Saturday, July 16, 2016


DURING BASTILLE DAY CELEBRATIONS ALONG THE MEDITERRANEAN COASTAL CITY OF NICE, an ISIS "soldier" mowed down hundreds of people in a big truck, leaving blood and bludgeoned bodies along the beach, in his wake. Children, babies, and even a few Americans were killed in the attack on the French Riviera.

Many times I have day-dreamed of going to the French Riviera. I once lived in what has been called "The American Riviera", Bal Harbour, Florida, an amazing experience. Yet, I still longed to go to the French Riviera.. Somehow the vision has haunted me all these years.

I will never forget the rare twinge of jealousy I felt when some female co-workers at Citi-Group's Florida, Latin American Regional Headquarters, told me they were planning a vacation to the Cannes film festival. I love movies. Every year when May rolls around I dream of joining the crowds in Cannes to watch all the new film entries, and to "star-watch". It just seems so romantic!

But, I would have settled for a trip to Nice. A close friend in high school recounted to me her experience as a "Nanny" for a wealthy U.S. supermarket-owning family at Nice, and Cap D'Antibes. I was enthralled.

But now. Nice is no longer NICE.

What was once considered a peaceful, seaside, holiday destination has become the scene of something like a horror film. Only - to the chagrin of many - the horror is real!

As recently discussed, in the June 20th blog entry here France is reaping centuries of turning its back on the true and living God. Many polls in recent decades show that Europe has moved away from its Christian roots and become largely a secular society. Having fled churches in droves, they, like America, have fled to the altars of sensuality and materialism.

France started out as a Christian nation under its 1st King Clovis. He united all of Gaul under the banner of Christianity in the year 486. His entire army got baptized after Clovis's conversion.

"The Pactus Legis Salicae, a written code combining customary law, Roman written law, CHRISTIAN IDEALS, and royal edicts, likely originated during Clovis's reign"


So France got off to a good start, just as the inception of America did.

Early American colonists worshipped and revered Almighty God so much they made Him part of their everyday lives.



So also, it seems, did the early French inhabitants.

"But we are Catholics", you might protest. Perhaps that is true. But Catholicism is only a vast traditional/political/economic structure. If you haven't read, "Petrus Romanus - The Final Pope is Here" then you haven't realized that the final pope may already be in power. Pope Francis doesn't even expect to make it more than two to three years into his papacy.

Because of prophecies by Saint Malachy, and their endorsement by modern clerics, this means the entire papal tradition may end soon. That is, if you embrace prophecy. I do.

What does this have to do with terror attacks?

I am not saying that all these attacks, Charlie Hebdo, the 2015 Paris nightclub attacks, and Nice are "judgements from God"...

What I am saying is that when a person or a nation walks closely with the Living God, they can hear His Voice, obtain His guidance. A nation whose God is the Lord is blessed and happy.

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom He hath chosen as an inheritance."

           Psalms 33:12

"Heureuse la nation dont l'Eternel est le Dieu! Heureux le people qu'il choisir pour son heritage!"

When its leaders, as has been the case for many decades of Early America, follow Christian principles - that country is bound to be blessed.

But, when the people fall away, worshipping other gods, as has occurred in both America and France, the bounty and protection of God's blessings are often lifted.

Unwise, even inhumane leaders can be elected that not only do not lift up, but rather act as a tool for the nation's destruction. The populace unwittingly go along for the ride. They are so steeped in their own little horizons, they cannot see to the future. Or, in a liberal, Socialist mentality, they invite the wolves and snakes to their shores, in an unwitting bid for self-destruction.



                                            DONALD TRUMP'S SNAKE POEM

Remember that it was the serpent who beguiled Eve in the Garden of Eden.

You might not like to hear what I have to say. But I guarantee you had better get awake or your children and grandchildren will be devoured by the wolves and snakes you have freely invited to overwhelm your land and culture.

While the Terrible truck was taking its toll, the base of the Eiffel Tower was burning. Officials, who love to downplay the details for FEAR of offending the WOLVES, said there was no connection between the Eiffel Tower fire and the killer ramrod in Nice.

Who knows for sure, given the duplicity of governments determined to continuously downplay the true nature of events as they cater to the "wolves".

