Sunday, February 17, 2008


"COME, all of you who are gifted craftsmen. Construct [create] everything the Lord has commanded." Exodus 35:10 NLT

I really felt as I read this today that it NOT ONLY applies to the building of the Tabernacle of God, but also to Believers in Christ (Yeshua/Jesus) with creative gifts. This is a CALL for the people of God to use their creativity to build God's House, The Church Universal.

Verses 21, 29 and 31 also seem to relate to that. "The Lord has filled Bezalel with the SPIRIT of GOD giving him great wisdom, ability and expertise in all kinds of crafts". I believe this is applicable to all creative Believers In Messiah. As we spend time soaking in His Presence, ASKING HIM TO FILL US with HIS SPIRIT, He will reveal how to create artistic masterpieces. These include literature, painting, drawing, sculpture, architecture, visual/audio media, computer games, inventions, screenplays/movies, acting, musical composition, etc.

Verse 21 says, "All whose hearts were stirred and whose spirits were moved came and brought their sacred offerings to the Lord."

OUR offerings can be the talents, gifts and production from those gifts for God's glory and use. By our obedience many may respond to the invitation to The Kingdom of God and the perfecting of The Bride (the Church at Large, around the world).

God poured out His Spirit to such an extent that Bezalel became "a master at every craft". This is the equivalent of AMAZING CREATIVE GENIUS!

We know from his writings* that Leonardo spent time in nature, marvelling at God's creations. This may have brought his open, reflective nature into great communion with God. Leonardo's understanding of "the vortex" ** of water could even influence plasma physics. Certainly nothing less than the Spirit of God could have inspired his many and varied works of art. The Spirit of the Living God must have filled him in order to invent, create, sketch, paint and build. Something had to occur which historical documents do not reflect.

Scientific geniuses like Newton and Einstein did feel the heartbeat of God as they allowed Him to visit their musings. Notice that historically, inventions often come simultaneously to more than one human mind when that revelation is revealed to mankind. Marconi wasn't the only one who discovered radio. Bell wasn't the only one who invented the telephone. In various eras, God pours out ingenious ideas according to mankind's need. ***

DaVinci, like many other classical artists, must have been well-versed in Biblical literature to have envisioned the masterpieces he did.

Surely Michelangelo captured the essence of young King David****in his famous sculpture. Of certainty, Adoration of the Lamb, by Jan van Eyck, had to have been stirred by a true knowledge of God. (Look at the lower center panel on the footnote link below.)*****

So many of Rembrandt's ******paintings were devoted to Biblical stories. Both Michelangelo******* and Handel must have been imbued with a heavenly fever to have captured the vision of the Sistine Chapel and have written The Messiah from their minds' eyes.*********

So let's go before God in worship and then stillness. Then pick up our pens, dip our brushes, touch fingers to synthesizers and computer keyboards, and REFLECT THE MIND OF THE CREATOR!


1) a.* Codex Leicester b.* Codex Atlanticus 185v









Thursday, February 14, 2008


Happy Valentine's Day!

I love you. Did you know that God loves you too?

Contrary to what some people are raised to believe, God is not a huge angry monster, waiting with His fist to strike down anyone who thinks a wrong thought. He is loving, kind and greatly misunderstood.

He created each and every one of us with a unique genetic imprint that is entirely our own. He spent thought and loving care on each blueprint for every person. He even knew what we would be like before we were in our mother's wombs.

His love is timeless, and endless. It reaches to the highest heavens and the farthest stars. It even could reach down into the deepest black hole or even the deepest hell and pull you out.

You are thought about by God as many times a day as there are grains of sand on a beach. He knows you with all your faults. And yet He loves you. Won't you love Him back? He's waiting!

One of my favorite songs is by a singer-composer named Twila Paris. It's called "Every Heart That is Breaking". Some of the words go like this:

"Every heart that is breaking the heart of a child that He holds in His sight...
And oh how He longs, to hold in His Arms, every heart that is breaking tonight."

Is your heart breaking tonight? He sees you. He loves you. He is wrapping His arms of love around you. He loves you with a never ending love and He will always be there for you. Get to know Him. He is only a prayer away.


Sunday, February 3, 2008

LightPoint - Dawning of A New Day 2/3/08

Sunlight gloriously pierces through the inky sky with its golden rays of morning. Awake!

The dawn has arrived on February 3, 2008...The Year of New Beginnings. Eight, according to Biblical the "number of New Beginnings".

A new day is dawning for the Body of Believers in Messiah, Jesus, or as His name is called in Hebrew, Yeshua. We all together form a huge group across the globe. We recognize Him as The Light in a continuously darkening world.

As the world wars, shadows envelope constant sorrows. Mankind's growing greed for territory, power, technology and control, tells us that a New Day is dawning. We can sense, Him, Our Light, drawing closer and closer to this small orb as His Return comes nearer. We know that He Lightens the Darkness. He gives us hope, strength and victory even in the blackest night hours.

This new day is dawning by Yahweh's outpouring of His Spirit, Ruach Ha Kodesh, upon All Who Call Upon His Name, and the Name of the Son of David, Son of God, Messiah Jesus. With this outpouring of His Spirit as promised in both Joel 2:28, and Acts 2:17 amazing things are occurring. Signs, wonders, miracles. Yes, the occult psychics and wizards of the world have held the front of the stage for many years. But now God's people, who spend time in prayer and intimacy with the Lord, are evidencing God's miraculous power that once was spoken of only about the Old Testament prophets.

It is the time of the Elijah Anointing upon God's mighty army. His army does not use conventional weapons, but rather spiritual weapons...weapons of prayer, fasting, intercession, binding-loosing (Matthew 18:18-19). Recognizing our authority in Christ, our Anointed Messiah, and using that spiritual authority that He has conveyed upon us will be the key for victory, even in times of tribulation. Those times are upon us.

Do not expect to be caught up before Troubles come upon the Earth. That deceptive lullabye has been sung too long, lulling the Body of Believers to sleep instead of arising to the challenge. Know that whatever the Lord has done for any of His people in the past, He will do for us also. Just Believe Him. He is Faithful. On that Day when the Morningstar Rises in His Full Glory, and every eye on Earth shall see Him, He will say, "Well done, good and faithful Servant."

And better yet, He will say, "Come My Bride". No person on earth has seen or heard what He has prepared for His Beloved Bride. Be one of the Wise Virgins who keeps her lamp full of the oil of the Holy Spirit, as we await, Our Light In the Darkness, our Bridegroom, Messiah Jesus (Yeshua).

In His Love,