Monday, September 12, 2016



I was raised a sheltered Christian girl in a middle class comfortable, but hard-won environment. Both my parents played their traditional 1960's roles. Mom went to work at a hand-crafted candy company when I was three. Dad worked both white collar and blue-collar jobs - sometimes simultaneously. Life in "Father Know's Best" world seemed good.


Since my family never discussed politics I remained in the dark about what was going on across America in the Sixties. I saw brief black and white glimpses of Martin Luther King, John-John standing at attention near his father's casket, and the first moon landing. Then there was the Christmas Eve we watched the astronauts read the Genesis account of Creation. All the nation applauded rather than censure them. Now it seems, the Bible is outlawed in public schools while other cultures' scriptures are a twisted irony.

I never knew what the real world was about until my parents divorced. I left home at the age of eighteen, after living with my father and first stepmother. Rebelling in anger against God for allowing my parents to divorce, I turned my back on Him for several years - some of the worst of my life.

My friends were non-conformists. Some were even transvestites. I was pretty much over experimenting with pot. Wanted to keep my mind clear.

I was raped several times. Beaten up and robbed. Hungry and begging for money for food on the streets, because my parents kept forgetting I needed to eat, while I was away from home at school. The Pennsylvania economy was such that not a single business was hiring, while I trudged down every street looking for work. I walked by Kathryn Kuhlman's church a number of times, never thinking to enter.


Finally my father, who was desolate over my raging rebellion, sent a friend of his to take me to a Full Gospel Businessman's meeting. I repented, then prayed for and received the Baptism of The Holy Spirit. It changed my life but the path was still pretty rocky for years. Pretty much on my own for the rest of my young adult life.


I ended up at a Bible college called Christ For The Nations by a series of miracles. Life was still rough. I lived on $5.00 worth of vegetables a week from a local farmers' co-op. I didn't own a car.

One of my four room-mates, the star of the choir, hated me after she heard me sing one time in our dorm room. She must have thought I was going to run out quickly and sign up for choir!

She lied about me, falsely accusing me of something I didn't do, but it certainly turned the assistant dean of women against me.

I had accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior at age five. My rebellion only covered a period of three to five years. Yet the assistant dean of women mocked me and made fun of me, calling me a Babe in Christ. My Baptist training had taught me the Word of God from front to back yet apparently she felt she was already a member of the Judgement Seat of Christ.

I was so compelled to follow Christ every waking moment I devoured the Word of God again from cover to cover. Revelation after revelation came forth from the Lord. I became an intercessor even more so than I had in my girlhood years. The Lord started me on a prophetic walk. Yet the more intensely I chased the Lord, the more the persecution increased around me at a supposedly Christian college.

I was there during former President Jimmy Carter's inauguration. Teachers and students were saying, "He's God's Man for the hour!" Every time I looked at a newspaper photo of him his image appeared to me to be a mask.


Later, around 1981 I read an article called, "The Seven Most Closely Held Secrets of 1977". It stated that the Trilateral Commission ( a major component of the globalist banking cartel),  had financed the entire campaign of this "dark horse" peanut farmer. Now in our era, he supports Hamas, a terrorist organization, and is best buds with the PLO. He hates Israel. Now what does that tell you about his presumed "Christianity"?


A young woman from Haiti handed me a book called, "The Day The Dollar Dies", by Willard Cantelon. Now out of print it can still be obtained through antique book dealers. In fact, Paul McGuire has come out with an updated version of this same topic via a book titled, "THE DAY THE DOLLAR DIED". Order that especially if you have a chance.

                         THE DAY THE DOLLAR DIED by Paul McGuire

So in 1977 I started researching the workings of our national and global economy. That includes the purposefully misnamed "Federal Reserve", our currency system, and the rise of technology accompanying this system.

Lastly, I've studied the electronic and digital biotechnology which accompanied this progression of paper and electronic the soon to be  implemented RFID chip or electronic tattoo.