I see one of two things happening. Symbolically, the BASE of the nation, represented by the base of the iconic symbol, the Eiffel Tower, will either erupt with the revival power and fire of God's Holy Spirit - Esprit Sante' - spreading across the land...Or it will erupt with the fires of war and bloody revolution, perhaps even nuclear fire, as war in the Middle East spreads to the shores of Europe.

Which way will it go - France? Ecoute'-moi! It is up to you!

Sometimes a return to God's blessings also requires National Repentance. That means a turning of an entire nation back to God, not just a few, not just its leaders, the entire country. Is that possible?

It happened in America several times, especially immediately right before WW II. You won't hear about it much in the history books. Things like that don't make it in. But immediately before WW II there was an amazing turning of the American people's hearts back to God across the entire country. Churches in every city and town were preaching the gospel. Local bars closed up. Jails sat empty. So many came to a repentant state and ran to Jesus Christ with open arms that it changed the entire nation. Would America and its allies have won WWII if they had not prepared their hearts first? Hard to say. But I believe it played a role in the United States victory.

Liberty, equality and fraternity are God given rights. They only come from God.

"Now the Lord is that Spirit and Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."   II Corinthians 3:17

"Or, le Seigneur c'est l'Esprit; et la ou est l'Esprit du Seigneur, la est la liberte'."   II Corinthiens  3:17

What I am saying is that if you follow after Jesus Christ, and return to God, (not merely the "religion" of your forefathers), there might be hope for France. RELIGION AND A RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS ALTOGETHER.

But if you hesitate it will be too late. The death knell will have rung for France just as it is ringing in Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden and other countries.

Only a national revival of all nationalities living within France's borders turning to and embracing the Living God will save your nation.

Run to the Living God before the sword and the guillotine once again overtake your marketplaces and public squares!

                        Le Serpent -  par Al Wilson

Saturday, July 2, 2016


Tears are running down my face as I write this. It's the 4th of July holiday again.

It's the first year of my long life that I won't be celebrating. I am mourning. Don't get me wrong. I love my country. Have ever since I was a small child. My dad used to teach us kids about the pilgrims, Ben Franklin, and the American Revolution.

On annual summer vacations our family would go to Cape Cod to see Plymouth Rock. One year we went to Jamestown, to see the extreme conditions under which some of the first American colonists lived.

Later in his life, my father opened his own blacksmith shop where he forged trivets, and fireplace hangers from iron, which the first settlers used in their primitive kitchens. He crafted ship lamps and carved duck decoys. Some of his work graces historical sites in Pennsylvania's Bucks County.

            In school we learned American history as it was. No Common Core crap!


It was God and country. We said Pledge of Allegiance to the flag every morning before we started class. Most important of all we were allowed to pray in class. We often started the day with a prayer.

Life was good. Most Americans were working. Lifelong jobs and good pensions at retirement were the rule rather than the exception. Aside from some shoddy goods from Japan everything else said "Made In America".  The car industry flourished. Steel and coal industries boomed. Manufacturing thrived from coast to coast. Gas and food were cheap.

The average American believed in God, yes the One, True God - the God of Israel. The God that watched over America and Israel, as long as the United States supported her ally. Of course everyone loved Mom, apple pie, hot dogs and baseball.

Race relations were rocky in the 1960's. But they got better. Men of vision and true leadership ability brought about necessary changes to alleviate much suffering. Then of course, the rabble had to up and kill them. Isn't that the way it goes? Nobody appreciates a good thing!

Of course the inner cities still suffered. Certain parties took advantage of their naivete' and filled the hearts of the poor with false they still do today. They hire the desperate and unemployed to travel half way across the nation to foment rebellion and unrest. These ignorant dupes believe whatever they are told, all for a few dollars in their pockets. Worst of all, American eugenicists snuck in under the guise of "Family Planning" and did away with millions of those inner city babies.

Now in America, the races are more divided than ever. Many have been stirred to violence through divisive rhetoric and paid stooges who follow the bidding of certain shadowy billionaires to create havoc at political events. Even somewhat educated people are being offered free vacations to go rabble rouse at the upcoming Republic Convention. Word has it that many famous people will not attend due to reports of ominous trouble planned for that event.

