DURING BASTILLE DAY CELEBRATIONS ALONG THE MEDITERRANEAN COASTAL CITY OF NICE, an ISIS "soldier" mowed down hundreds of people in a big truck, leaving blood and bludgeoned bodies along the beach, in his wake. Children, babies, and even a few Americans were killed in the attack on the French Riviera.
Many times I have day-dreamed of going to the French Riviera. I once lived in what has been called "The American Riviera", Bal Harbour, Florida, an amazing experience. Yet, I still longed to go to the French Riviera.. Somehow the vision has haunted me all these years.
I will never forget the rare twinge of jealousy I felt when some female co-workers at Citi-Group's Florida, Latin American Regional Headquarters, told me they were planning a vacation to the Cannes film festival. I love movies. Every year when May rolls around I dream of joining the crowds in Cannes to watch all the new film entries, and to "star-watch". It just seems so romantic!
But, I would have settled for a trip to Nice. A close friend in high school recounted to me her experience as a "Nanny" for a wealthy U.S. supermarket-owning family at Nice, and Cap D'Antibes. I was enthralled.
But now. Nice is no longer NICE.
What was once considered a peaceful, seaside, holiday destination has become the scene of something like a horror film. Only - to the chagrin of many - the horror is real!
As recently discussed, in the June 20th blog entry here France is reaping centuries of turning its back on the true and living God. Many polls in recent decades show that Europe has moved away from its Christian roots and become largely a secular society. Having fled churches in droves, they, like America, have fled to the altars of sensuality and materialism.
"The Pactus Legis Salicae, a written code combining customary law, Roman written law, CHRISTIAN IDEALS, and royal edicts, likely originated during Clovis's reign"
Early American colonists worshipped and revered Almighty God so much they made Him part of their everyday lives.
So also, it seems, did the early French inhabitants.
So also, it seems, did the early French inhabitants.
"But we are Catholics", you might protest. Perhaps that is true. But Catholicism is only a vast traditional/political/economic structure. If you haven't read, "Petrus Romanus - The Final Pope is Here" then you haven't realized that the final pope may already be in power. Pope Francis doesn't even expect to make it more than two to three years into his papacy.
Because of prophecies by Saint Malachy, and their endorsement by modern clerics, this means the entire papal tradition may end soon. That is, if you embrace prophecy. I do.
What does this have to do with terror attacks?
I am not saying that all these attacks, Charlie Hebdo, the 2015 Paris nightclub attacks, and Nice are "judgements from God"...
What I am saying is that when a person or a nation walks closely with the Living God, they can hear His Voice, obtain His guidance. A nation whose God is the Lord is blessed and happy.
Psalms 33:12"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom He hath chosen as an inheritance."
"Heureuse la nation dont l'Eternel est le Dieu! Heureux le people qu'il choisir pour son heritage!"
When its leaders, as has been the case for many decades of Early America, follow Christian principles - that country is bound to be blessed.
But, when the people fall away, worshipping other gods, as has occurred in both America and France, the bounty and protection of God's blessings are often lifted.
Unwise, even inhumane leaders can be elected that not only do not lift up, but rather act as a tool for the nation's destruction. The populace unwittingly go along for the ride. They are so steeped in their own little horizons, they cannot see to the future. Or, in a liberal, Socialist mentality, they invite the wolves and snakes to their shores, in an unwitting bid for self-destruction.
Remember that it was the serpent who beguiled Eve in the Garden of Eden.
You might not like to hear what I have to say. But I guarantee you had better get awake or your children and grandchildren will be devoured by the wolves and snakes you have freely invited to overwhelm your land and culture.
While the Terrible truck was taking its toll, the base of the Eiffel Tower was burning. Officials, who love to downplay the details for FEAR of offending the WOLVES, said there was no connection between the Eiffel Tower fire and the killer ramrod in Nice.
Who knows for sure, given the duplicity of governments determined to continuously downplay the true nature of events as they cater to the "wolves".
I see one of two things happening. Symbolically, the BASE of the nation, represented by the base of the iconic symbol, the Eiffel Tower, will either erupt with the revival power and fire of God's Holy Spirit - Esprit Sante' - spreading across the land...Or it will erupt with the fires of war and bloody revolution, perhaps even nuclear fire, as war in the Middle East spreads to the shores of Europe.
Which way will it go - France? Ecoute'-moi! It is up to you!
Sometimes a return to God's blessings also requires National Repentance. That means a turning of an entire nation back to God, not just a few, not just its leaders, the entire country. Is that possible?
It happened in America several times, especially immediately right before WW II. You won't hear about it much in the history books. Things like that don't make it in. But immediately before WW II there was an amazing turning of the American people's hearts back to God across the entire country. Churches in every city and town were preaching the gospel. Local bars closed up. Jails sat empty. So many came to a repentant state and ran to Jesus Christ with open arms that it changed the entire nation. Would America and its allies have won WWII if they had not prepared their hearts first? Hard to say. But I believe it played a role in the United States victory.
Liberty, equality and fraternity are God given rights. They only come from God.
"Now the Lord is that Spirit and Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." II Corinthians 3:17
"Or, le Seigneur c'est l'Esprit; et la ou est l'Esprit du Seigneur, la est la liberte'." II Corinthiens 3:17
What I am saying is that if you follow after Jesus Christ, and return to God, (not merely the "religion" of your forefathers), there might be hope for France. RELIGION AND A RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS ALTOGETHER.
But if you hesitate it will be too late. The death knell will have rung for France just as it is ringing in Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden and other countries.
Only a national revival of all nationalities living within France's borders turning to and embracing the Living God will save your nation.
Run to the Living God before the sword and the guillotine once again overtake your marketplaces and public squares!