Sleep no longer comes easily these days. I wondered this evening what happened to the happy go-lucky girl of yesteryear. As a child, when my father read Bible stories of famous heroes I prayed "Lord, please give me the wisdom of Solomon. And please let me not ever have to die, but just go up to heaven as I'm walking with Enoch did." Now I realize that was a childish prayer. A childish dream.
But my dad would say as he finished each night's story: "Faith, Jesus is coming soon. We must love Israel and support the Jewish people". (Pssst. Secret: Jesus was Jewish!!!)
When I was seven, my parents took me to Jack Wyrtzen's Word of Life Camp, in Scroon Lake, New York. It was a woodsy-nestled camp with a simple worship building, and cozy cabins for families to stay in. Every night we sang lively gospel hymns. But the one I'd never heard before, and have never heard since was, "Looking For That Blessed Hope".
The chorus went like this: "Looking for that Blessed Hope, looking for that Glorious Appearing of Our Great God, and Savior....Looking, living, longing for the Lord's Return." That song made such an impact on my little girl mind.
When I was ten, my father took us to an independent Baptist, storefront church. Immediately, we started learning about Bible prophecy, specifically End Time Prophecies and especially about the Lord's Return. Naturally, as most Fundamental Baptists believe, we were taught the usual Pretribulation Rapture doctrine, (dispensational theology). This was based upon the Scofield Bible commentary made popular in mainline seminaries for the last century.
The difference was, as an endlessly curious child I read the Bible through eyes that had not been preconditioned by previous man-made doctrines. As I read the verses and studies we were taught, I realized a true dichotomy between what the Word of God actually said and what we learned. The good thing was that I received a firm grounding in overall scripture, as well as the basic End Time Prophecy teachings:
1) Old Testament Prophecies in Daniel
2) New Testament Prophecies in the New Covenant - focused on Matthew
3) Prophecies in II Thessalonians
4) Prophecies in Revelation
One important passage many Bible scholars often quote with regard to the timing of Messiah Yeshua's return, is Matthew 24:32-34
" Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things , know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily, I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled."
Some scholars see 'the fig tree' as the nation of Israel. Many mark the official rebirth of Israel as a modern nation in 1948, as a fulfillment of that prophecy. Students of the Bible differ, however, on whether a biblical generation is 40 or 70 years.
For that reason many Bible-believers feel that Yeshua could return at any time. The biggest divider of those who believe this prophecy, is whether He will come before or after the so-called "Tribulation" period. The period referred to is a time of darkness, war, and the worst trouble mankind will have ever seen.
The most climactic event leading up to His arrival will be the rise of a world dictator, posing as a "peacemaker". He is said to be going to force everyone to take a "mark" or more accurately in the Greek, an "insertion" on hand or forehead to buy or sell, be paid wages or conduct business. (Revelation 14:9-12.)
Many Bible scholars believe this One World leader will sign a 7-year treaty with Israel, breaking it after 3 1/2 years, and somehow violate the Jerusalem Temple, (now in the planning stages for rebuilding).
In fact, some groups believe Benjamin Netanyahu may rebuild the third temple. Some are speaking of building it beside the Temple Mount, rather than on the "Dome of The Rock", original site of the "Holy of Holies". Although the building itself remains merely in the planning stages, a new Sanhedrin has been formed. All of the implements have been remade. High priests have been trained. The priestly garments are readied. Even the ashes of a red heifer are now available for reinstatement of sacrificial offerings.
With the build-up of tensions in the Middle East, and now, for the first time in America's history, U.S. middle eastern strategy seems to have taken a stand against Israel, rather than for her. As our nation has supported her up until now, I worry that the time I've been waiting for all my life has come. WHY should I worry, when we are promised victory?
Because having looked forward to the Lord's Return for 50 years I realize His Appearance will not be without trouble nor without utter societal upheaval and unanticipated turmoil.
In fact, II Peter 3:10 says, "But the Day of The Lord will come like a thief in the night; in the which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also, and the works that are therein shall be burned up."
We do have the consolation that , in verse 13, "Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness."
The truth is, much of the Body of Messiah has been sleeping for far too long, thinking we would all be spared persecution or discomfort. Why would we be so privileged when countless generations of those who stood for their faith faced horrors? We've been lulled into a dreamworld of thinking that we will just be "whisked away" while our cars veer off roads, clothes are left behind in heaps, and bewildered families and co-workers wonder where we disappeared to.
Perhaps, because of America's leaders' sudden opposition toward Israel, rather than support, the Living God may remove His hand of protection from our golden waves of grain and purple mountain majesties. The huge middle eastern battle leading up to Armageddon, spoken of in Ezekiel 38 may occur, after the United States is gone as a viable nation.
Genesis 12:3 says, speaking about the Chosen Ones through whom Meshiach of the family of David came, "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curseth thee."
Yes, our bodies WILL be changed in the "twinkling of an eye". ( I Thessalonians 4:13-16) Whether we rise from the dead, or whether at the last trump when He appears. We shall be like Him.
But before that many events will occur. The path we are currently on indicates that our beloved America won't be recognizable as we know it. Certain hostile elements are intent on making inroads into United States society, not to make this nation better, but to destroy it from within. And the sheep doze silently on, while the lamps have burned out.
Those with the authority to protect this nation foolishly follow the plan, almost in a state of hypnosis, unwittingly hastening their own destruction, along with the rest of us. Instead of focusing on the "intruders", they turn upon their own people, in a misguided notion that "truth speakers" are the unwelcome ones.
That is why I'm having a hard time sleeping at night. And a large portion of those who profess to be "Believers" don't realize we are on the crest of a historical precipice, from which we might not be rescued as easily and as quickly as they expected. Ever had a dream in which you felt like you were falling? Maybe it is time to wake up!
Friday, July 24, 2009
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