                      WILL AMERICA SURVIVE?

In fact, the entire electoral process has been stolen out from under the American people. Intense voter fraud and easily programmed voting machines have suborned the entire election process during the last two elections. Votes from our military men and women weren't even counted.

I voted in Palm Beach County, Florida. Busloads of SEIU and ACORN illegal immigrants were bussed in to vote. They proudly wore their yellow SEIU shirts. Big banners stretched across the outside of their huge vehicles. In some locations, these large numbers of voters were shipped in from out of state, simply to place a vote under some dead person's name, or even worse under the pseudonym "Micky Mouse".

I stood in line at a polling place directly behind one of these non-English speakers. The poll worker kept asking him to stand behind the line. He didn't understand what she was saying.

"I don't think he understands you", I said to her.

"I know! I've been going through this all day long", she said in frustration.

Meanwhile farther up the East Coast in Pennsylvania, most of my family voted for the Conservative presidential contender. In one county alone where my sister lives, the nine adults in her family all voted for the conservative candidate. Strangely enough, after all the votes were counted in that county, not a single vote had been cast for the Republican candidate. Now that is a statistical impossibility. And it didn't just happen in Pennsylvania. It happened in many states. Will we even see another presidential election? Many people think not.

So the dismantling of the core of our nation began rapidly. "Change" and "Fundamental Transformation" were the key words. America has now been changed almost beyond recognition. Oh sure, for those caught up in their text messages, video games and constant entertainment, nothing has changed on the surface. But one has to take their face out of the boob-tube and look around to see what is happening. The public must also stop taking all the spoon-fed news at face value.

Leaders recently declared America "No longer a Christian nation". Now they said, we are the "Largest Muslim country". Our top leadership, when addressing groups, would cite the Arabic morning "call to prayer" as the sweetest sound they ever heard.

Meanwhile, the Whitehouse filled with Communists, radicals, and members of the Muslim Brotherhood, in key positions of authority, such as the Department of Defense. The right-hand assistant to our former female Secretary of State, had close family members in the Muslim Brotherhood. Yes. the same Secretary of State who has made billions from Saudi Arabian oil companies and other entities intent on buying influence, under the guise of her "International Foundation".

The administration's public relations department bragged that they "owned" the media. The journalistic profession has become a travesty, a former shell of what it once was. They finally had to hire a young man who's name is Earnest in order to continue the illusion that truth was disseminating from the opulent office. Dissimulating would be more accurate. Lies. More Lies.

Our military has been gutted...transformed into a fairyland of wishful thinking that we might win a military victory. The generals and men and men and women of valor who stand strong against all enemies foreign and domestic were forced to resign or framed under suspicious circumstances. Literally hundreds of courageous, conservative military men and women have been forced out because they don't tow the popular party line.

Many retired generals have left the American shores for safer ground because they know the chaos that is about to take place. Those wealthy elites who haven't bought palatial estates in other countries, have constructed underground bunkers to protect them until normalcy returns. If it ever does. If nuclear conflict occurs it will be years before the land will support crops, and radioactivity quelled enough to travel above ground.

(There may be pockets of protected areas, just like the land of Goshen where the Israelites lived during the plagues in Egypt.)

Hah! Have those who think of themselves as elites ever been fooled. Thinking hiding underneath the earth is going to help them. Don't they know the passages of the Bible that refer to this time period?

Revelation 6:16 says, "And said to the mountains and the rocks, fall on us and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb." KJV
Oh yes. That's because the Bible was banned from public schools in the 1960's.  Harry Potter sorcery and the Three Pillars of Islam are taught in the schools but The Bible? Heavens no! Not that earth-shattering book about the God of our forefathers! You know...the one in whose name our Pilgrim fathers made the Mayflower Compact. You've never heard of the Mayflower Compact? 

It was signed by 41 English colonists on the Mayflower ship which brought them here, November 11th, 1620.  It was our "first written framework of government" here in these United States. The document was basically a social contract with which the pilgrim fathers (religious and non-religious) agreed to follow the regulations for survival's sake. William Bradford wrote most of it.

It starts out like this:

"In the Name of God. Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our Dread Sovereign King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith, etc. "
"Having undertaken for the Glory of God, AND ADVANCEMENTS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH, and honor of King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony..."

