLY DISCLOSE information on UFO's and aliens, citing the aliens to be godlike superiors, perhaps  posing as Mankind's creators. Even the Vatican seems to be "prepping" for this event.

A few days ago the Huffington Post featured an article about a new organization composed of high-level, former "Black Ops" bigwigs, who have suddenly broken away from government to reveal "New Physics" technologies on the horizon, and to prove that alien technologies, UFO's (UAP), and aliens DO EXIST.

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If the link above doesn't work, type the above title/address into a search engine. It will bring you there.

Is this the beginning of the DISCLOSURE that Tom Horn, Steve Quayle, Cris Putnam, Tim Alberino, and L.A. Marzuli have so passionately publicized?

Why do I - AS A CHRISTIAN - even spend my time on these topics? Because WE ARE LIVING IN THE END TIMES. I want - NO - NEED to stay aware of everything happening around me. That way I can view contemporary events and technologies, in the light of End Time prophecies.

I can examine the ideas put forth, watch the signs in the news, signs in the skies, and try to understand the events that will precede Jesus Christ's Return.

He will come IN THE SKIES, just as He promised while every eye watches:
   "Behold He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him..."  Revelation 1:7

I WANT that resurrection body He promised:

  I Corinthians 15:52  
            "In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye at the LAST trumpet. For the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we SHALL BE CHANGED."

I don't need some trans-humanist body made by bio-engineering. No matter how many parts are replaced, gene edits made, or nanite repairs are conducted, that artificial body will only be an expendable machine. . . A faint imitation of God's real creation, and therefore fallible.

I also don't need my consciousness uploaded into a somewhat durable container or into an android body. Any attempts to improve on God's engineering can only become a failure in the end.

So, I will keep asking the hard questions such as:

1) Is there life created by God on some other planets, in other solar systems and galaxies? Or are we THE "Goldilocks" Planet?

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2)  Will our upcoming transmuted, perfected bodies, which defy the laws of physics like Christ's did,  (John 20:26), when He walked through walls and on water, (Matthew 14:25-27), be the exact type of bodies which transport human consciousness to the outer limits of the Universe?

3)  Did Jesus' death and resurrection, once and for all, here on Planet Earth, become the beginning factor for not only Peace here on Earth, but also throughout the Universe or Universes, as the case may be?


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                 KEEP LOOKING UP!



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