Why are most pastors and evangelists NOT standing up and shouting with one voice "Jesus is coming back soon and you had better get ready?"
If the television preachers we all hear, especially those with their pleasant platitudes were REALLY hearing from God's Holy Spirit they would be shouting the message from the rooftops!
I go to church after church in an attempt to hear one pastor who is connected to what the Lord is doing in the earth today and NOT ONE IN THIS AREA is brave enough to sound the trumpet.
Granted, I no longer live on the East coast. The Lord has spoken to me to let me know that the East Coast of the United States is no longer a safe place to live. There are only a few who seem to have "gotten the memo". Perhaps in my new region people, including pastors, are slower to adopt the warning messages so readily available via media, on the more populated outskirts of the nation.
During the process of moving here I encountered not only an Assembly of God minister who never heard of Jonathan Cahn, with his courageous "Harbinger" message. I also encountered others, within main evangelical churches in this region who had never heard of the Harbinger message.
Jonathan Cahn - The Harbinger
In fact, I applaud Jonathan Cahn for being one of the few brave souls who takes a public stance for truth. He is one of the "Watchman on the Wall" scouting the horizon for signs of the Lord's Return, just as I have been since childhood.
Read The Harbinger
Is it because even the pastors and so called "prophets" in the Body of Christ today are so caught up with their own concerns that they no longer hear God's Heartbeat? Can they not recognize what He is doing in the Earth today?
Do the unusual storms, increasingly frequent earthquakes, simultaneously spouting volcanoes, strange trumpet sounds, and signs in the skies not tell them anything? Oh yeah. Climate change!
Yes. Of course Earth's Climate is changing. We are entering into a new Eon. A time of The Return of Earth's True King, Yeshua Ha Messiah. He promised He would Return in the clouds, in great glory.
Yet the "pillow prophets" turn a deaf ear. They pretend to heal the wounds of God's people with pleasing words that put them at ease at a time when they should be on highest alert. They actually encourage the Church to delay obtaining the oil for the midnight hour because the leaders don't even recognize that the midnight hour is upon the Lord's people.
"But at midnight there is a cry, Behold the Bridegroom. Come ye forth to meet Him". Matthew 25:6
"Watch therefore: for ye know not when the Lord of the house cometh, whether at even, or at midnight, or at cock crowing, or in the morning."Mark 13:35
We are arriving at the final hour - getting so close to the Lord's Return. We are now at the short countdown. We are in the days when time as we know it is ticking off its final minutes.
We have passed from "The Age of Grace" to "The Age of Messiah". Just because the Age of Grace has fused into the Age of Messiah, does not mean that more people can't be "saved" (added to God's Kingdom").
It simply means that Yahweh's focus is now intently more pointed toward Israel than ever. It means that Jesus' (Yeshua in Hebrew) foot is on Earth's Thresh-hold of whatever trans-dimensional portal in the sky that He is coming through.
We will see momentous happenings in the very near future. The spotlight of world attention is about to fall on the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet. They might even try to pawn off an alien visitation as a false christ to be worshiped.
Pope Francis To Announce Extraterrestrial Savior
Most certainly sentient artificial intelligence (AI) may play a role, if it is not already doing so. However, only those who are filled with the Spirit of the Living G-d will know who these individuals truly are. Everyone else will be duped into thinking that the duo are simply great world leaders. And one of them will force the entire Earth to worship him.
Sound preposterous? It's not. Down throughout history many emperors and kings not only claimed divine origin, but set themselves up as gods to be worshiped. Just because you didn't pay attention in history class doesn't mean it won't happen.
Emperors Demanded Worship - Caligula, Caesar Augustus, Diocletian
Imperial Cult - Ancient Egyptian Pharoahs
Ancient Roman Religion - Augustus
Those who put their every move on Facebook, along with their locations and photos of family members, have no clue what they are setting themselves up for.
When the very near economic collapse, and likely nuclear war or EMP event occurs, they won't know what hit them. A large majority will eagerly take the Mark of the Beast on their hand, to feed their families, and be able to buy whatever goods are available at that time. And if they refuse? Well every family member's photo is plastered all over Facebook! Ever heard of coercion prompted by threat of family extinction?
Those who expect to be whisked out of here before any of this happens are laying huddled under a false security blanket of deception, which will comfort them all the way to the death chambers prepared for Christians who are rapidly becoming "enemies of the State" in our current culture. OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE! Must they be forced open by the torturers' forceps?
Since as early as 2009 One-Worlder, billionaire George Soro's front group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, has been advising the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to consider anti-abortionists, end-time prophecy believers, U.S. Veterans, 2nd Amendment supporters, anti-illegal immigration activists, and anyone outspoken against this administration's agenda, as "radicals", and "terrorists".
Under then DHS head, Janet Napolitano, a document from the Missouri Information Analysis Center, one of many newly created national police centers, was distributed to police departments across the United States. These "Fusion Centers" have since ensured that all these categories of people be scrutinized.