So you see, our founders DID believe in the Judeo-Christian God, and even based our founding documents on His Good Grace. In fact, the foundational documents of almost all fifty states start out acknowledging the God in whom our nation was once said "to trust".

But now, not even babies can be assured of coming into this country unscathed. Helpless, innocent infants are mauled as they're hauled out of their mother's wombs, and harvested for body parts. Organs to be sold on the market in exchange for Lamborghini sports cars.

 Even our Declaration of Independence invokes the Name of God saying that HIS LAWS OF NATURE REQUIRE EQUALITY AND LIBERTY...that God the Creator Himself, made men to be free.

It also states that sometimes people have to "dissolve the bonds" that held them tight when those bonds threaten to choke them.

Our Right to Privacy (Fourth Amendment) has been totally taken away. The Supreme Court recently ruled that on the internet, even our personal emails can not guarantee an expectation of privacy. Huge companies  data-mine all our email and telephone communications for any sign of political "incorrectness", under the guise of tailoring ads to our personal preferences. The IRS is given orders from the top down to punish any who dare stray from the party line.

Government agencies are now armed to the hilt with billions of rounds of hollow-point ammunition which certainly isn't used for mere practice! They have also purchased millions of automatic weapons, the type they want to remove from the American people, and big MRAP vehicles with which to fight citizens. Even small town police departments have been gifted them by the U.S. government. FOR WHAT? To quell a dispute at the local two-room bar? Don't think so!

The DHS sends out memos to that heavily armed , standing civilian army someone bragged about creating nearly eight years ago. Not to keep an eye on the radical terrorists being imported in large numbers into the U.S. despite the protests of both State Governors and the common people. Their top priority is to focus is instead upon conservative, anti-abortion activists, 2nd Amendment Rights supporters, those opposed to illegal immigration and gay marriage. How can we law-abiding citizens possibly present more danger than heavily armed militants? It just doesn't make sense. Unless you realize who they are really targeting.

The MIAC report back in 2009 was instigated by a little known, left-leaning organization funded by the shadowy billionaire George Soros.  The organization is called the Southern Poverty Law Center. It advises the State Department, local law enforcement offices, and handily placed "Fusion Centers" in every single state. That document, the MIAC Report was the first of many encouraging the investigation of law-abiding citizens rather than the troublemakers continuously flooding our borders. Soros seems to be pulling the strings behind many well-known, and obscure organizations, as well as political candidates.



Symbolically speaking, we went from an attorney general who wouldn't even prosecute Black Panther party members threatening voters at polls and mildly wouldn't even "hold" those who they considered opposition...all the way to one who may want to "lynch" anyone who is politically incorrect...and who might justify it in the name of "Social Justice".

Then we have the Georgia State legislator who is pushing for the guilliotine to now be the means for corporal punishment. Meanwhile, I hear about thousands of guillotines being secretly shipped into the United States and stored for such time as they will be used. On whom?

Can't help but wonder if it might have something to do with  those hundreds of FEMA camps now established, but hidden in plain sight across America. Once mandated for illegal immigrants under the late President Reagan's REX 84 plan, it is obvious they are not being used for that purpose. So since we know illegal immigrants aren't being housed in them, but are instead being flown in and bussed into states against the will of both State Governors and citizens. These illegal emigree's are even on occasion being housed in luxury resorts.

So we must face the fact that these FEMA camps are meant to house other occupants.

We also see a number of Walmart Superstores across the USA being prepared as possible processing centers for political dissidents, or stations for injections of the RFID microchip when our teetering economy finally collapses. Or when the war with Russia being currently provoked ends in outright nuclear war.


"Come and get your emergency provisions", the so-called leaders will say. "But you will have to have your microchip inserted first."

"Don't worry. It only tracks your every move, reveals if you are meeting radical associates, holds your medical and financial information. And, by the way, it might kill you if you rebel against our authority."




Nah! Those Walmarts are simply closed for "plumbing repairs" you say, like the company campaigners spout. Then why haven't plumbing permits been pulled? Why did the stores have to be entirely gutted? And why are the stores still empty? Plumbing repairs don't take that long! There's something rotten in Denmark AND in America!

