Saturday, April 2, 2016



                                             Copyright and Photo Credit:  A.K.C.


It heals, raises people (and animals) from the dead, and can cause seismic events (earthquakes)!

Resurrection power restores, refreshes, cleanses and even remakes worlds! (Revelation 21:1).

It is the power that will raise us from the dead AT THE LAST TRUMP and give us immortal bodies like his!  (I Corinthians 15:52)

There are examples both ancient and modern of Jesus Christ's Resurrection power raising people from the dead. Look at the verse that talks about those raised from the dead during His Death and Resurrection.

"When Jesus on the cross shouted out, dismissed His Spirit and died...The curtain secluding the Holiest Place in the Temple was split apart from top to bottom; and THE EARTH SHOOK, and the rocks broke, AND TOMBS OPENED, AND MANY GODLY MEN AND WOMEN WHO HAD DIED CAME BACK TO LIFE AGAIN. After Jesus' RESURRECTION they left the cemetery and went into Jerusalem AND APPEARED TO MANY PEOPLE THERE." Matthew 27:51-53 TLB
An almost indescribable WAVE OF POWER affected the ground and the Earth, resounding, pushing its way across Jerusalem from Calvary, even to the Temple itself! The Curtain of the Holy of Holies was split apart.

Recent archaeological evidence indicates even the rocks below Golgotha were separated so that Christ's Blood penetrated through the Earth, into caves below. Archaeologist Ron Wyatt claims to have found the Ark of the Covenant hidden in Jeremiah's grotto, directly below the site of the Cross, where blood found upon a gold-covered wooden box was tested. The blood was human-like, but proven to be that of Jesus Christ because of the chromosomal makeup, of only 24 chromosomes.


Whether that account is true or not, I cannot prove. Except that there is a passage in extra-biblical writings called the Apocrypha, which might provide a clue.

"Jeremiah found a cave dwelling; and he carried the tent, the ark, and the incense altar into it, then he blocked the entrance. 'The place shall remain unknown', he said, 'until God finally gathers His people together and shows mercy to them. Then the Lord, will bring these things to light again."  II Maccabees 2:48                       

 Biblical, historical accounts prove that:
1)  There was an earthquake and an eclipse of the sun immediately upon Christ's death
2)  Christ was Resurrected from the dead
3) Other people, also dead, were affected by the Resurrection power sufficiently to also arise

The Resurrection power of Jesus Christ literally is able to shake the Earth, thereby literally, moving mountains! It caused a seismic tremor so much so that "rocks broke". Perhaps Jesus' current approach to Earth through the Heavenlies is what is causing the increased earthquakes and volcanoes on Planet Earth. Because right now His Approach is evident. The signs of His Return are all being fulfilled.

The Word of God, the Bible, actually describes Earth-shaking events involving nature's desire to See His Return becoming apparent in the physical, natural world. Why not? He IS the CREATOR!

           "For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only they, but we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body." Romans 8:22-23 KJV


                                                   Copyright and Photo Credit A.K.C.

"Now I have given up everything else - I have found it to be the only way to really know Christ and to experience the MIGHTY POWER THAT BROUGHT HIM BACK TO LIFE AGAIN, and to find out what it means to suffer and die with Him.
"So, whatever it takes, I will be one who lives in the fresh newness of life of those who are ALIVE FROM THE DEAD." Philippians 3:10-11 TLB
"But our homeland is in Heaven, where our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ is; and we are looking forward to HIS RETURN from there. When He comes back, He will take these DYING BODIES OF OURS AND CHANGE THEM INTO GLORIOUS BODIES LIKE HIS OWN, USING THE SAME MIGHTY POWER THAT HE WILL USE TO CONQUER ALL ELSE EVERYWHERE."   Phillipians 3:20-21 TLB 
"For you have become a part of Him, and so you died with Him, so to speak, when He died; and now you share His new life, and shall RISE AS HE DID." Rom. 6:5

                                          Copyright and Photo Credit:  A.K.C.        