We are no longer living in the America we once knew. It has been "fundamentally transformed".
The Lord is returning in great glory and with fire. Judgement will fall, not only on America, but upon the entire Earth.
"For the Son of Man is coming in His Father's glory with His Angels, then He shall reward each person according to what he has done." Matthew 16:27
This means His Return equals Judgement. For something this big, shaking, quaking Earth to its very core, governments have to make up some such cover story such as "Climate Change" to explain all the inexplicable earth events.
Do you have any idea how often fish, whale, seal and marine creature die-offs are occurring around the world now? Have you searched alternate news sources to see how many bodies of water, small or big - have turned blood red! Quite a few!
"Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven: yea, the fishes of the sea shall be taken away." Hosea 4:3
"And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters, and they became blood." Revelation 16:4
But no! Everyone has their ears and eyes plastered to their smart phone, occupied with text-messaging...rather than conversations between real people. Don't think I am opposed to technology. That's not so. But when technology overreaches the boundaries for mankind's good, or is misused, then I beg to differ with the common consensus.
"At the time of your Appearing you will make them like a FIERY FURNACE. In His wrath the Lord will swallow them up and His fire will consume them."
Psalm 21:9Who will Christ judge and destroy when He returns? Not the wise virgins, who kept their lamps burning with the oil of His Holy Spirit! They are able to see "the signs of the times". They are able to see the darkness falling around them. That is why they are constantly filling their lamps with oil. How? Through praise and worship of Almighty God! By being so close to Him that they can lay their ears next to his heartbeat, just like the Apostle John who would lay his head on Jesus' chest because he loved Him so much.
Knowing the truth of what God's Word, the Bible, actually says about the End Times and the Return of Jesus Christ is very important. If your pastor has not taught these subjects then find a church where they are being taught. Not a false gospel of "Rapture" escapism. Rather seek the truth. Only truth will set you free from the rampant deceptions that the enemy of our souls has unleashed against the Body of Christ (Believers in Christ Jesus).
Who will Jesus/Yeshua judge when He returns? His enemies! Verse after verse and passage after passage in the Bible equates Christ's return with fire and judgement.
If American Christians think they are suffering persecution now - they had better "toughen up". They had better get ready for the "Big Time"! Are you ready for Prime-time, Christians?
Are you hardened, determined to stand at any cost against the wave of persecution that is coming?
Do you know what you believe? Are you ready to die for it? For your families to die for it?
Are you ready for the miracles God wants to do through you and for you? Are you ready to receive them? To receive the knowledge that miracles are for today? They never stopped!
Do you know what End-Time prophecy says about the "Last Days" and what happens before the Final Trumpet blows? The trumpet sounds appearing around the globe have not by any means stopped. They are still sounding loudly the foreshadowing of the Final Trumpet to come.
The Final Warning - Could We Be Living In The Trumpet Days Of Revelation?
Are you more consumed with your comfortable life and your "Smart-phone" (which constantly beacons your exact location), than you are consumed with Jesus Christ, His Love, and His testimony?
Are you ready to refuse the Mark, as we are instructed in the Bible? Even to the point of losing your head? Two U.S. lawmakers, Tennessee's Senator Ken Yager, and previously, Georgia House Representative Doug Teper, believe that the capital punishment death method should be changed to guillotine.
Georgia Wants To Use The Guillotine For Capital Punishment
"And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgement was given unto them: and I saw THE SOULS WHO WERE BEHEADED FOR THE WITNESS OF JESUS, AND FOR THE WORD OF GOD, and which HAD NOT WORSHIPPED THE BEAST, neither his image, NEITHER HAD RECEIVED HIS MARK UPON THEIR FOREHEADS OR IN THEIR HANDS; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." Revelation 20:14Top government sources have confirmed that guillotines have been shipped to many locations across the United States in preparation for this upcoming event.
Will you "bow in humble adoration", after standing strong through earthquakes, hunger, wars, persecution and open your arms in welcome when HE appears?
..."Ye men of Galilee, Why stand ye gazing into heaven? This SAME JESUS which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come IN LIKE MANNER as ye have seen Him go into heaven." Acts 1:11
But this time our King is not coming as a humble Baby - a Lamb - He is coming as the Lion of The Tribe of Judah... King of all Creation, who dwells outside and apart from our known universe. But the Door of Separation is about to open wide. Do you now hear His horse's hoof beats thundering toward us?
"And I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.""His eyes were a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns, and he had a name written, and that no man know, except he himself."
"And he was clothed in a vesture dipped in blood, and his name is called The Word of God."
"And the armies which were in Heaven followed him upon his white horse, clothed in fine linen, white and clean,"
"And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he could smite nations; and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, and he treaded the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of God."
"And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS". Revelation 19:10-16