So here I sit. Hot tears run down my face while fools outside shoot off fireworks thinking they still have something to celebrate. Pastors may preach platitudes or celebrate the day at gatherings even while secretly working for FEMA. They are being readied to keep their congregations in line when all hell breaks loose. I know some of those pastors personally.

Christian philosopher Francis Schaeffer once wrote a book called, "A Christian Manifesto". It's about where we as Christians should draw "the line in the sand" when the leaders of a nation try to make themselves gods.

                        A CHRISTIAN MANIFESTO - CLICK TO LOOK AT

Yes, I weep for my nation. I weep for the glorious future we could have had if Christians would have stood up from the start, when prayer and the Bible were removed from schools. I cry because Christians will now go like lambs to the slaughter just as the Jews did in Nazi Germany's holocaust.

Christians weren't meant to be doormats! Christians weren't meant to give up their rights and freedoms, privileges and voices as United States citizens! But we lazily and apathetically allowed them to be taken. Now it may be too late. The hour has almost passed  when we will have a thin sliver of time to take back our liberty!

Once Americans have all been manipulated by deliberately staged, drugged up, set-up patsies, into thinking we should all give up our guns - that's the end.

                    HOW TO SPOT A FALSE FLAG EVENT

The mass slaughter planned in Agenda 21 will begin. The Georgia Guidestones tell it all.


Nor will you be whisked away before the hard stuff starts. That's a wishful deception that has been foisted upon the Church. The Scofield Reference Bible inculcated this fantasy into Bible seminarians for almost a century. It's a great deception to enable the "Great Falling Away".

So when you as a Christian allow your freedoms...the freedom to worship, the right to speak freely, the liberty of peaceful assembly, the ability to protect your families - to be forcibly wrenched from your hands in one last you actually think you will stand before God someday and hear the words, "Well done, my good and faithful servant?"

YOU, political or not, have allowed your nation, your freedom, and your children and grandchildren's future to be abolished. Not only will they become mere slaves in a territory their great-grandfathers owned, but they may also become martyrs, as another territorial ideology takes over our land. Do you think this was truly what God wanted for the only country on Earth representing His light and liberty to the world?

No. No. A thousand times no! YOU ALLOWED THIS TO HAPPEN. God gave you a brain to think with. He gave you the Bible - a roadmap...which also might be taken from you before all this is over.                         

You should be weeping too, just as I am. You should be crying tears of repentance with cries of anguish over what is about to come upon this nation! Wake up! Wake up!

When America stopped supporting Israel and American political policy made Israel her enemy, which it has for the last ten years, we signed our own death warrant. Christians should have stood up enmasse!

We should have united together with our conservative Jewish brothers and sisters who serve the God of Israel and cherish our freedoms. We also should have stood up in one accord together as Christians, shoulder to shoulder, both black and white - united by our love for the living God, and ultimately each other.

Now I fear it may be too late. What do I hear in the distance? Is it the loud thunder of fireworks displays? No. I hear hoof beats! Remember the Battle Hymn of our Republic?



Tears are running down my face as I write this. It's the 4th of July holiday again.

It's the first year of my long life that I won't be celebrating. I am mourning. Don't get me wrong. I love my country. Have ever since I was a small child. My dad used to teach us kids about the pilgrims, Ben Franklin, and the American Revolution.

On annual summer vacations our family would go to Cape Cod to see Plymouth Rock. One year we went to Jamestown, to see the extreme conditions under which some of the first American colonists lived.

Later in his life, my father opened his own blacksmith shop where he forged trivets, and fireplace hangers from iron, which the first settlers used in their primitive kitchens. He crafted ship lamps and carved duck decoys. Some of his work graces historical sites in Pennsylvania's Bucks County.

            In school we learned American history as it was. No Common Core crap!


It was God and country. We said Pledge of Allegiance to the flag every morning before we started class. Most important of all we were allowed to pray in class. We often started the day with a prayer.

Life was good. Most Americans were working. Lifelong jobs and good pensions at retirement were the rule rather than the exception. Aside from some shoddy goods from Japan everything else said "Made In America".  The car industry flourished. Steel and coal industries boomed. Manufacturing thrived from coast to coast. Gas and food were cheap.