This chip, which I believe to be the "Mark of The Beast" referred to in the Bible won major government contracts by way of Tommy Thompson, head of U.S. Health and Human Services from 2001 to 2004.  Thompson helped push the chip through FDA approval, despite the fact that it has been known to cause cancer in animals. He sat on the board of the company that produced the chip, with financial help from IBM, and production through Ratheon, a well-known government contractor.


I used to drive past VERICHIP, Inc., the home of Digital Angel, in its ever-changing iterations, on the way to real estate classes, in Delray Beach, Florida. I thought about how horrible America would be if everyone's movements were constantly tracked. Of course, the company pushes the many advantages of having one's financial and medical records handily available. Some quarters have even suggested "chipping" all new born babies.


So, I stayed up on economic developments. Many experts say the U.S. dollar will completely fail by September 30th, 2016. It is rumored that her Royal Highness H.C. has begged the World Bankers to hold off the economic collapse until after the election.

After 9/1l, the Patriot Act, again under a purposefully seductive false name, took away many of our freedoms. One part of the bill, called Total Information Awareness, was the concept that the American people themselves should be spied on...

Whether voicemail, email or snail mail, phone conversations, library records, store receipts, and even by new so-called Fusion Centers set up in cities across every state. USA Today revealed in 2006 that major phone carriers had made it possible for the NSA to access our phones even directly on AT&T properties, as well as other major phone carriers. Edward Snowden hammered the info home when his revelations came forth.


It appears that "Islamic Terrorists" are not so much the concern of many of our nation's leaders. Instead, according to the 2009 MIAAC Report, the targets of observation are: Veterans, Christians, those opposed to gay marriage, abortion opposition activists, illegal immigration-opposers, second amendment right and U.S. Constitution supporters.

George Soros's sponsored Southern Poverty Law Center was largely responsible for this aggressive attack against normal, middle-class Americans. He has his hand in every American pot and has for many years now. He is an advisor to our current regime and according to the WikiLeaks leaked lost and supposedly permanently missing emails, a direct advisor to our female candidate for president.


Worst of all, the real enemy, whose name cannot be mentioned due to "political correctness", is being force-rushed in large numbers to every American state. The Supreme Court recently decided that even State governors have no right to protest this deliberately staged invasion.

According to these same leaked emails, Soros also tried to buy off the Supreme Court to pass certain legislation enabling more illegal immigrants to rush in at every opening. Must have worked.

So yes. 9/11 means something very special to me. I have long-loved my country. I mourn the people who died in those buildings on September 11, 2001. I grieve with the families of the Overcomers of Flight 93.

I was once a young, naïve girl. Never able to be a complete cynic, but seeing all the False-flag events perpetrated on the American people, in an effort to disarm us, I have become well-aware of the goings-on behind the scenes.

Seeing that the administration is trying more back door efforts of rendering the American Citizen defenseless and without recourse...even to the outlawing of wetted cellulose needed to create ammunition...I HAVE TO ADMIT...MY EYES ARE WIDE OPEN.

I know that the forefathers who formed this nation were infused with the Spirit of Liberty because we started as a Godly nation. Not all, but a large majority of America's founders were God-fearing, Bible-respecting, knowledgeable men and women. They would never have forced the Bible or the God out of America's public places.

It was because "Where the Spirit of the Lord is - there is Liberty."

We must as a nation immediately humble ourselves and get right with God. Otherwise, we are doomed. 911 was only an appetizer of the judgment the Lord God Almighty is going to bring upon us as a country if we don't!

Give up your comfortable, shallow patriotism and be willing to stand for what you believe in. Don't just be an observer! In other words, be patriotic but don't just sit there. Do something about it. Instead of WASTING WHAT LITTLE PRECIOUS TIME WE MAY HAVE LEFT, watching reality TV, or simply surfing the Net, inform other people. Turn to God with all your heart and encourage others to do so. Only then will you see with clear vision.