So once again we have "LEAPED FORWARD" into "DAYLIGHT SAVINGS", causing a great number of us to lose sleep.
Heart attacks, strokes, car accidents and depression rise statistically, especially after Spring's jump forward. Missing the sleep that most chronically sleep-deprived Americans have a hard time getting in the first place, can put a strain on a population already stressed by crazy weather changes, constant news of earthquakes and the threat of war.
What I lose sleep over is the passing of evangelist Billy Graham.
It was especially real to me because my father sang in Billy Graham's choir. He always loved Mr. Graham's soloists George Beverly Shea, Cliff Barrows and their old hymns.
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Dad also often talked about the time he met President Truman's daughter Margaret during one of Graham's crusades. He always spoke of her with such awe that he must have considered it a great privilege to have had that personal encounter.
Many members of the Christian prophetic community have had both visions and "Words from the Lord" about Billy's passing.
Common Usage - Educational Purposes Only
Most of these words of prophecy place Reverend Graham's death as a "WHEN THE OTHER SHOE DROPS" moment in time.
It does signal an event in the so called momentum of "Post-Christian" America.
But does it have to be, forgive me, the "Final Nail In The Coffin"? Or can it be- as some of the prophetically-gifted members of Christ's Body declare -A NEW BEGINNING?
Or rather a last blast of Revival before truly awful and woeful sorrows are poured out on the world, during the Time of Tribulation?
Or rather a last blast of Revival before truly awful and woeful sorrows are poured out on the world, during the Time of Tribulation?
Some have said that with the death of the powerful evangelist, that his anointing for winning souls, his "mantle" so to speak, will fall on ALL of Jesus' current disciples WHO WILL FOLLOW THE CALL. Those who are obedient to God and "pick up" the anointing left behind by Brother Graham could ensure that the last Great Outpouring of God's Holy Spirit in this era could come before Jesus Christ's Return.
Just as Elisha picked up Elijah's mantle so can we who are willing pick up the mantle or so-called gift of the Holy Spirit for winning numberless souls. Just think if so many obeyed this End Time Call that there were MILLIONS of "Billy Grahams" criss-crossing the earth! Or shall we say "CRISIS CROSSING" BECAUSE WE ARE INDEED IN A TIME OF GREAT CRISIS.
As the NFL forges its own "passing" with "political correctness" that never should have entered the American sports arena, causing the loss of truly millions of fans... Maybe instead football stadiums across the United States will fill with shouting fans of Jesus. Perhaps praise and worship and joy and laughter will fill these now emptying stadiums with shouts of healing and salvation.
Those Christians who cannot believe we are living in the End Days must own VERY DUSTY BIBLES!
To those I say get that Bible down off the shelf and read it!
It is on my heart to also say, "You have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton, you have nourished your heart as in a day of slaughter." James 5:5
In other words, even though declaring to be a "Christian" perhaps by only once having "accepted Jesus into your heart", but never getting to know Him, never reading His Word, never establishing a personal relationship with Him, you still think you are going to heaven?
There are many who have called themselves "Christian", thinking one moment of remorse is all it takes to become a Christian. Then they go on to live all the earthly pleasures their souls can devour, feeding themselves upon everything life has to offer, to the point of fattening their own hearts as farmers do pigs set aside for slaughter.
A quote attributed to Billy Graham but actually spoken by his wife is the one most of the mainstream media pointedly neglected to mention. A "Sojourner" article written by a seemingly very liberal Christian still emphasizes the point of the quote.(Click link to read the full article.)
"Some years ago, my wife, Ruth , was reading the draft of a book I was writing. When she finished a section describing the terrible downward spiral of our nation's moral standards and the idolatry of worshipping such gods as technology and sex, she startled me by exclaiming, 'If God doesn't punish America, He'll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah'.
"She was probably thinking of a passage in Ezekiel where God tells why He brought those cities to ruin."'Now this was the sin of ...Sodom. She and her daughter were arrogant, overfed, and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.' Ezekiel 16:49-50 NIV"
Jesus Himself spoke about the punishment awaiting the unrepentant and unbelieving geographical locations of certain cities. It applies as well to nations.
"But I say unto you, that it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom, in the day of Judgement, than for thee." Matthew 11:24 KJV
I think frequently about the verse John 9:4:
If you haven't noticed the spiritual "darkness" falling upon America and consequently the rest of the world, then you are blind.
The End Times are here. I have explained this in numerous previous blog entries so will not take the time to prove the points.
We Christians must get the message out about Salvation and Healing in the Cross of the Resurrected Jesus Christ before it is too late! The truth is right now being expunged from the Internet where truth-tellers are being banned.