The average American believed in God, yes the One, True God - the God of Israel. The God that watched over America and Israel, as long as the United States supported her ally. Of course everyone loved Mom, apple pie, hot dogs and baseball.

Race relations were rocky in the 1960's. But they got better. Men of vision and true leadership ability brought about necessary changes to alleviate much suffering. Then of course, the rabble had to up and kill them. Isn't that the way it goes? Nobody appreciates a good thing!

Of course the inner cities still suffered. Certain parties took advantage of their naivete' and filled the hearts of the poor with false they still do today. They hire the desperate and unemployed to travel half way across the nation to foment rebellion and unrest. These ignorant dupes believe whatever they are told, all for a few dollars in their pockets. Worst of all, American eugenicists snuck in under the guise of "Family Planning" and did away with millions of those inner city babies.

Now in America, the races are more divided than ever. Many have been stirred to violence through divisive rhetoric and paid stooges who follow the bidding of certain shadowy billionaires to create havoc at political events. Even somewhat educated people are being offered free vacations to go rabble rouse at the upcoming Republic Convention. Word has it that many famous people will not attend due to reports of ominous trouble planned for that event.

                      WILL AMERICA SURVIVE?

In fact, the entire electoral process has been stolen out from under the American people. Intense voter fraud and easily programmed voting machines have suborned the entire election process during the last two elections. Votes from our military men and women weren't even counted.

I voted in Palm Beach County, Florida. Busloads of SEIU and ACORN illegal immigrants were bussed in to vote. They proudly wore their yellow SEIU shirts. Big banners stretched across the outside of their huge vehicles. In some locations, these large numbers of voters were shipped in from out of state, simply to place a vote under some dead person's name, or even worse under the pseudonym "Micky Mouse".

I stood in line at a polling place directly behind one of these non-English speakers. The poll worker kept asking him to stand behind the line. He didn't understand what she was saying.

"I don't think he understands you", I said to her.

"I know! I've been going through this all day long", she said in frustration.

Meanwhile farther up the East Coast in Pennsylvania, most of my family voted for the Conservative presidential contender. In one county alone where my sister lives, the nine adults in her family all voted for the conservative candidate. Strangely enough, after all the votes were counted in that county, not a single vote had been cast for the Republican candidate. Now that is a statistical impossibility. And it didn't just happen in Pennsylvania. It happened in many states. Will we even see another presidential election? Many people think not.

So the dismantling of the core of our nation began rapidly. "Change" and "Fundamental Transformation" were the key words. America has now been changed almost beyond recognition. Oh sure, for those caught up in their text messages, video games and constant entertainment, nothing has changed on the surface. But one has to take their face out of the boob-tube and look around to see what is happening. The public must also stop taking all the spoon-fed news at face value.

Leaders recently declared America "No longer a Christian nation". Now they said, we are the "Largest Muslim country". Our top leadership, when addressing groups, would cite the Arabic morning "call to prayer" as the sweetest sound they ever heard.

Meanwhile, the Whitehouse filled with Communists, radicals, and members of the Muslim Brotherhood, in key positions of authority, such as the Department of Defense. The right-hand assistant to our former female Secretary of State, had close family members in the Muslim Brotherhood. Yes. the same Secretary of State who has made billions from Saudi Arabian oil companies and other entities intent on buying influence, under the guise of her "International Foundation".

The administration's public relations department bragged that they "owned" the media. The journalistic profession has become a travesty, a former shell of what it once was. They finally had to hire a young man who's name is Earnest in order to continue the illusion that truth was disseminating from the opulent office. Dissimulating would be more accurate. Lies. More Lies.

Our military has been gutted...transformed into a fairyland of wishful thinking that we might win a military victory. The generals and men and men and women of valor who stand strong against all enemies foreign and domestic were forced to resign or framed under suspicious circumstances. Literally hundreds of military men and women have been forced out because they don't tow the popular party line.

Many retired generals have left the American shores for safer ground because they know the chaos that is about to take place. Those wealthy elites who haven't bought palatial estates in other countries, have constructed underground bunkers to protect them until normalcy returns. If it ever does. If nuclear conflict occurs it will be years before the land will support crops, and radioactivity quelled enough to travel above ground.

