Sunday, May 8, 2016

NO RESPECT FOR YOUNG OR OLD! Signs of The Age - Is There Hope?


My conscience will keep hectoring me until I discuss this topic. Granted, I don't like to share my private feelings and anxieties so publicly, especially in such a wide-reaching forum. But apparently someone needs to hear this...otherwise the Lord's Holy Spirit would stop urging me to write it.

For the second time on two different jobs I feel as though I am experiencing job-related age discrimination.

At the first location where I experienced this was when I worked for a man only slightly older than myself. He was extremely egotistic, full of himself, a womanizer (who took office women out of town on overnight trips), and desperately manipulative. He often told me with fear in his voice that he thought I would get his job.

So occasionally, despite the fact that we had close to twenty-five buildings to oversee, he would accuse me of being "confused". He must have thought his own memory was perfect, and his own work flawless. Though I dare say there were times when I could honestly say he confused buildings or situations from one building to another.

I survived annual payroll cutbacks due to the economy several years in a row. Then finally when the economic collapse declared our department unsustainable as was, one of the women who accompanied him on an out-of-town trip was able to keep her job, while my position was deleted. That was after several years of my having taken up the slack after three other employees had quit, under this chauvinistic male.

Now to my current position. Since most of the management has quit where I work, a twenty-three going on 24-year-old was hired as the temporary director.

Another manager, on my level, was hired at the same time I was, almost a year ago. She was fresh out of college, starry-eyed and determined to make her place in the world. Over the course of almost a year, every other manager who had been on staff when we were hired, and some hired after,  quit, leaving us the only two original managers.

Last month at a meeting, we had a visitor from the State, an overseer who makes sure that compliance with state and federal regulations is kept. The young, other manager sat in on the meeting despite the fact that the committee which chaired the meeting had made it clear her presence was not desired.

Sometime after the meeting, the twenty-something manager said to me, "I wonder why that State Representative hasn't retired yet?"

The rep who she was referring to was probably (I'm guessing) in her late sixties or perhaps early seventies. She was very well dressed, make-up perfect, quite likeable and professional.

I was shocked by my co-worker's remark. I would never have thought to ask that question. My peer must have thought the visitor was ancient.

Perhaps it would not have occurred to me to ask the question because I am closer in age to the woman, and because I have far more awareness of struggling in this unhealthy American economy, especially for those nearing retirement, without any kind of retirement safety net to fall back upon.

(Forget about Social Security. That's almost a thing of the past. What little one would get wouldn't even pay monthly rent on anywhere in the U.S.

The fact that our nation is on the verge of imminent economic collapse may make even Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid obsolete.)





Although the discrimination might not be considered direct, the thinking behind this comment makes it quite evident what the tight as glue peer to the executive manager must think similarly since they are exactly the same age.

I am simply appalled by this young girl's ignorance and lack of understanding! Does she ever have a lot to learn about the world, and people, and what is going on in our nation. For a college graduate one would think she would be more aware. But alas. No.

Last night I dreamed I was surrounded by college-age people. For the first time I did not feel as though I belonged. Though usually I get along with any age group, anywhere, and any economic or social strata. But for the first time, in my dreams I did not feel that I belonged, forever young.

I think it is finally sinking into my psyche that I am getting...dare I say the word? Old? My son has not let me forget it for one minute, with his rare sense of humor, since I moved to the state he lives in to be near him and my young grandsons.

But now I finally see that there is a sort of prejudice on the part of American youth toward their elders. And it is not a good one.

It used to be that in the United States, at least among the white, Anglo-Saxon Protestants, Catholics, and Jewish people I knew, on the Eastern Seaboard, young people were taught to respect their elders. They were taught generation after generation to respect their parents and their grandparents, at least in the middle class, which I was raised in. They valued their mothers, fathers and grandparents. In fact, they even cherished some of them.

I no longer see much sense of that respect. In fact, if anything, I feel that there is an attitude that we are unwanted, unnecessary and disposable.

If young people even had an inkling of what a person learns over a lifetime, and how valuable that experience is - they would come to realize their elders are a resource and treasure of wisdom and advice...for the most part...not all of course.

The Bible teaches respect for those older than ourselves, and that elders have a place teaching the young, as is found in Titus 2:3-5:

"The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, and to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed." KJV

But I think this lack of regard for the aged is truly a sign of our callous, cold-hearted times. As we drift toward the End of the Age, and the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are seeing exactly what was predicted in the Bible in Matthew 10:35.

"For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law"; KJV

Scripture (Matthew24:12) also says that in these End Times one of the SIGNS of HIS COMING would be:

"And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold."
Even those who know nothing else of the Bible surely know about the Ten Commandments. The Commandment  regarding parents in Deuteronomy 5:7 says:

"Honor thy father and thy mother, as the Lord God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." KJV

Yet, it seems this heartlessness on the part of the young is primarily a symptom of the turning away from truth, right and justice that our society has done. We have done an about-face from goodness because our society no longer honors God, not in homes, hardly in the churches, rarely in the marketplace, and definitely not in the schools. Other gods have taken His place.

Emmanuel Rahm, Obama's former Chief of Staff, now mayor of Chicago, has a brother. Most likely you have never heard of Ezekiel Rahm. As an advisor on the ObamaCare founding, he wrote a paper called, "The Complete Lives System". Along with a couple of other doctors, he determined that if a crisis, be it economic, war, or other emergency depleting the availability of medical supplies, equipment, practitioners and/or operational facilities...everyone under sixteen and over 55 would be excluded from available medical resources. These doctors presumed young children and even the middle-aged would be a drain on society, due to their inability to contribute.

You can read about this very real doctrine, which is playing out in the new Health Care bill we are all buckling under. Click the links below. Google the titles yourself if links don't come up.




With the permitting of unborn and born infants to be strangled, dismembered, crushed open for body parts and otherwise treated like human waste, eugenics can not be far behind.


How I pray that this nation somehow, by some miracle turns back to God. If we could just restore her foundations, the love of families, the love of country, the love of right, truth and justice.

The only sources of light at the end of the tunnel are one, a prophecy I heard recently by a former firemen named Mark Taylor, on a TruNews broadcast on YouTube. (Click the link below.)


Then of course we all who love JESUS have His soon Return to look forward to as our "Blessed Hope", at the LAST TRUMP!



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