RESURRECTION POWER is the power THAT RAISES PEOPLE FROM THE DEAD! Generals of the faith, mighty spiritual warriors like Smith Wigglesworth, and others, learned how to tap into JESUS' RESURRECTION POWER. It's not a talent. It is available to anyone with faith in Jesus Christ, willing to make the necessary personal sacrifices in order to reach into this level of spiritual authority. But those who attain that level of faith only co-exist with this world. They seek first the Kingdom of God. They give up worldly-mindedness and become heavenly-minded. They feed on the Word of God which builds their faith levels.

"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."  Romans 10:17 KJV
I have known and personally spoken with two different men who have been raised from the dead. One is an amazingly talented Christian rock guitarist named Caspar MCCloud. He died of a heart attack while on stage. He was raised back to life, completely healed, in front of a crowd due to the prayers of gathered Christians, and a doctor who just happened to be in the audience.



                                                          "IN ADORATION"

I also knew a man named Joel Jeune, a pastor from Haiti who came to a country church in Pennsylvania, about 1992, to speak. He sat up in his coffin at the age of 12, as his funeral procession was marching him to the cemetery. I heard him tell the account myself and spoke with him personally. Today he continues to minister the gospel in Haiti.


 Jesus Christ was given ALL AUTHORITY. (See Matthew 10:1 and Luke 9:1).

"And Jesus came and spoke unto them saying, "All power is given unto me in Heaven and in Earth."

He has given His Authority to His disciples. If you are His disciple, and you have the faith to tap into this Resurrection Power you will also see results.

"Take care to live in Me, and let Me live in you..." John 15:4 (Living Bible Translation)

 His Name is above every other name. Look up Ephesians 1:21 and Philippians 2:9

I know it seems hard to believe that if we ask ANYTHING IN HIS NAME, even for Him to raise the dead back to life, HE WILL DO IT. But Jesus said it repeatedly and emphatically! John 13:14 and 14. John 15:16, 16:23.

John 14:12-13 "In solemn truth I tell you, anyone believing in me shall do the same miracles I have done, and EVEN GREATER ONES, because I am going to be with the Father. You can ask Him FOR ANYTHING using MY NAME, and I WILL DO IT, for this will bring praise to the Father, because of what I, the Son will do for you."
He said, "Behold I give you power to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over ALL the power of the enemy."  Luke 10:9

Jesus only CHOSE to die on Calvary for our sins. At any moment He could have called trillions of angels to come to rescue Him, but He knew what He had to do to fulfill God's plan.


                                                  Copyright and Photo Credit:  A.K.C.

Acts 1:28   "But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you shall receive POWER to testify about me with great effect, to the people in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth, about MY DEATH AND RESURRECTION." LBT


 Healing shouldn't take as much spiritual energy as Resurrection from the dead. But it is the SAME energy; the SAME SOURCE:  ALMIGHTY GOD, THE HOLY SPIRIT, JESUS THE SON OF GOD WHO SENDS FORTH HIS RESURRECTION POWER!

Resurrection power TRANSCENDS TIME. With the Lord there are no limits. NEITHER SPACE NOR TIME. In the Old Testament there is even an amazing picture of RESURRECTION POWER. 

II Kings 13:20 and 21 tells us:

"So, Elisha died and was buried."
  (Now remember Elisha was Elijah's successor, who had twice the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, because he had asked for a "double portion", a DOUBLE ANOINTING of what Elijah had. That is saying a WHOLE LOT!) (II KINGS 2:9) LBT
"In those days, bandit gangs of Moabites used to invade the land each spring. Once some men who who were burying a friend spied these marauders so they hastily threw his body in the tomb of Elisha. AS SOON AS THE BODY TOUCHED ELISHA'S BONES, THE DEAD MAN REVIVED AND JUMPED TO HIS FEET."
It took years to get an answer from the Lord on this. Why Elisha's bones contained all that RESURRECTION POWER that his bones brought another man to life, yet Elisha's skeleton was not reconstituted. Elisha was not brought back to life, himself.

The Lord finally told me that He wanted Elisha in Heaven. That his bones were left as a sign and testimony to the people of Israel. "SHALL THESE BONES LIVE?" hearkens back to Ezekiel 37:1-14.