(There may be pockets of protected areas, just like the land of Goshen where the Israelites lived during the plagues in Egypt.)

Hah! Have those who think of themselves as elites ever been fooled. Thinking hiding underneath the earth is going to help them. Don't they know the passages of the Bible that refer to this time period?

Revelation 6:16 says, "And said to the mountains and the rocks, fall on us and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb." KJV
Oh yes. That's because the Bible was banned from public schools in the 1960's.  Harry Potter sorcery and the Three Pillars of Islam are taught in the schools but The Bible? Heavens no! Not that earth-shattering book about the God of our forefathers! You know...the one in whose name our Pilgrim fathers made the Mayflower Compact. You've never heard of the Mayflower Compact? 

It was signed by 41 English colonists on the Mayflower ship which brought them here, November 11th, 1620.  It was our "first written framework of government" here in these United States. The document was basically a social contract with which the pilgrim fathers (religious and non-religious) agreed to follow the regulations for survival's sake. William Bradford wrote most of it.

It starts out like this:

"In the Name of God. Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our Dread Sovereign King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith, etc. "
"Having undertaken for the Glory of God, AND ADVANCEMENTS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH, and honor of King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony..."

So you see, our founders DID believe in the Judeo-Christian God, and even based our founding documents on His Good Grace. In fact, the foundational documents of almost all fifty states start out acknowledging the God in whom our nation was once said "to trust".

But now, not even babies can be assured of coming into this country unscathed. Helpless, innocent infants are mauled as they're hauled out of their mother's wombs, and harvested for body parts. Organs to be sold on the market in exchange for Lamborghini sports cars.

 Even our Declaration of Independence invokes the Name of God saying that HIS LAWS OF NATURE REQUIRE EQUALITY AND LIBERTY...that God the Creator Himself, made men to be free.

It also states that sometimes people have to "dissolve the bonds" that held them tight when those bonds threaten to choke them.

Our Right to Privacy (Fourth Amendment) has been totally taken away. The Supreme Court recently ruled that on the internet, even our personal emails can not guarantee an expectation of privacy. Huge companies  data-mine all our email and telephone communications for any sign of political "incorrectness", under the guise of tailoring ads to our personal preferences. The IRS is given orders from the top down to punish any who dare stray from the party line.

Government agencies are now armed to the hilt with billions of rounds of hollow-point ammunition which certainly isn't used for mere practice! They have also purchased millions of automatic weapons, the type they want to remove from the American people, and big MRAP vehicles with which to fight citizens. Even small town police departments have been gifted them by the U.S. government. FOR WHAT? To quell a dispute at the local two-room bar? Don't think so!

The DHS sends out memos to that heavily armed , standing civilian army someone bragged about creating nearly eight years ago. Not to keep an eye on the radical terrorists being imported in large numbers into the U.S. despite the protests of both State Governors and the common people. Their top priority is to focus is instead upon conservative, anti-abortion activists, 2nd Amendment Rights supporters, those opposed to illegal immigration and gay marriage. How can we law-abiding citizens possibly present more danger than heavily armed militants? It just doesn't make sense. Unless you realize who they are really targeting.

The MIAC report back in 2009 was instigated by a little known, left-leaning organization funded by the shadowy billionaire George Soros.  The organization is called the Southern Poverty Law Center. It advises the State Department, local law enforcement offices, and handily placed "Fusion Centers" in every single state. That document, the MIAC Report was the first of many encouraging the investigation of law-abiding citizens rather than the troublemakers continuously flooding our borders. Soros seems to be pulling the strings behind many well-known, and obscure organizations, as well as political candidates.



Symbolically speaking, we went from an attorney general who wouldn't even prosecute Black Panther party members threatening voters at polls and mildly wouldn't even "hold" those who they considered opposition...all the way to one who may want to "lynch" anyone who is politically incorrect...and who might justify it in the name of "Social Justice".

Then we have the Georgia State legislator who is pushing for the guilliotine to now be the means for corporal punishment. Meanwhile, I hear about thousands of guillotines being secretly shipped into the United States and stored for such time as they will be used. On whom?