How long will it be before we can no longer mention the Name of Jesus Christ, nor read our Bibles? You had better read the Word of God while you can. I guarantee you that later on the Book of Books will be banned. Perhaps not in the next few years but perhaps shortly thereafter.
If you think the slight Anti-Christian persecution you may suffer in your workplace is hard now, wait until being a Christian costs you your life! Wait until you have to decide whether to take the Mark of the Beast on your hand or forehead to get paid for work, or buy groceries or pay rent!
Oh - great darkness is coming. The day of time is short that we can still get out the Good News of Salvation in Christ Jesus!
Don't wait for someone else to do it!
Other prophetic Christian leaders have said that after Billy Graham's death, the ever-increasing strange events, weather, and other weird things that have been happening WILL ACCELERATE. That's quite possible!
If you want a perspective in how strange things are happening around the world watch some Jason A. videos on Youtube, from the past several years.
So then, will you be part of the Wise who win many to righteousness before the Return of the Lord Jesus? Do you want to be an Eternal Star in God's Kingdom?
Rather than those who try to win a type of fake immortality through film and music recordings? Those films and music recordings will fall to ash in the dust of a ruined civilization.
But the deeds you do here on Earth, right now, to win others to Jesus, will cause you to shine eternally like the STARS OF HEAVEN it says in the book of Daniel 12:3...NASB
In other words, if instead of spending your days surfing the Internet, playing computer games or following twitter, or loafing on the sofa watching the fading glory of the NFL...what if you LEAPED FORWARD OFF THE COUCH AND SPENT YOUR DAYS WINNING OTHERS TO JESUS CHRIST? You would really be putting DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME to good use!
Then all of your lost sleep would serve an eternal purpose!
The night is over. The Day of the Lord is nearly here. So let's throw off old habits that have kept us from following Christ with all of our hearts and winning others to Him! Let's be bearers of His Light! Rom. 13:12 (My paraphrase.)
But you are NOT IN DARKNESS that the Lord's Soon Coming would surprise you by stealth! I Thess. 5:4 (My paraphrase.)
Even the Book of Wisdom - Proverbs 11:30 says:
"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise." KJV
So, in a sense your life will leave behind you A TREE OF LIFE and I guarantee you will see the fruit of that tree when you get to heaven. That is - if you are wise enough to win many to salvation!
So let's all get on the J-Team! Billy Graham's passing should help us to see that his life's example is one to be followed, but which we can even improve on.
Since the wave of the Charismatic Movement in the Body of Christ in the 1970's, we have learned that there is far more to the Salvation experience than making a one-time commitment, to follow Jesus.
We have learned that there is such a thing as The Baptism of the Holy Spirit which empowers us.There is HEALING in the Name of JESUS! That the Blood of Jesus can deliver us from diseases bodily and mentally. That there is deliverance from demonic obsession, possession or acting out which we see much of these days.
That includes several incidents of people eating other people's faces off as in the case several years ago in both Jupiter, Florida, and four years before, in downtown Miami. Blame it on some illegal bath-salts drug if you want, but there was a spiritual condition in those men for the drugs to affect them that that way.
Since YouTube refuses to bring up the 2012 videos when I try to link them here, you will have to find it on your own. One of the video titles is: "Miami Zombie Attack Victim Identified..."
The YouTube address I have is:
Type it in separately in another browser window and maybe it will come up for you.
Yes. It really DID happen in 2012. I was in Florida and watched it on the local news channels. Here are some other links to articles about the cannibalistic attack, after which Miami police shot the man chewing off the other's face. That included his nose and both of his eyes. And one article says Miami police have seen other cases of this bizarre behavior.
FYI: Youtube or Google are blocking the links. So click on them, one at a time, copy each to other windows in your browser, and pull them up separately, outside this blog. JUST ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF THE NEW GAGGING OF TRUTH ON THE INTERNET!
Let's go TEAM while we can still use the Internet and other Social Media to get the Word out. Time is short and the window of opportunity is closing.
Take the initiative - be the first on your block to go door to door telling people about Jesus. Don't let any famous cults out do us for ZEAL!
Talk about Him in your workplace, your home, your school, at the bus-stop or the gas station. On the train or plane. In Maine or on The Plain. Don't worry if they think you're insane.
YOU can be a conduit of salvation, healing, deliverance and hope to others in these Last Days! So let's get our work done while the Son shines.
Let's become A MILLION BILLY GRAHAMS AND SEE how many Daylight Savings we can achieve!