 God tells Ezekiel to "PROPHESY UNTO THESE BONES," The Lord is telling Ezekiel to raise the dead back to life, in this case a symbol of the entire NATION OF ISRAEL who was reborn once more in 1948, when the ancient nation became OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED BY THE MODERN WORLD. 

When I was in my early twenties I read all of Smith Wigglesworth's books. British born in 1859,  Wigglesworth was well-known for faith-healing. When his wife died he prayed her back to life. It was either her, or another dead woman, whose dead/stiff corpse he stood against a wall and commanded life to come back into her body. If I recall the process took three days. Yuck!

But Wigglesworth was a man of faith! He did not give up until the RESURRECTION POWER OF GOD BROUGHT LIFE BACK INTO HER MORTAL BODY! GOD DID IT!





I have remembered his example as I have prayed for people down through the years. Persistence and faith are the keys to receiving what you pray for. That is regardless even if only some are healed when you pray. KEEP PRAYING. EVENTUALLY GOD WILL ANSWER.

I have prayed for missing limbs to be regrown. I have not seen it happen yet, but I believe it is coming! I have prayed for the dead to come back to life. I haven't seen that yet either. But I still believe it will happen if I just keep praying, when opportunities arise. I BELIEVE IN THE RESURRECTION POWER OF JESUS CHRIST!

I had a beautiful white German Shepherd/Husky about thirty-three years ago. One day, after she had been outside in the yard of the duplex where I lived with my ex-husband, she made noises at  the front door. 

My then-husband worked away from home for weeks at a time. This was one of those occasions. My beautiful, furry Angel bumped against the front door. When I opened it she was whining in pain. A streak of blood was running down the otherwise pristine fur on her neck. I didn't know for sure if she had been hit by a car, or bitten by another dog. Whatever happened, the wound was near her neck artery. I couldn't put a tourniquet around her neck because that would have choked her. She was getting weaker by the moment. I pressed my hand over the spot on her neck, trying to staunch the flow of blood. 

She wandered, dizzily a  few feet forward, to the grass. I immediately followed her. Too weak to stand, she fell over. Kneeling by her side, I saw that her beautiful blue eyes were glazing over. I spoke to her:   "IN THE NAME OF JESUS I SPEAK LIFE INTO YOUR BODY. ANGEL, YOU SHALL LIVE AND NOT DIE! IN THE NAME OF JESUS I CALL FORTH HIS RESURRECTION POWER TO COME INTO YOUR BODY NOW!"

I can't remember if Angel lost consciousness or not. But I knew my sweet Angel was near death. I had to get help! This was the days before cell phones. I ran inside to call my husband's aunt who lived nearby. (I had no car.) His aunt agreed to drive the dog to the veterinarian's office.

I sat in the large trunk of her 1982 Lincoln Continental, pressing my hand over my dear dog's neck with a clean cloth. She had to stay overnight. The vet wasn't sure whether she would make it or not.

When I returned home, I finally was able to reach my husband by phone.

"If it costs very much, just let the vet put her to sleep", my now ex-husband said, heartlessly.

I prayed for three days while my dog stayed at the pet doctor's. She survived. For three days' care and sulfa drugs the bill was only $33.00!  The point is, my dog lived! She survived not only to have her own batch of puppies, but she also guarded over my son when he was born with jaundice.

The doctor said to put my baby's crib in the living room window, so his bilirubin levels would return to normal. My precious Angel paced back and forth in front of the window containing the crib where my brand new baby lay! She must have thought she was guarding a prince!

So you see, I took authority over the spirit of death in that situation. It doesn't just work for dogs. It also works for people!

Not only am I looking forward to the day when Jesus comes back in the clouds (Acts 1:11), and I receive my new resurrection body...but I also look forward to the day when I can speak to the dead, "RISE IN THE NAME OF JESUS!"   That day is coming!

"It will all happen in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For there will be a trumpet blast in the sky and all the Christians who have died will suddenly become alive, with new bodies that will never, never die; and then we who are still alive will suddenly have new bodies too." Living Bible

             Caspar McCloud "Keep Looking Up"      (CLICK ON THE LINKS)


                                                     Copyright and Photo Credit:   A.K.C.

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