Can't help but wonder if it might have something to do with  those hundreds of FEMA camps now established, but hidden in plain sight across America. Once mandated for illegal immigrants under the late President Reagan's REX 84 plan, it is obvious they are not being used for that purpose. So since we know illegal immigrants aren't being housed in them, but are instead being flown in and bussed into states against the will of both State Governors and citizens. These illegal emigree's are even on occasion being housed in luxury resorts.

So we must face the fact that these FEMA camps are meant to house other occupants.

We also see a number of Walmart Superstores across the USA being prepared as possible processing centers for political dissidents, or stations for injections of the RFID microchip when our teetering economy finally collapses. Or when the war with Russia being currently provoked ends in outright nuclear war.


"Come and get your emergency provisions", the so-called leaders will say. "But you will have to have your microchip inserted first."

"Don't worry. It only tracks your every move, reveals if you are meeting radical associates, holds your medical and financial information. And, by the way, it might kill you if you rebel against our authority."




Nah! Those Walmarts are simply closed for "plumbing repairs" you say, like the company campaigners spout. Then why haven't plumbing permits been pulled? Why did the stores have to be entirely gutted? And why are the stores still empty? Plumbing repairs don't take that long! There's something rotten in Denmark AND in America!

So here I sit. Hot tears run down my face while fools outside shoot off fireworks thinking they still have something to celebrate. Pastors may preach platitudes or celebrate the day at gatherings even while secretly working for FEMA. They are being readied to keep their congregations in line when all hell breaks loose. I know some of those pastors personally.

Christian philosopher Francis Schaeffer once wrote a book called, "A Christian Manifesto". It's about where we as Christians should draw "the line in the sand" when the leaders of a nation try to make themselves gods.

                        A CHRISTIAN MANIFESTO - CLICK TO LOOK AT

Yes, I weep for my nation. I weep for the glorious future we could have had if Christians would have stood up from the start, when prayer and the Bible were removed from schools. I cry because Christians will now go like lambs to the slaughter just as the Jews did in Nazi Germany's holocaust.

Christians weren't meant to be doormats! Christians weren't meant to give up their rights and freedoms, privileges and voices as United States citizens! But we lazily and apathetically allowed them to be taken. Now it may be too late. The hour has almost passed  when we will have a thin sliver of time to take back our liberty!

Once Americans have all been manipulated by deliberately staged, drugged up, set-up patsies, into thinking we should all give up our guns - that's the end.

                    HOW TO SPOT A FALSE FLAG EVENT

The mass slaughter planned in Agenda 21 will begin. The Georgia Guidestones tell it all.


Nor will you be whisked away before the hard stuff starts. That's a wishful deception that has been foisted upon the Church. The Scofield Reference Bible inculcated this fantasy into Bible seminarians for almost a century. It's a great deception to enable the "Great Falling Away".

So when you as a Christian allow your freedoms...the freedom to worship, the right to speak freely, the liberty of peaceful assembly, the ability to protect your families - to be forcibly wrenched from your hands in one last you actually think you will stand before God someday and hear the words, "Well done, my good and faithful servant?"

YOU, political or not, have allowed your nation, your freedom, and your children and grandchildren's future to be abolished. Not only will they become mere slaves in a territory their great-grandfathers owned, but they may also become martyrs, as another territorial ideology takes over our land. Do you think this was truly what God wanted for the only country on Earth representing His light and liberty to the world?

No. No. A thousand times no! YOU ALLOWED THIS TO HAPPEN. God gave you a brain to think with. He gave you the Bible - a roadmap...which also might be taken from you before all this is over.                         

You should be weeping too, just as I am. You should be crying tears of repentance with cries of anguish over what is about to come upon this nation! Wake up! Wake up!

When America stopped supporting Israel and American political policy made Israel her enemy, which it has for the last ten years, we signed our own death warrant. Christians should have stood up enmasse!

We should have united together with our conservative Jewish brothers and sisters who serve the God of Israel and cherish our freedoms. We also should have stood up in one accord together as Christians, shoulder to shoulder, both black and white - united by our love for the living God, and ultimately each other.

Now I fear it may be too late. What do I hear in the distance? Is it the loud thunder of fireworks displays? No. I hear hoof beats! Remember the Battle Hymn of our Republic?